News - Every Pro Player Abuses This Warzone (peekers Advantage) See Your Enemies First. Warzone 2 Warzone Tips
in Call of Duty whether it be multiplayer or war zone how many times have you died to an enemy and you're left wondering how you died so fast it felt like you didn't have time to react even though you were the one waiting for the enemy and you were prepared for the fight and yet it seemed like the enemy saw you before you seen them is it because they're cheating is it your Internet connection, are you just a dog player with no hopes of ever being more than just an online punching bag well relax, any and all of those could be true but in most cases the actual reason is much more Technical and it's very easy to stop this from happening to you don't have to go and upgrade your internet connection or buy any new hardware and in fact by the end of this article you will be a much better player as you're going to understand how to use this mechanic to your advantage and finally stop being the Sitting Duck to fully understand why this happens we have to take a deep dive into something that while unintentional.
What is peekers advantage
It's been a part of online first-person shooter games for decades now, and it's something that's present in every single gunfight, yet most people don't even know it exists. What I'm referring to is the phenomenon in gaming known as peer advantage. Peer's advantage is exactly what it sounds like: an advantage taken by the player.
It could be peeking around a corner, peeking from behind cover, or just simply entering a doorway. Regardless of where they are, the player turning a corner or popping out from behind cover is going to be the player with an advantage of 99%.
Why is it in the game?
To your enemy and the rest of the lobby, so to make a long story short, if you turn a corner and you take a gun fight, you're going to be the player that's sending the information to the server first, meaning you don't have to wait to receive it since you'll be the one initiating the fight. Your opponent, who is camping on the other side of the corner, is going to have to receive the information from the Call of Duty server before they can send their own inputs.
You know what? I might be making this a bit more complicated than it needs to be. Let's do this instead.
Game dev explains peekers advantage
Their name is West Proor, and they were able to explain why peer's advantage happens from the developer's side, so let me run the clip of someone much smarter than me and more in touch with the technological side of things. Explain what a peer's advantage is, and then we can discuss how to use it strategically.
In any FPS game, it's just the number of milliseconds it takes for your computer or client to send and receive data from the server. The data is then sent to your opponent's clients, so if I walk forward on 20 pings, the server doesn't know that until 20 milliseconds afterwards. If my enem is on 30 ping, he will then take 30 milliseconds to receive the information that I walked forward for a total of 50 milliseconds. So let's say I'm behind a wall and I strafe right my enemy won't see me till 50 milliseconds, after I see him this means I have 50 milliseconds to line up my shots and try to kill my enemy before he can kill me keep in mind the average human reaction times is around 250, milliseconds most gamers are a bit faster and probably closer to 200 especially at top ranks of games so basically you could be increasing your enemy's Reaction Time by 25%, going off the 50 millisecond number this would give you a massive advantage in any gunfight in most games however peer's Advantage is really overpowered, so try to include it in your play style as much as possible well you guys heard the man someone with the design knowledge of article games has recommended that we actually use peer's advantage in every possible gunfight and maybe now it makes sense why campers don't actually have higher KDs than the aggressive players.
Why campers have bad kds
So now that we understand what peer's advantage is and that it is something that we all need to start using, when you peak, your character model becomes visible to the enemy, but thanks to the game's processing delay, you see them slightly before they see you, and as West Proor mentioned, this gives you a crucial moment to react and fire first.
So how can we manipulate this design flaw and turn it to our advantage? We could just start running around corners and killing our enemies before they even see us.
How to abuse peekers advantage
Of course, there are actually certain mechanics in Call of Duty that go hand in hand with a peer's advantage, but for starters, one thing that we can roll out is sprinting around a corner into a gunfight.
Why can't we just sprint into a fight and utilize our peers' advantage well? Because of the amount of time it takes for you to shoot your weapon after sprinting and then aiming in, aka your sprint to fire speed, it completely eliminates the peer's advantage. This is why, when you get slammed by someone pushing you, they're almost always taking advantage.
Now, last year, I explained the most commonly used aggressive example of a peer's advantage, and that was to jump around a corner and take a fight. This is still incredibly effective and a solid way to utilize a peer's advantage, but with Modern Warfare 3 bringing the return of movement, also known as just slide canceling, to the war zone in multiplayer, that has introduced two new, much more effective ways to catch your camping opponents off guard.
The less effective of the two is still very underrated. The method is sliding around corners and using the new tactical stance to spray down on your enemies.
Best peekers advantage method
If you somehow don't know yet, slide canceling is when you slide and then press the jump button, and it completely cancels out your slide animation, bringing your gun back up, hence the name slide cancel, but it also allows you to enter rooms, turn corners, and find gunfights more aggressively.
And this is why you never see Pro streamers, run through a doorway where an enemy may be but they instead always slide cancel into the door or around the corner because if you slide just before you turn the corner or enter a room and then you cancel it once you clear the doorway or the corner you can have your gun up and ready for a fight in a split second and now factoring in peer's Advantage, for example if you know an enemy is in the next room waiting for you can easily time a slide cancel into the doorway which will essentially activate your peer's advantage window this window will depend on your peing as well as your opponent's peing so it isn't always the same but it's usually a few dozen milliseconds.