News - Get Legendary Schematics Extremely Easy Warzone 2 Zombies Knife Only Solo


Now keep in mind that our decoys do last for 8 seconds, and that is quite a long time if you really think about it. What you're going to want to do is toss out your decoy. And then count up to seven and once you hit seven toss out that other decoy you're not going to want to wait the entire 8 seconds because if you do then those zombies do have a chance of instantly, just snapping and turning on you and you'd be really surprised how fast that you can go down as long as you have enough of these things still stored in your backpack then you should be okay and there is an ammo refill station that we ran past to come in here now if you got plenty of decoys and your zombies are taken care of now your two biggest threats are going to be the manglers and the disciples that are going to be floating around in here and yes between the two of them they can definitely, put you down so just be on your toes and move around a little bit notice up here I started realizing, that I was just end up with a big ass pile of zombies inside this room I was like.

Yeah, maybe I should start throwing these decoys, actually, out of the room so I can get some of these zombies the hell out of here, and this is what I was talking about, guys. At one point, I had like three disciples in here, and I just had to move. You can't actually go into the back kitchen as well.

Don't be afraid to leave the hold-out area if you absolutely need to. It's not going to go anywhere; it's not like leaving it for a few seconds is really going to hurt your progress all that much, and there you go. Look at those guys! We finally got our last contract done here. I would say this is the most difficult contract in here to do if you're trying to complete it with only a knife or without a weapon at all.


Once you get the feeling of doing it, it becomes really easy, and this is something that anybody can do because you don't have to have anything. It takes a very small amount of farming to completely set yourself up for this run and to just duplicate your decoy grenades really fast now. I'm really so used to doing these contracts.

In a certain order, I was actually heading towards the mall because I thought I still had that contract, and I was like, Yeah, I already finished that one. We're going to run back over here to the mall, where we ended up taking that riff the first time there's an extraction inside the building, and I didn't know that these rifts disappear.

Apparently, after you take the rift, it'll end up disappearing because it wasn't here again. Don't be like me and look like an idiot and get stuck on this Jeep trying to hop up on top. I was just trying to get in through the roof through the skylight, but this Jeep absolutely said no, so I eventually just gave up and ended up walking around the building and going through the side, but this definitely wasn't too bad of a run, guys, especially for coming in here with absolutely nothing.


Not only would we have gotten that blood burner key schematic if we would have needed it, but we got two blood burner keys themselves; we got a refined crystal; we got that Maga holding; plus, we got another Elder sigil. Now, it kind of ended up throwing me for a loop when I ended up losing my knife, and then I had to complete 3/4.

Of this elder dark ether completely without a weapon, but luckily we were already set up for that pretty much. I would say that this new dark ether is way easier than the old one, so if you guys are still missing some of those new schematics, there are so many ways for you guys to come in here and just completely cheese this dark ether if we can come in here and complete this dark ether with nothing but a backpack full of decoys.


I have 100% faith that you guys can come in here and do the same. That's going to be about it. If you did, please drop a big like on it. It would mean the world to me. There's going to be a article popping up on the screen that I think you guys should check out. Have a wonderful rest of your day, and I will catch you in the next.

Today we go into the new dark aether in MW3 Zombies with nothing but a knife. I appreciate all the support everyone! - Ghost. Membership Link.
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