News - Warzone 2 Unlock Dark Aether Season 3 Reloaded. Full Guide - Warzone 2 Zombies Glitches (no Tombstone)

First relic

First relic

Wesley is here, and today I'm going to be showing you exactly how to unlock the dark ether Rift for season 3 Reloaded. If you're wondering how this article came out so fast, it's because I spent all day working on it. Today is the day that season 3 Reloaded came out, which is when I recorded this.

b man

I'm going to show you how to collect all of the items in order to unlock the dark ether Rift in just a few minutes, as well as how you can upgrade them for the new season in order to unlock the new Rift. So getting right into things you need to start, off by doing the Union Mission which is the new season 3 Reloaded mission for zombies so this mission is super easy to do I'm just going to quickly glance over it for you because this is where you actually get your first item just like the last dark ether you get your first item and it becomes gold immediately, whenever you pick it up for this Mission so what you're going to do for this mission is very simple first of all you need to solve a couple of puzzles now these puzzles are super easy, but they may be hard for some people if you don't understand what's going on at first I did not that first mission you just saw you just need to find the symbols, you can kind of see the little blue light floating away so you can kind of locate them right when you start it then you need to do three of these which is essentially Outlast, missions in separate areas of the map they're super easy to do again if you bring in a upgraded ray gun and scorcher.

You should be totally fine. I highly suggest using them. You can use whatever you want. You should bring a scorcher wherever you go, but once you actually get to the technically fourth one, it's actually fake, and obviously it just spawns the boss. So how this boss works is pretty simple, but you need to be very careful with it.

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Essentially, they're going to spawn Elites, right? And these are essentially ads, so if you've ever played something like World of Warcraft or anything like that, you need to kill the ads before you actually start killing him. You'll notice that the health bar is grayed out at the top when those ads exist.

As well as your partner over here, or whatever the hell his name is. I don't really like him that much, to be quite honest with you, but anyway, so you finish the mission, fly your way out of there, make sure you take this portal at the end, and just use your scorcher to avoid the zombies if you want.

That is the entire Union Mission, and guess what? You have to sit through another long cut scene that you can't skip or leave the game.

Last 3 relics

Last 3 relics

So let's get into how you can get the other items. It was a mystery up until, like, a couple of hours ago—really, minutes ago—since the recording of this article. I'm going to show you how you can get the other three items.

You have the pet giraffe or whatever the hell it is, so you have that gold that is good to go. I would suggest stashing it at this point. The next item that you're going to get, I thought, was killing the storm caller. You just need to kill zombies in the storm in general. So the storm caller, little storm, here is the easiest place to do it once you kill enough zombies.

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Whatever item this is, let's see if it is the science journal. So once you actually unlock the science journal, you are good to go there. Those are two items, but keep in mind that you still need to upgrade them. So the third item that we're going to go find is in this corner of the map; you saw me bring it up there.


I believe that's the southeast corner of the map, kind of close to the new boss. From what I've heard, I heard that he's in the southwest or southeast. But anyway, follow the path that I do, and in this big bedroom on the ranch, you're going to find this item under the bed. You go ahead and shoot that item, and what's going to happen is that the entity is going to talk to you, and then the rift will spawn, so this is the second item.

Now this is going to be the imaginary friend node, or whatever it's called. This is super easy to do; you don't have to fight anything or do anything, so as you can see here, I complete that task and I pick up this item. So now, at this point, you have three out of four of the items, but we still need one more, so I'm going to show you exactly how to do it.

This is arguably going to be the easiest one, however, I mean. Can you really get easier than shooting an item under a bed? I don't think so, so let's call it the second-easiest. You're going to need a pet dog for this part, so it's very simple to do. All you need to do is find your way over to a Tier 2 Merc camp.

At least I did it at a Tier 2 Merc camp. If those work as well, all I can tell you is 100% Tier 2 Merc camp. Have your dogs killed a specific soldier at the military camp? So what I do is attack a grunt at the mer camp, and then I let my dog do the work for the particular soldier. The NPC that you need her or him to kill is the sergeant, so what you're going to do is just allow them to clear the sergeant out, and you're going to see the rift actually spawn, so this will give you your fourth and final item.

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Now let's get into how to upgrade those items because what you need to do and what you have likely done is stash some of those items because, by the way, we are at a 20 stash limit now, so you have 10 more slots, so you need to take this safe, so make sure that you stash those items in between games, unless you do it all in one game. I did it in two games total because I forgot my dog bone, but long story short, let's get into how to upgrade.

Upgrading items

Upgrading items

Them all right, so to upgrade these items, what you're going to need to do is make sure that first of all you bring them all into the game, so it's super important that you have these items on you physically in your possession because what you're going to do is you're going to take them into the game and do a specific sequence in Tier 3, so what I want you to make sure that you do is number one: definitely have a dog.

I would highly suggest having a dog; they revive you and distract zombies. You should also have the healing aura, sorry, as your special ability. I highly suggest that because what you can do with that is heal your dog so your dog can be a distraction, as well as a self, a free self, and multiple self-revices; in fact, it's unlimited self-revice if you have the healing aura and you're careful.

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