News - Warzone 2 Zombie - This Tombstone Setup Is Way Easier To Do (no Portal And No Scorcher)

Let's be more precise here, and the last thing you have to do is open the menu on consoles to close the app, and on PC, prepare to press alt-f4 when the game shows you a dark e-rift on the top left of your screen. Now close the game. And yes, I did duplicate every single item, as you can see, except one, which was the sculture that was the sculture that I used inside of that game, and the rest is there.

Now I'm going to show you one more thing. We were really happy to discover this, and here's the live reaction with my cousin as we did discover this new tombstone. And just a little disclaimer to you guys: the reaction was in German, so you guys don't wonder about it, but I found the reaction really funny and epic.

I hope you guys will too.

We habe a new way to setup a tombstone and this way is the easiest from them all. No need to use a portal for 1000 essence no scorcher needed! Please don't forget to credit for this new tombstone Setup. Call of Duty Mw3 will become easier thanks to this.
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