News - 1 Best Controller Settings Warzone For Aim And Movement (used By Pro Players)

You don't want to automatically move in this game. A single-tap run is what I have here; it doesn't really matter because you have an automatic tactical sprint, so the setting does not matter. Ground and mantle on so that you can mantle over things, like easily, but automatic airborne mantle. You want this partial so that you don't automatically mantle over things unless it's going to prevent a fall, so you don't want it to kill you in the game from mantling automatic ground mantle hang off, because you don't want it to automatically mantle or do anything that's really weird.

best settings xbox

This one's the most important setting in the game right now. In my opinion, slide Behavior, slide SL Di Behavior, you want this on slide only. A lot of people don't know about this one because it's in the new war zone only, and this is basically to do with the slide cancellation and everything. Basically, if you have this on top of the slide, you're going to slide when you let go of your slide button, and you don't want that.

You want it to slide as soon as you press it, so you're going to have to change this to slide only. Now the reason this is kind of sad is because you can't dive; you're sacrificing. Diving for slide cancellation is your choice. Your slide canceling is going to suck if it's tapped to slide, so you want it to be slide-only pling under water.

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This one doesn't really matter because we have an automatic tactical sprint, so it really doesn't make a difference. I just have it on trigger so that you sprint into the water, and it starts moving the parachute. Auto-Deploy is turned off so that it doesn't automatically deploy your parachute too high.

best xbox settings

You want to deploy it as low as you possibly can. It's going to help you get to the loop faster, and everything is printed door bash on so that you can run through doors and not have to M-like hold square on every single one. That's kind of stupid. Let's climb behavior mantle only so that you have the mantle over the ledge and all movement into it.

That's going to be kind of weird now. Combat behaviors ads Behavior hold: of course you don't want to tap, and it starts having it change. Zoom Behavior: This one doesn't really matter too much, but I have it on Sprint tactical. Sprint Focus that's what's good for me. Focus behavior doesn't matter because I have zoom activation on Sprint tactical.

This one, right, doesn't really matter; equipment behavior is on hold, not toggling again, toggling your ads, and your PR behavior is very stupid. Don't use that weapon. M activation ads plus melee is what works for me. I don't use double-tap ads; I feel like that's a kind of weird weapon. Mount exit delay.

pro settings

You want this in an instant so you can instantly exit your weapon. Mount tactical stance activation This one is a personal preference. I use ads, plus the down button. I was thinking of using double-tap ads, but I don't like that. You can melee if you want, but that's the same as mounting. I would just use ads plus down butt tactical stance behavior on toggle so you can toggle between the tactical stance and it doesn't automatically switch interact reload behavior on prioritize, interact.

So, of course, for the war zone, when you're picking up guns and stuff, you can tap square instead of holding armor play behavior on apply. It also applies to all armor plates instead of only one, which would be pretty. This is common sense. One stick swap is off you don't want to you don't want it to switch your sticks.


that's kind of weird backpack control and this directional button so that you use your d-pad. Switch between them and not your left stick so that you can actually move while using your backpack at the same time. pleas Did Ammo switch on so that it automatically switches when you run out of Ammo? I mean, if you want, you can turn this off if you don't like it, but I keep it on quick C4 detonation on group.

This one doesn't really matter because when you throw a C4, I would just double tap Square to blow it up. That's like the little shortcut to blow it up. I wouldn't throw multiples. If you want, you can throw multiples because, with groups, you can throw multiples. If you have one by one, you have to detonate it and then throw another one, so I'll keep it grouped and then double tap.

Also read:

Square what you want to blow up on manual fire behavior by pressing and not holding, because if you press for manual fire behavior, it will be a lot faster than holding. If you hold it, there's a specific speed for semi-automatic guns, and if you tap and press it on your own, you can shoot it fast.

I hope these control settings help you out a lot.

BEST Controller Settings in Warzone for AIM and MOVEMENT Used By PRO PLAYERS.
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