News - The Easiest Way To Get All New Classified Schematics Warzone 2 Zombies Season 3 Reloaded


Today we're going to be taking a look at how I ended up getting my very last schematic from the season 3 Reloaded update. This is definitely by far the easiest way to get them. We're going to be taking on the Elder Dark Eternity today with a six-man team. Squad, and we absolutely crushed this thing.

We just hit 16, 000. I do need to give a huge shout out to today's sponsor if you guys are looking to unlock the new MW3. Camos such as Interstellar, bore Alis, or possibly even play in some bot lobbies or get all the best schematics and Moder Warfare Zombies, then be sure to check out Mitch Cactus, they're the biggest and most reliable sellers, with heaps of brand new offerings for RMW, 3 with completely safe and legitimate services for Xbox.

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Now, usually I do like attempting to do these types of things completely. Solo, which I actually have, and I've gotten through it a few times, but this dark ether has something in common with our last one, and that is the fact that these schematics. are all completely random. In our first dark ether, if you completed all three of the contracts, you were guaranteed to get all three of the schematics.

Well, that's not like this one. On my very first run, I do believe I ended up getting the gas mask filter, and then on my second run, I ended up getting those dead wire detonators. And then on this run I actually ended up getting the Sergeant's paray that was dropped to me by one of the players that was with me, which does kind of bring me to the point of why I wanted to showcase this, and don't be afraid to team up with a bunch of people if you want to get something like this done, if you're having some hard times, or if you're struggling trying to get something, because just having a team of people that actually know what they're doing with you is going to make things so much easier, you guys are going to tell here.


Not only were we able to complete this elder dark ether, but we did everything; we did all the contracts, and then we're going to fight the boss at the end, and we were able to cut the time in half from what I did when I completed it solo. There is another huge benefit to coming in here with a group of players or doing anything like fighting the red worm with a group of players if you're missing one of the schematics.

If it weren't for me being with these guys. I actually wouldn't have even gotten the sergeant spret that schematic was actually dropped to me by one of the other players on the team that obviously already had it. For some reason, these contracts ended up giving me two golden gas mask filters, again, like, I don't know, see, this is what I'm talking about with, like the RNG.


If you don't have a squad, don't worry; it's actually incredible. It's easy to get one when you spawn into a game. Just type into the game chat and ask if there's anybody that's doing the Elder Darkether or just a Darkether, and see if you can join up with them. Another thing that you guys can do is get yourself completely geared up to just kind of hanging out and chilling inside of the red tiar zone.

Go over to one of the rooftops of the buildings; it's like right next to the dark Ether Portal, and I would just hang out and wait for squads to go over to the dark Ether Portal and then see if you can join their squads, like either send out invites or see if you can send out the request to join them.

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There's definitely a lot of times that people will either let you join or they'll just automatically. It's going to be almost impossible. If you guys are still wondering where anything is inside of this dark ether hub, I just updated their site with their brand new map. I'm going to throw it up on the screen right here.

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A big shout-out to those guys. They do absolutely amazing work. You guys want to know where any of the contracts are, maybe where any of those eggs are to do the Easter egg boss, or if you're looking for any of the extractions, ammo caches, a dog house, anything like that, it's all on there. This Outlast contract is just absolutely insane.


There are just so many zombies. Every time that I do this contract, I'm just scared that the game is going to crash. I'm just literally crossing my fingers, hoping that it doesn't happen. Look at that. Out of this contract, we ended up getting a sergeant spray and a legendary ether tool. Of course, my stash is just completely full of those legendary ether tools right now.

With that Easter egg that we got in the red zone right now, I'm really surprised that they haven't changed that yet, patched it, or whatever. But, I mean, hey, I'm all for it. I mean i guess you kind of got to know how to survive in the red-tier zone and got to be completely ready for it and then do the Easter egg while you're out there in order to get the items, but still.


I mean, it's not that hard in itself, and once you get the hang of it, you can just farm these things up—not really that rare at that point, like I've actually found myself lately dropping legendary heatr tools and everywhere just so I can actually make room for some of the other stuff that I need time to make our way over to our escort contract, our very last contract.

What's the gun that you guys have been rocking the most, and what do you think is the most overpowered? What have you got? What do you guys really like to rock? I'm definitely going to keep an eye out for those comments as much as possible because I'm going to be working on the best weapons to use here soon.

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I'm also just always open to new suggestions. I like trying new things. I have been using this new batt a lot since it dropped, and I do have to say I really like this AR, especially in zombies; it does absolutely shred. I'm going to put that at the end of the article, just in case anybody wants to see it.


Also, if you guys still need to know how to unlock this new dark ether. I'm going to leave a article down in the description that's going to walk you through each step that you need to take to unlock this thing, and there is another way that you guys can do it that's actually way easier, and now that it's a few days in into the update there's going to be a lot of people out there that got this thing unlocked, already what you can do like I told you earlier is hang out by the rift and wait for people to be going in and see if you can join their squad, if you end up going inside of the dark ether with them then that should open up the portal for you as well, so you can just get sigils and come back in here yourself.

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