News - Fast & Easy Tier 3 Rare Schematics Farming Guide (how To Get Rare Schematics - Warzone 2 Zombies Red Zone)

Just use a turbine circuit; those are crazy good against meob. Or you could say well I've got two Sentry turrets so I'll use those and those should also Shred the megar bomb pretty quickly in theory you don't need two you could just do it with one but I'm doing it with two in the gaml here because I had two and you can also buy these remember as well and you don't need to hold on to all of the cash that you're going to get from doing all of these contracts so you might as well spend it on a couple of cheap Sentry turrets, just to keep the farm going and the same goes for buying yourself tier three armor buying yourself self- revives and all those sorts of things now if you have no sentries, and no jug suit and no turret circuits, and just nothing at all no will to continue, then as soon as the Bounty spawns you can just cancel the contract if you don't have those kill strings like it's fine don't stress about it don't ever stress about canceling a contract because your highest priority is to survive to do more caros.

Rather than putting yourself in sketchy situations to try and squeeze out an extra contract here or there now, if you also need strats for the dark ether, I've got you covered.

This is how to get all RARE schematics SUPER FAST AND EASY METHOD in MW3 Zombies TIER 3 ZONE red zone. Get your Zombies Merch.
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