News - Best Pc Warzone And Warzone 2 Settings Season 2 (improve Fps And Visibility)

best pc settings for 3

This doesn't really matter as much. Last words in voice chat: I have this on because it's kind of funny. Same thing with proximity chat: you want this on, especially for War Zone multiplayer. It doesn't really matter voice chat output, most people are going to want this to go to their headphones or headset that they're using microphone mode I prefer push to talk microphone input just set this to whatever microphone you're using microphone level set this to 100 and then test microphone if you want to see how it sounds subtitles, turn these off unless you really need them it's just more clutter on the screen that you don't need subtitle background opacity set this to zero then mono audio you want this off reduce tonight of sound I like this a lot I turn it on War tracks off jugernaut music off hit marker sounds are modern warfare and then mute game when minimize I have this off this one's preference now we're going to head over to the interface Tab and then after that I'll be talking about the keyboard and mouse tab so let's go to our interface, subtitles we did this in the last one they're already off menu text size default, text chat size default.

best settings for 3

I like to keep the text chat duration short so that it doesn't stay on my screen too long and take up too much space. Click on this color customization. Tab you don't really have to mess with any of these right now unless you want to set them to specific colors enemy color pink can be really good and so can yellow it could help you see them a little bit easier but just come down here a little bit these are the ones that are important, color filter set this to Filter 2 then color filter Target, you want to set this to both you can see the difference that it has on the color of the image so this is what it looks like with the filter on and then this is what it looks like with the filter off you can see with the filter on the colors are just a little bit more vibrant they pop just a little bit more it improves the colors just that slightest, bit so I like to keep it on but just make sure it set together world or both then just go back and then for HUD bounds.

I like to use the smallest HUD bounds that I can, just so the mini map isn't so far into the corner and I have to move my eyes a lot from the center of the screen to see its mini map shape. You want this on Square so you can see more of your actual mini-map rotation. I like to have this on the horizontal.

best settings modern warfare 3

Compass: I like this on as well; it can help with call-out crosshairs. Set this to static hit marker visual is on damage based hit markers on for player names you want this on full name so that you can see more of their name it might help you see them a little bit easier in game text chat I have this on vehicle HUD prompts I have to fade after 10 seconds Telemetry, set this to custom and then come in here to show more you guys at least want to turn on your FPS counter and server latency, you could also turn on packet loss and then any of these other ones down here that you want on your screen you can turn those on as well connection meter I have off Network and Hardware alert icons you want both of these on gameplay tips I turn these off cuz I don't care skip introduction movie, turn this on tool tips I have on and then manyu problems doesn't really matter mine's just keyboard and mouse but now we're going to head over into the keyboard and mouse tab first I'm going to go over Mouse settings mouse sensitivity.

Right now. I'm playing on 1600 DPI, 3.0, which is about 28 cm per 360; it's a high to mediumish kind of range, a decent range for this game that I like that I feel is most optimal if you're on 1600 DPI; it would be anywhere from 2.0 to 3.0, or if you're on 800 DPI, it would be 4.0 to 6.0. I know there are people who play higher or lower than that, but those are going to be outliers.

boost fps

Most people would be better off somewhere in the range that I mentioned for the ad sensitivity multiplier. I just keep it at 1.0. If you feel like it's a little bit too fast or too slow, you can pump it up for the ad sensitivity type. I like relatives. I know some people like Legacy, but I've always preferred relatives.

modern warfare 3 best settings

I use a monitor distance coefficient of 1.3. Three this keeps your ad sensitivities across all ranges of scopes feeling pretty consistent. If it feels too fast, you could lower it. I know Apex uses a monitor distance coefficient of zero at default, but I like 1.33. Custom Sensitivity perum I have this off but if you want to you could turn this on maybe you like lower sense for your low Zoom Optics like red dots you can turn that down and then you can turn your sniper Scopes up or vice versa vertical aim axis don't mess with any of this stuff third person ads correction type none Mouse calibration, make sure all of these are sets are zero and off use system mouse cursor this one's prefer reference I just have it off next let's go into keybinds, for the most part keybinds are personal preference, but there are a few that I want to talk about first thing make sure system key Behavior set the game so that when you hit your Windows key it doesn't kick you into the desktop most of my binds are pretty straightforward.

I do like to have a scroll wheel on jump so that it's a little bit easier to B hop; it's a little bit easier to do zipline tech; my prone is on Z; my crouch and slide are on control; it's important to have these on different keybinds. You don't want to have just one change of stance, and slide and dive keybind interact as F and scroll wheel up.

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Scroll wheel interaction is very good for picking up multiple items of loot faster. You'll be able to get guns before people if you're 50/50, and it off-drops, and I also feel like this makes zip line sack a little bit easier too because you're not sitting there spamming interact, over and over on your keyboard, and then movement Advance key binds.

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There's nothing too special in here for the next weapon. You want to have this set for whatever you use to change weapons, so I use one and two. I'll show you the two keybinds in just a second, but if you guys want to know why you have to use this keybind. I use one to change my weapon normally, and I use C to y y, and then these are all my other keybinds—nothing too special, but come down here to combat advanced keybinds.

And then the previous weapon sets this to whatever other key Bon you use for your secondary weapon. I use two, so I use one to change weapons normally, and then I use C to y, and then these are my killstreak key binds. They look kind of weird, like they're kind of far away, but I just hit them with my thumb, and then the vehicle's Advanced key binds.

warzone 3

Nothing too special here. Make sure you have a next-seat key, so it makes car play a little bit easier. Other than that, there's not really too much in here. The overlay key binds these personal preferences. Now let's head over to the gameplay tab: Crouch Behavior Hold. Unless you want to toggle this one's kind of preference, I prefer hold-through-run behavior.

I would like to have this one toggled. I like to use automatic Sprint. I don't like to use automatic tack Sprint because it makes shotguns kind of weird to use. There's a delay every time you come out of that tack sprint animation. That's most noticeable with shotguns: slide-maintain Sprint. You want to keep this on Sprint Behavior.

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The BEST Settings for Warzone Season 2 to improve fps and visibility open for more info.
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