News - Call Of Duty Season 3 Full Reveal. New Maps, Modes, Ranked & Warzone Updates

That's pretty much the new warlord rainmaker coming midseason, hopping into the war zone. Now the big thing on everyone's mind is that Rebirth Island is coming back in all of its glory. We were getting all of the classic Pois, Outlook, and Map H. I know I had a lot of fun on Rebirth Island. I've got a lot of fun memories on this map, and I'm excited to see it come back in all of its glory.

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Now something Call of Duty has become notoriously popular with, or, I should say, unpopular with, is putting holes in it. On the map, something coming to rebirth, rebirth infiltrates, is rebirth infiltrates, and this will come in season, so when you launch into rebirth, you may have one of three points: a prison roof or water tower could collapse due to an infill strike, so your favorite camping places could potentially be wide open, which for some is great, but for others not so.

Also coming to War Zone is a new game mode called boot camp. Bootcamp will be available only on Ukhan and have a player count cap of 44, with 20 real players and 204 bots. While this game mode is not for everybody, it is for some, and those who still would like to learn the game and get better at just playing tactics can utilize this game mode in order to do that.

Rebirth Resurgence Loaded is also coming, so you will load into the game with your preferred loadout and custom equipment, meaning all players are going to come in locked and loaded. Lockdown is also coming to Rebirth midseason. If you played Vond Del lockdown quads, you know this is a good time, and if you are a war zone-only player, this will be a fantastic way to level up your guns and equipment.

warzone 3 season 3 roadmap

There's a new goolag event coming as well, called the climb and punishment event. This goolag event will drop two ladders, allowing both players to exit the goolag safely, betray each other, or fight it out however you want to do it, but this will be available. Heavy armor will also be a mid-season event coming to Rebirth Resurgence.

This event will start all players with an additional armor plate, giving them 200 hit points of health, so the standard three-plate communications vest, medic vest, stealth vest will have four plates and tempered carriers will have four plates. New contract spy drones are coming as well. Champions Quest is coming to Resurgence Rebirth Island with reset rewards.

warzone 3 season 3 update

A new field upgrade called Squad RAGE coming at launch is basically battle rage but with an area of effect, and as long as your squadmates are inside of that, they will also receive that effect. We're getting a new equipment upgrade field upgrade midseason called the utility box, which will now be an inventory refill box that allows you to refill plates and ammo tacticals lethals everything to Max Capacity with a single box drop foresight returning to rebirth as well, so you will be able to find this perk randomly; it's actually a perk; it's actually a kill streak this time around, so you'll be able to find this kill streak randomly and rarely throughout the map, which will reveal the location of all of the gas, spots, and returning favorites.

The specialist perk provides you with all perks in the game. I'm super excited for that specialist. That specialist won me lots of games in Modern Warfare. Vanguard, war zone Vanguard. I should say that I'm super excited about the fact that Rebirth Island is obviously receiving the same aquatic gameplay that all the other maps have received, so you will see some changes to the map to reflect that new feature coming to Rebirth Island as well, which is the biometric scanner.

warzone season 3

Scanner, doted around Rebirth Island, will have upgraded communication facilities with a series of 10 biometric scam scanner terminals that include full biometric scanning capabilities. Once per match, where these scanners are active, you can approach a biometric scanner and quickly check your statistics.

The scanner produces a key card based on your identity, placed directly into your backpack, along with XP rewards. Inspect the key card, and you'll see it contains your operator's name, clan tag, access level, and level. Key cards take up slots in your backpack but can be dropped or looted, and they can unlock a special menu in any Rebirth Island buy station for the duration of the remaining match.

There are six different rarities for the key cards, from bronze all the way to Orion. The percentage chance of receiving the specific rarity is redacted at this time, but chances improve if your squadmate is close by during the scan or if you repeat the scanning process in real life. Day, buy a station.

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Key card rewards range from cash to armor plates, Lethals tactical perk packages, kill streaks, equipment, and redacted items, as well as weapons. Additional permanent in-game rewards are also available. An exciting new feature coming to Rebirth Island is going to be variable times of day, so as the season progresses, the look of the map may change as we continue to go, so you will be experiencing everything from night to day to dark to foggy.

Occasionally, there may be matches where the sky is brooding in overcast and the sun is setting or there's a sea fog or whatever; expect to see it. Another new feature is the squad assemble feature and squad play bonuses, so this will be a bonus where there will be landing zones, and depending on how many of your teammates land here, it will depend on the types of rewards you can expect to unlock.

Weapon Trade Station is returning as well in season, and unsubstantiatedly, Intel is also coming on launch. There are going to be some secrets and Easter eggs to be discovered across the island, as well as multiple bunkers being unlocked in Ukraine now, so a lot of those bunkers that you've seen around the map will be available to be opened.

warzone season 3 gameplay

War zone rank is coming to a resurgence, as well as a myriad of different and new rewards, including skill division camo rewards. You know your boy loves some camo, so I'm going to have to hop in and get some of these going. Last but not least, and probably most important to many of you, are weapons.

We will have three weapons unlocked for free at the start of season 3, and an assault rifle is expected mid-season. Starting with number one, we have the FJX Horus locked in on Battle Pass Sector 8; it is a SMG pistol type that is basically the MP9; we have the MDRs Sniper Rifle in launch at Battle Pass Sector 4; it is a single-load rail gun based on the Modern Warfare.

warzone season 3 roadmap

Advanced Warfare, and M/S Sniper Rifle. As many of you may remember, we are receiving the Gladiator melee weapon, which looks like a push dagger, and then midseason we will be receiving the ball 27 assault. Also coming to the season is the Jack Cutthroat, which is a 3D printed stock that will be compatible with the MCW MTZ M4 and the AR9; the Jack ravenger kit, which will be compatible with the BP50, turning it into a CQ QC 9 mm conversion; and the Jack jawbreaker for the KV broadside, converting the shotgun into an AR automatic.

Get ready, soldiers! Season 3 of Call of Duty is here, bringing a storm of new content across Warzone, Multiplayer, and Zombies. Sledgehammer Games and Treyarch are at the helm, ensuring this season is packed with action, strategy, and new challenges.
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