News - Warzone 2 Instant Unlock All Schematics. New Dark Aether (full Guide) Warzone 2 Zombies Glitch

b man

Here in today's article. I'm not only going to show you how to instantly unlock the new schematics in season 3 Reloaded Dark Eternity guaranteed every single time. I'm also going to show you how you can unlock the new secret blueprint for Modern Warfare 3 zombies very easily. Mine personally is the dog bone; unlimited revives and distractions for the dark ether make my life so much easier.

So with that, let's get right into the article. First of all, if you want the zombie blueprint and the schematics in one run, make sure that you have four to six people. You're going to use an elder. Cil, my friend Mebs, and I found randoms on our first try; they weren't exactly all competent, but the more guns, the better.

Speaking of guns, let's go over inventory, so I highly suggest that you have a bunch of Casmir grenades and self-revivals to fill most of your inventory. Each additional Kazmir grenade will make your life much easier. For weapons, one person at least needs a vr11 that has been upgraded; I suggest a scorcher to start missions fast, and everyone should have a normal bullet weapon as well.


Now not listed here is the brain rot ammo mod. I highly suggest everyone equip it. You'll see why here in a minute. I also highly suggest using this website, WZ Hub, or War Zone Hub; they have interactive maps for each dark ether. I have no affiliation with them whatsoever, just FYI. But it shows you where the contracts are all over the map and even shows you safe spots, guys, safe spots where you cannot get hit for whatever reason you're on top of a building or what have you, so that's a very cool website.

It's very useful if you pull it up while you're doing this, so what you want to do is, once you get into the dark ether, make your way over to the first contract. We're going to do the escort contract first because I have a lot of suggestions here that will save you a ton of time. First of all, one person obviously needs to Scorch or fly over to the contract.

Now they're not bunnies anymore; you're going to see them as beams of light similar to the mystery box. As you know, zombies have existed since the beginning of time. What you want to do is just interact with it, and each one should give you an item that you can then use instantly. Pick this one up so you don't see it as the one for the Outlast contract; it's absolutely the best.


We'll go over that in a minute. So once you've activated the contract, make sure you don't get hit by the escort. I almost went down here, I imagine, because I was very close to getting crushed by it. Go ahead and activate the escort contract instantly. Now at this point, you could throw a sentry gun on it, but what I found is that if you have four to six people and one person has that upgraded vr11, it makes your life so much easier, so watch this real quick so my friend gets the actual crystal to use it, and what you're going to see here is we're at 60 something per 68%, and it goes straight up to 97.

dark aether

Now if you didn't know a upgraded vr11 heals vehicles and that includes escort vehicles that is a huge suggestion, in fact I would say that it's a requirement because this is the hardest mission that solo wise I failed multiple times the second thing is each time that the escort stops you should be throwing down Casmir grenades so you saw it in that first clip and you should see it in this clip as well what happens is essentially all of these zombies actually get pulled into it and can't attack it so you can actually see it here in action on the last one the last stop is the hardest guys 100%, you need to be very careful and save your Casmir grenades for this point now I highly suggest that you have ones left over now zombies will periodically drop the Kazmir grenades so you need to make sure that you're picking them up and saving them you need as many Kazmir grenades for the actual final boss for the blueprint, if you're going for that otherwise don't worry about using them just simply waste them on all of these contracts so you can see I'm already at 8 minutes and 50 seconds.

duplication glitch

You can check the interactive map for all the contract locations. This one is up north in the dead center; it's very easy to find, and this one overall was the easiest contract that we did. I highly suggest that if you have a team of four to six players, you just make sure that you're shooting whatever head is lit up; that will speed up the time, but this contract took us about 60 seconds total, and we weren't even focused on the head, so it's very easy to do.

Just so you know, it actually skips over health. You can see the right one there was lit up there, but we just melted through the boss because again. Pack-a-Punch level three weapons makes it super easy, so as you can see here. I got a little bit unlucky. I didn't get a schematic that time either; however, all of my teammates were getting the schematics.


I already have them you know unlocked so I was really just here to you know actually help out my teammates but it doesn't really matter so with the Outlast contract which is going to be actually north of the, escort contract it's on the right side of the map so it's on the eastern part of the map all the way to the right all right so this one is super easy to find it's by the Water Tower and you want to make sure that you pick up the item for this now the foot the severed foot that you pick up any zombies that you shoot it seems will slow down and kind of have that frostbite, effect so you'll notice it with a lot of these zombies while we're fighting them it makes it super easy but all you want to do is just run around fire off your scorcher at full blast.

in the most open area possible in the center, and what that's going to do is just melt zombies while you run around and avoid them, but again, the Casmir grenades you saw me throw went down and made my life so much easier. So once you're done with all three contracts, make your way over to the center island.

This is going to be the portion of the article where I show you how to unlock the blueprint. It's pretty simple, but it's very important that you do this boss fight in a particular manner, and it will make your life so much easier. First of all, don't use a scorcher for eggs. I don't know what I mean; I might as well be a beginner player.


I don't know what I was thinking, so I pull out my bullet gun and obviously shoot them with my kimbos. You cannot damage the boss, and the reason for that is that you have to kill these ads or these secondary ones. Enemies, all right, the ones with the white skulls, make sure that you are absolutely paying attention to them.

You can see them without looking at them; that's how you know which one to kill. So you can see, you know, you have your normal Red Skull ones, but then you also have these ones where they have these white skulls above their heads, so make sure that you destroy them before you start attacking the boss.

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