News - Warzone 2 Tombstone Glitch "instant Loot" Reset Tombstone Fast. Season 3 Reloaded - Warzone 2 Zombies Glitch

Secret missions! (insane loot)

Secret missions! (insane loot)

That's not the case; you can get out right at that location. All right now that those two glitches are outlined. I'm going to show you guys the three secret missions that you can do in order to get Pack-a-Punch level three crystals as well as legendary ether tools 100% of the time, and you can get up to six per person.

I'm not kidding; it is insane. How op this is, and you don't need anything except for an upgraded weapon obviously to survive in Tier 3, or even possibly just have three people with ether blades; if you have those on your person and you have no upgraded weapons, you can do that as well, so you're going to look for these triangles.


And you're going to shoot these symbols on the wall now I already showed you where I actually went so if you need to go back and check like how I got here feel free but once you shoot those symbols you'll start to notice there's purple lines on the buildings, all it is it's a triangle that you essentially need to coordinate so you just come into this position and it'll trigger this because you kind of made the shape of the triangle it's an Easter egg essentially so what you're going to do is you just need to kill zombies within the circle now with a scorcher, it's extremely easy to do now this one is typically the easiest one that I've done but I think they turned it up a little bit because before it was dead easy and now it's like a little bit difficult as a single player not really hard at all just a little bit difficult so what you're going to get is you're going to get 2, 000 Essence a legendary ether tool.

dark aether

As well as a pack-a-punch level three Crystal so I had no idea that this existed before but once someone told me I was like man like I've been in so many different situations guys where I needed a pack-a-punch level three Crystal or I needed a legendary ether tool and it's always specific moments but the second mission the second secret mission is right behind where you just were literally just jump off the edge behind you and shoot these three symbols, and then you want to make your way over to this area right here so this is right behind where you were just seeing me just follow the lines honestly and what you're going to do is back up into this little room and that will shape the triangle thus triggering the mission now I found the best place to stand for this one is over on the right here if you fire a fully charged up scorcher shot and just stay over to the right no zombies can spawn, outside of your vision and you can easily just kill all the zombies so there you go that is the second mission and again 2, 000 Essence legendary ether tool Pack-a-Punch level three Crystal.

duplication glitch

Right before I finish, so you can see right here, I'm like, okay, what's going on? I see him. I think I'm killing him right there, but he actually jumps up right behind me and smacks me right off. As you can see here, luckily I had a random teammate who came in and got the last kill for me, thus completing this mission, but generally speaking, it's very easy as well.

This was my personal favorite one other than that one that's on the catwalk. So anyway, once you're done with this, you just want to go up to the portal and make sure that you grab your loot. Now, after you're done with all of this, you should have set up Tombstone. You should be good to go. You get a random wonder weapon case if you have multiple team members.

Tombstone glitch

Tombstone glitch


Remember the rain maker mission that one has 100% drop rate for a weapons case so if you do it with a full team then you can easily, easily get the wonder weapon that you want so the symbol that I'm going to use for the actual Tombstone glitch is shown on screen this is my personal favorite spot but I'm also going to point out these other two spots as well for you all you want to do is just use your scorcher, to fly over to bad signal activate it and go back or if you don't have a scorcher just simp run there and back you have enough time run out and for this particular location you're going to pull your parachute get to the edge of the map and then realize that you did not leave the team the random team that you were on so of course you need to leave your team before you actually do this and I forgot that so I completely wasted my time luckily, again you can see the Superman method as I like to call it is very quick to get across the map I mean you're talking about 30 seconds, of wasted time so it's a little bit of an annoyance.

And then you want to close on dark ether zombies, and that's it, guys. I appreciate your support, and I will catch you in the next

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