News - Warzone: New Top 5 Best Smg Meta Loadouts After Update. Warzone 3 Best Weapons

It is so aggressive that it feels so consistent in close-range fights that I feel like I can just finesse I'm constantly with this thing, and I love it quite frankly, so again. I've got this Z35 compensator. It's kind of a mainstay on the SMGs. If you haven't realized by now, I recently switched over from the Princeps long barrel to the Thorn 90 barrel just for all-in-one mobility purposes.


Right now, we're getting better Sprint speed ads and Sprint to fire a little bit of hipfire benefits too, so if you're transitioning between the two ads and hipfire in the close range, it's going to be nice and accurate there. I pair that with the Dr6 hand stop, and I am moving. Plus, we got the light stock on here too, which helps out even more with ads, strafe, and general movement speed.

Last but not least, of course, we just go for the basic 50-round drum here. This thing is such a good run and gun-style SMG for resurgence on the big map. If you're playing close range, this is my true, you know, fallback. This is my safety, and if I want to know if I have reliability in the close range, I'm running this every single time.

I mean, it's got the clean irons too for the close range. The good mobility, as mentioned, and the bounce, I feel, are kind of exemplified a little bit too much in the firing ranges. We know there's weird visuals going on here with the smoke and everything in the game. It's super easy to stay on target.

You'll have no problems with this.

Warzone best amr9 meta loadout

Warzone best amr9 meta loadout

Hey, everyone quickly wanted to give a shout out to my friends over at Gfuel. We've got our in-game metas that we, of course, talk about all the time, but we also have to show some love to the out-of-game metas as well, which is the most effective tactic available. The Meta, for staying focused and energized, is picking up some g-fuel.

There's no cat F in that; it's just perfect for staying hydrated. If you do want to pick up anything for yourself, be sure to throw in code Immortal at checkout for a nice little discount. I mean, realistically, this thing's not the most aggressive SMG. It's Sprint to Fire, and its ad speeds aren't that good by comparison to the other subs, but it's ttk, which is so much better than everything else in the category.

smg meta

I have a hard time bringing this down at all now. That said, I think you can make a case for HRM 9. I think you can make a case for the RAM 9. You could even have a case for the striker and the WASP, if I'm being honest, but the ram 9, It just leaps. Everything when it comes to the ttk, especially as you get to 10 15 20 M, you'll find yourself in those situations a lot in game, and there is no better option in those areas than this raid here.

Now, like I said, the Sprint of Fire is bad, and the ads are too. I'm not trying to hurt that if I don't have to, so I just go for the shadow strike suppressor; it's just simply keeping me off the radar. Z35 is a good option here, but keep in mind that it's going to slow down your ads by that 4%, so if you're not trying to hurt that at all, you might want to avoid this, but it's going to make the gun a lot easier to use, so just balance your pros and cons there.

If you really value control, go for it. It's not going to be the end of the world, but it's going to be a little bit slower. The skeletal vertical grip here is super clutch because it does help out that sprint of fire and it gives you some control, so you're getting a little two for one there that's nice and convenient.


50-round mag here would be viable on an AR build for it, but for close range, you don't want those cons because Mobility 50 is already slowing you down enough, so we'll just go for that for now. But for tube stocks and super clutch here, a 20% decrease to that Sprint to fire speed while also bumping up your mobility elsewhere makes this thing a lot more aggressive.

And lastly, it really just comes down to how much you like or dislike the iron sights; I don't think they're great. However, the Phantom rear grip on here helps out so much with that sprint of fire when you stack this and everything else together—another 24–24% decrease there. That's really, really clutch, but I won't lie, these irons are not the greatest in the world.

warzone 3

I mean, they're clunky; it's kind of obnoxious and hard to see in certain cases, so I totally understand if you feel like you have to run an optic here. If that's the case, I'd probably drop either your muzzle or the Phantom rear grip, unfortunately, and throw on something like a nidar or a glassless.

Whatever the case may be, and then suddenly you know your visibility is going to be a whole lot better in the close to mid-range, it's going to be way easier to stay on target and hit those shots cleanly, so it's really a matter of preference with that, but overall, this SMG category is crazy competitive; you have plenty of good options depending on your play style and your wants and needs.

That's going to wrap things up, though. Have an awesome rest of your day. I'll catch you

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