News - Tombstone Glitch Keep Insured Weapon Season 2 Warzone 2 Zombies

All right, so here's what we're going to do: He has a scorcher. I do not. I have one plate, no armor, and a couple decoys, so it won't be crazy. No, you take it. Go and take it. I think I can get there. Do you have a decoy? No, you don't have a decoy. Dog got me dog got me running, running is dog going to get, you think the dog might be dead, but there's a lot going on got me I'm out of decoys, I got to I got to go, oh.

Yes, now when we switch rolls, the great news is that I was able to keep my insured weapon and the insured slot where I could switch out everything, so we did it successfully. Keep the insured slot while running dark ether and all of that, but we still needed to check if the tombstone set was done properly.

modern warfare zombies glitch

In a row, we're back in the match; let's check it out. No at the cemetery, and no at Tier 3 Island, so the tombstone did not reset. In conclusion, Jesse Powers and I were able to fix the tombstone glitch. And keep your insured weapon with two people. But one of them will still lose their tombstone.

Now, that's not a big deal because you can both keep your insured weapon; one gets it as contraband and one keeps it as an insured weapon. Honestly, contraband is better because you can save it and use it any time the other person loses their tombstone. Because you're already playing with somebody, if you need to reset your tombstone after you do this a few times, it's not a big deal at all.

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If you need help on how to reset a tombstone from somebody else, you can check out this article here. We'll show you exactly how to do it so you can share all your essence and every bit with it. So yes, we have cracked the ability to keep an insured weapon and a tombstone. But it is in a squad of at least two.

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