News - How Atlanta Faze Mastered Search And Destroy Warzone 2 : Cdl Guide

I'm not expecting a free kill, though I'm not expecting anyone to push it, but it's one of those players you kind of have to watch go through priest is not able to get the trade just that draws do die here, so you know what Fair Play Good trades here; let's see what they do. Here's underground, going to take his time going to back away here and you could just see the split here they right we're going to give them playe control we're just going to identify where they are and when they're pushing it cel's got the back now ABY has the whole front cross he's going to see them cross through the front he's going to come it to celium goes through gets the kill on one, absolutely fried Drop shots a second again the teamwork is on a different level so if we back off here what we can see is where a Bez sit sitting right now he can actually see the little cross so be can see the little cross he can see them kind of Crossing into plane he comes out one comes out two and going to go through and look at this mechanical skill right now he takes out Snoopy sees pra as he's shooting he drop shots and doesn't miss a bullet that is an, insane.

Kill from selum look at MC absolutely loving life there in the map number two round five taking over this is an absolute clinic from the side of Atlanta phase and we thought things were bad this is where they go worse now you look at this rounding right, slow play from V but the reason why again is because of the score streak this is why it's good to have a cruise in your back pocket what are they going to do here now most of the time you want to get it through the B Window here see what he can do let's see what he does.

Though interesting, so I actually don't mind that I think it was a little bit unfortunate he was trying to basically curve it in now for like nine out of 10 times that goes in, and that's a kill. I think it just as you can see it just went slightly onto the window there; he did miss that opportunity, but straight away, number seven, number five, they're pushing through, and this is just the off-angle he wants straight from the cruise; he's going to see them go through the middle if you look at number two now.

Simp has called out right now. There's probably two around this area, so number two, Abz, is playing his life. Let's look at the mini-map. He is holding that area you see going through again and again. What are they doing right now? Snoopy and Slasher are together, right? For me, this just shows a lack of teamwork.

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Snoopy and Slasher, together, if you're going to challenge Library. You either shoulder it and back away or you challenge it together. Snoopy sliding across right now has dragged a be's aim to the left here. Right now, this is going to take place, and Slasher needs to be with him. For me, this just shows a real lack of coordination.

In the Boston breach, you see again back off bit AB is watching middle here now most of the time the player on library is going to be behind the counter on the head glitch if you're going to play like this if you're going to check library. You need to have both players doing that you know the right side's clear you can see your team are there the only area they can be is your left or the middle, they're not really going to push this left area so what you do for the next two seconds is if s if Snoopy is going to slide across here you have to watch with him right now I really think that if that was phas they go through as a two a Twan team they get the kill there on a bey as a 43 instead slashes by himself slasher then tries to commit so look at this slasher ends up being by himself he then tries to commit, as he turns around s then checks the angle and gets the kill it's just terrible teamwork from the side of Boston now straight away as those kills go through guess what plane's empty let's for man stack it yeah there's four of them watching that's fine you can see us cross, you're not going to stop it there are four of us here.

Go through and look at them. Draza gets one PRI versus four against his former teammates, and this is going to be. I mean, this is just one of the most clinical performances we've seen all year. Another one we saw was Toronto Ultra versus Optics on the same map, which we may break down tomorrow, but for now this was an absolute clinic from the side of the Atlanta phase.

Look at the score, but at the end of the beey with a nice little 8 And1 simp 7-1 selum 5-1 draws are 4 to 4, just not a good performance from the side of Boston, and I really want to see their search improve. I think if Boston is going to be a team that's trying to compete, they have to stand out in the searches.

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I think they can. I think they're good enough to steal a respawn. I think they really are. I think they're good enough to steal a series. But they have to have to have to be a strong search team, and to be honest with this team.

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