News - Warzone's New Integration Is Adding Some Huge Updates

Warzone cod points vs warzone mobile cod points

Warzone cod points vs warzone mobile cod points

Now this is a big one with Cod points. There will be Cod points in War Zone Mobile, obviously. However, currently cod points do not transfer from one game to another, so you cannot, for example, purchase Cod points on the console or PC version of MW3. And get them in war zone mobile; however, content in war zone mobile that's marked for MW3, your MW2 or whatnot, including the battle pass, and purchased in war zone mobile is then available over there, so like the bundles, if you want to buy them in mobile and they work on console and it has that flare on it, it's fine there, but similar to how if I have 1,600 Cod points on battl net and I load on to PlayStation.

Exclusive warzone mobile content explained

new update

There's the same deal with a lot of the controls here with the store's featured bundles and bundle tabs. These showcase the most popular store bundles, and they'll be similar to what we see already in the store in the standard war zone. Cross-progression: in most cases, players who've already purchased an available bundle in MW3 or War Zone will have that unlocked in War Zone Mobile.

Great news for new warzone content

Great news for new warzone content

However certain bundles have been designed, just for mobile and it'll have that flare on it and this will have that tag marked along with the Rarity and the value of these items and they do not cross over so bit of a loss there will be some specific mobile content that you can't get per personally I feel like all the content should cross over but it is what it is now this is another area where I'm really curious how it's going to fully function so the event store, you can see there's an FR advancer frostbite blueprint a lock with MK2 Arctic breaker blueprint, some really cool looking stuff, expect war zone mobile to host weekly events and this is the place to spend any tokens badges or other currency associated with the event to unlock specific items tied to that event so.

new update mw3

There are going to be, as you know, standard MW3 and Wars Zone now have a lot of options for in-game events. They say weekly events; that's essentially what we have going on now, like with the Warhammer events or the decay's realm event or stuff like that, designed for war zone mobile. Check the Chevron Intel above each event store item to see if it's designed for war zone mobile or not and has that rarity, of course, or if it has the connected icon, so this is confirming that these weekly events are not just going to be specific to war zone mobile, which means that now regardless, even if we have a Warhammer event going on or some random XP event or challenge-based event going on in MW3. We could also have a completely different event going on just in war zone mobile but the content not just for war zone mobile which again is a nice way where you can go through and play and actually cheese out some extra bonus content available, across the board so really what this is doing is that yes war zone mobile is its own thing it's got for dank it's got rebirth it's its own gameplay, but it also especially when it comes to updates and content is wildly connected to war zone which is in my opinion really solid now the Arsenal store is a bit of an interesting one the Arsenal store is an elegant solution to accessing the incredible number of available weapons you can obtain and use how incredible war zone mobile launches with 123.

Warzone mobile weapon system is␦. interesting

Warzone mobile weapon system is␦. interesting

Available primary and secondary weapons and 25, aftermarket parts visit the Arsenal store and spend Arsenal coins you have earned by playing the game to unlock some of the weaponry and load out equipment. You may be missing Modern Warfare 3 in war zone cross progression, which can carry forward all the weapons you've already unlocked.

The Arsenal store is only available on mobile, so new players who don't link their MW3 and War Zone IDs will have a selection of weapons across all types to use in their loadouts. For example, there are nine unlocked assault rifles available to level up in the mobile gunsmith, and the remaining 14 are a selection of weapons from both MW2 and MW3.


Are locked so you have to go through and unlock those via challenges in MW3, for MW3 weapons only or via the Arsenal store so that's a little bit awkward there is that your availability for some things are going to be more Tethered to doing specific challenges similar to like the Armory system I guess within mobile which is already a system I don't love as is so that's a bit unfortunate, there how the Arsenal store Works Arsenal coins are earned by leveling up so actually maybe it is better completing daily challenges similar to The Armory okay and participating in events the total number of coins you've acquired is shown in the upper right corner of the Arsenal store menu then you can select to get certain weapons MW3 guns you don't have some of the primary and secondary weapons you haven't unlocked yet are listed by type so you can just choose a category, aftermarket parts are going to be there different kill streaks those tactical essentially this is a replacement to the Armory system from MW3, which just is not good because it's just an extra step an extra level of complexity.

warzone 3

You should just unlock everything by ranking up naturally, in my opinion, especially when there's so many bugs that happen with the armory where things don't unlock correctly or the challenges don't track correctly. I could see the same thing happening here with the armor.

Specific warzone rewards revealed through warzone mobile

Specific warzone rewards revealed through warzone mobile

warzone 3 new update

There's also going to be the Keep in War zone mobile shortly after launch, and there's going to be a feature that contains a set number of in-game rewards. Each with different rarity levels spend war zone mobile Cod points to purchase these and get the available rewards, though some of the rewards are available in the keep may be linked with the ability to be used in MW3 in war zone the keep menu is only available within war zone mobile so another thing that's adding in additional bonus content for standard war zone is this but you can't access it on standard war zone so that sort of oneway street, is really interesting and again is kind of a win kind of a loss just because it's not available in both games but it's cool that you can now get extra content for standard war zone blueprints Opera skins it looks like some standard stuff like that now you have the standard menu items here so you can go through and select your certain weapons your certain Vehicles whatever operators want to use your emblems your coling cards again all this stuff's going to carry over multiplayer, only obviously war zone mobile is going to have a select multiplayer.

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