News - Warzone 2 Season 3: 29 Things You Need To Know Before Launch

cod modern warfare 3

So season 3 is this week and that means there's a lot of information and a lot of content coming at you for the new update on Modern Warfare 3 and War Zone today as with every seasonal launch I wanted to break down everything you could possibly need to know in order to get 100% ready for the new season upcoming so drop your thoughts drop a like and consider subscribing, for more Moder Warfare 3 war zone and other FPS content I'd love to have in the community also make sure to follow over on Tik Tok we're getting into this swing of things with short form content as well but anyways, let's dive into season 3 first and foremost when is season 3's update when can you jump into the content here for season 3 now this is all going to be at one static time and according to Prior mentions made by the official Call of Duty socials it'll be 9:00 a.

When does modern warfare 3 season 3 start?

When does modern warfare 3 season 3 start?

M pacific time: 10:00 a.m. M mountain 11 Central noon Eastern and then elsewhere in the world, that equates to 5:00 p. m.; in the UK, 600 p. m.; in Berlin, 8:00 p. m.; in Moscow, 2: a. m., in Soul South Korea, and 4 a.m.

When does modern warfare 3 season 3 end?

M in Sydney, and on screen is a little bit of a helpful guide here that if it's not quite describing exactly where your time zone may be at least it can help hopefully deduce a little easier than say if you're like 12 hours away from one of the mentioned time zones but anyways that's when it starts according to leakers there actually is for the first time in a while an end date known or proposed where that will be May 28th into the 29th making it a 55-day, season or an 8-week season but it's also backed up by the fact that there are seven weekly aftermarket parts in season 3 listed in the reviewal blog the eighth one that is detailed is in the redacted segment of the mid-season reloaded battle pass sector meaning it'll be a part of the new weapon drop five challenges for each tiers and then the challenge for the ball 27. But there are seven weekly challenges, so it looks like 55 days total on this, but that'll be either confirmed or denied here in just a couple of days when the battle pass timer does go live.

Is there a pre-load for modern warfare 3 season 3?

Is there a pre-load for modern warfare 3 season 3?

Now, as with every update, will there be a preload? As of recording this article, nothing has been seen just yet in regards to preloads for Playstation.

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Xbox usually isn't a part of that, unfortunately. And Beet, which has recently gotten the updates like a couple of days early, surprisingly.

Complete your challenges & earn the rotten inferno camo (pre-season 3)

Nothing's there just yet but, with every update we do usually see about a 12 to 24hour, span where it is possible to see that so keep an eye out as of tomorrow in the afternoon starting at that point, but that said there are a few things that you want to know and get done before the end of this season before we jump into the content at hand firstly the biggest one of my priority that I'd recommend is make sure you get those weekly challenges done for that Inferno camo, the weekly challenge system from Modern Warfare 3 has been personally speaking I think a nice little way to reward Grinders throughout the season and this season might be the best master re reward that we've seen to date for that the golden river camo in the preseason was nice the coherence camo for season 1 I thought honestly was missable.

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It wasn't that great, but the rotten Inferno camo for this season. I think this is the best seasonal camo we've had to date by a long shot, personally speaking, but if you want to grab this, you want to make sure you complete your weekly challenges ahead of the seasonal refresh. Here, each of those weekly challenge sets is kind of focused around whatever aftermarket part is that reward, so you can focus on those in quicker fashion if you take them week by week, and the nice part again is that ability to now track challenges in the game; that's a massive help.

I think.

What happens to after market parts you may not complete? (pre-season 3)

What happens to after market parts you may not complete? (pre-season 3)

Also, talking about the aftermarket parts, what happens if you don't complete the seasonal challenges and you miss out on not only the camo reward but any of the weekly aftermarket parts? Well, unlike the camo, an aftermarket can be a functional gameplay item, so it'd be pretty messed up if those were never available again to unlock.

Well, thankfully, that's not the case, as with each season prior to the aftermarket. Parts that are unearned go into the Armory unlock pool following the season, and they can be unlocked in any order you'd like, plus they're rather easy to obtain just by completing daily challenges or by winning matches and getting points towards those unlocks, so if you miss out on any of those unlocks throughout this season's weekly challenges, don't stress too much; you'll still have the ability to earn those along the way.

Completing your battle pass & what happens if you don't (pre-season 3)

Also, make sure you complete your battle pass if you care at all about that. I'm not sure if I'll end up completing mine. I might make a Mad Dash to grind out the rest; the rest might not, but speaking of things that will go away and be available for unlock later in season 3, 99%. Of the battle pass items, it will not be because they're cosmetics. But things like your Weaponry, will be like I didn't earn the soul render because honestly I don't care about melee weapons I never have a melee weapon equipped so that's something that's just kind of irrelevant to me in what I care about earning but that'll be attached to a challenge next season likely, as is the aftermarket part in that classified sector that'll be an Armory unlock and then of course your bp50 and RAM 9 those will be unlocked challenges associated with those as well, but anyways additional things to do hit max level if you care about that blueprint associated with it at all otherwise doesn't matter and of course recognize ranked season ending placements rewards and resets.

Additional ranked rewards & things to consider pre-season 3

Additional ranked rewards & things to consider pre-season 3

Ranking does have some implications for season-ending discussions; obviously, you have those rewards for season-ending rankings, so if you want to grind something out to get one tier higher or something like that, make sure you do so. For those and other season-ending rewards, the highest placement you hit this season will be what you earn on Wednesday and that update, so if you hit iridescent but you drop down to say crimson, you'll still earn those iridescent items; however, the top 250 rewards are only awarded to the players who finish in the top 250, so if you're on The Fringe right now, maybe 240.

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