News - Easy Ways To Get All The Best Loot Warzone 2 Zombies New Schematics Solo
I don't know about you guys, but I love the speed that you get with this thing. It just gives you that little bit of extra boost, which just kind of feels nice to run around with. That is kind of a little tip for you guys too. If you don't have stamina, you can use vr11. As kind of a substitute, look at these guys.
Here we are at this hvt. And I don't know about you guys, but I get the mega-abominations. All the time I don't never get the other ones yes I know they exist but I don't ever get them for some reason, but look at this we were absolutely just melting this guy and when he had just a sliver of health left he ended up just charging us and downing us I ended up using the only self reses that I had so luckily we were able to finish this guy off with the AR really fast and he dropped another self reses for us thank God but we got another Elder sigil and then we got the vr11, case with an ether tool definitely take all of that but now we're back over here inside of the holdout mission and this one's going to be a little bit different because we got the vr11.
But it can also be easier because all you have to do is turn a bunch of these zombies so that way they're going to be acting as decoys, and it's pretty much just that it's up to you to focus on the things like the disciples and those manglers that are going to be shooting at you after getting this guy done.
This contract ended up giving us one of the best acquisitions. I think that's in the game right now. The mags of holding this thing can absolutely turn some guns incredibly. It's been really fun just going through and seeing how each gun kind of reacts to the mags of holding, and beware, you can waste your mags of holding on a melee weapon.
Trust me, I've done it. The amount of good loot that I have just absolutely wasted on testing out stuff is just insane, guys. We're here getting our last ether extractor done, and I don't know if you guys can tell I am absolutely fighting the stick drift that's on my controller; it just wants to go to the left all the time.
I could really tell when I was trying to do this last ether extractor that I was struggling. But this was definitely one hell of a contract and gave us some really damn good rewards. We ended up getting that vr11, schematic, another Maga holding, plus a refined Crystal—definitely a damn good pull, and what did I tell you guys about that Maga holding for some reason?
For me, it ends up popping up in here all the time, which definitely just makes these runs and coming in here worth it, plus being able to find all of that other stuff from the previous dark ether. Don't get me wrong. I'm right there with you guys. I honestly think that the previous dark ether acquisitions are overall better than you have The ethereal blade and the golden armor—I don't think those are going to be easily topped, but hell, if I can come in here and not only get stuff like the mags holding the vr11 and all those Wonder Weapons.
I can find everything else from the previous dark ether blades golden armor dog bones, and it's overall just way easier to do as a solo player. Yeah. I ended up getting three weapon mods. Actually, I remember the last time I ended up doing this, I ended up getting like a monkey bomb, and I think it was a rare ether tool.
It just wasn't really worth it, but on my next few runs, I will come in here and go through and clear out the mall and see what kind of loot we can be pulling from clearing out that thing. I think that's going to be about it, guys. We're back at the extraction here and taking a look into our Ru sack.
We have some good stuff. We got that ether blade VR1, Case the refined Crystal, We got that elder sigil, a regular sigil, two mags of holding Yeah, I definitely couldn't be more happy about these couple of runs. I hope you guys have a wonderful day, and I will catch you in the next.