News - Warzone 2 Tombstone Glitch "instant Loot" Reset Tombstone Fast. Season 3 Reloaded - Warzone 2 Zombies Glitch

How to setup

How to setup

I'm going to show you from start to finish a single game that I played where I had every single one of these glitches done and let you guys rate it for yourself how good these methods are. Now, if you're in a bind like the one that I just described, you have to wait hours for schematic crafting cooldowns.

I'd appreciate your support, but let's get right into these methods.

Glitch #1 (easter egg)

Glitch #1 (easter egg)

Now if you have a tombstone already on the map obviously go and grab your items you are going to be resetting your Tombstone, as usual but let me show you the first place that we're going to do a glitch on where it's going to give you insane loot now you may be aware of this spot but the second glitch that I'm going to show you guys that is completely different from this and you actually kill the warlord, with is right next to it so what you're going to do is find this Lamp Post in the cave here and this is going to be the Easter egg bypass glitch all you need to do is hold forward and fire Scorch her up and then fire it two more times it's very easy to actually get into this but you will need a blood burner key now this one is kind of optional if you want to do this you can this one will not actually give you weapons cases but it will give you rare items 7, 000.

Essence minimum as well as different rare items that you can possibly get, so this is just a random roll of loot if you will, but typically there is a lot of cool stuff in here first of all three plate vest I actually needed that then you go in here and you can see I have 3500 more typically you will have some type of wonder weapon in there as well, this one is one that we have already known of now I'm going to show you the brand new glitch that I found but what you're going to have to do is get back into where you just were so first of all you can see I'm firing up.

Glitch #2 (warlord)

Glitch #2 (warlord)

I fired three times, and we're going to make our way back over to that area now this again is completely different from the first glitch so let me show you how to do it now this one I would describe as a little bit more advanced now this one is for the players that know how to do the Superman glitch as I like to call it's not really a glitch but it allows you to fly through the air very fast using an upgraded scorcher, so if you have an upgraded scorcher doesn't matter if it's level three two or one you can actually do this method so I'm going to describe this very carefully so what you want to do is essentially jump off and immediately, pull your parachute and what you're going to do is cut your parachute.

b man

And then fire your scorcher at 50%. Pretty much a long story short, just watch what I do here. You can see I pull it here, and then I start flying towards the edge towards the water. Look at the top left of the screen, pay attention to that, and make sure you replay this part of the article. This is me doing it successfully.


You can see I fire off my scorcher before I get to the water, and what that's going to do is you're going to fly through the water. If you don't do this and don't turn around, you will drown. Now be careful here because, if you go to the right of it way over to the right like I did you can actually get stuck but all you need to do is just Spam cut parachute and deploy and face a couple of different directions and you'll get out so here I go so here's how you actually, defeat rain maker without going in you can see I have a group of randoms who actually invited me and I'm actually going to kill it for them so you want to just swim up directly towards the boat and what you're going to notice is right next to it is this large Rock so what this large rock is some place that you can actually go prone and actually, crawl under the map so what I'm going to do is I'm going to come up right here and I'm going to lay down and so what you want to do is you want to crawl forward.

call of duty

And just keep crawling forward until you get to a particular area. Now, over here on the left, you're going to see the actual tip of this rock. This is where you're actually going to get under the map. All you need for this one is a scorcher. It's very easy to do so what you're going to do is you're actually going to be able to go inside of the building underneath it so what you want to do is fire your scorcher twice, once you're done firing it twice you're going to be in this little sand area you're going to be a little bit above where you were before you won't fall off the map at this point simply just crawl forward until you can Crouch, and what it's going to allow you to do is actually go underneath the building now to actually kill rain maker you need to kill a bunch of his minions essentially you need to sit here and kill minions, but don't worry because you are in a complete God Mode glitch it's very easy to do so all you want to do is just walk around and keep firing your scorcher.

Or your gun or your ether blade, it really doesn't matter what you use; just make sure that you are killing them and making sure that you resupply on ammo because right there in the middle of the room you can actually jump up and resupply your ammo, so this is completely, you know, complete god mode unlimited ammo, everything like that, as you can see.

I'm just mowing down the enemy. So at a particular point, you're going to need to go unlock a door. You're going to get like the NPC, friendlies, if they tell you to go unlock a door. That door is located right here, right near the beginning. And so all you need to do is unlock it, and you can open the door, but as soon as you unlock it, the boss will spawn, and he'll come up from upstairs to the downstairs area, and you just need to simply kill him.

call of duty modern warfare

I mean, it's very easy. He's going to try to aim at you multiple times, but he can't because you are physically under the ground. However their AI is set up, it can actually detect that you're there. So, long story short, you just want to kill him. I thought he was going to spawn like the rift on his dead body, so I wanted to make sure he was on the first floor.

It doesn't matter where you kill him; the rift will spawn here now, and this one will actually give you weapons cases, which is extremely useful, as well as a couple of other rare items, so for example. I happen to get a three-plate vest and a purple weapon. Now, it's completely random what you could get; maybe you could get another wonder weapon that's already known outside of its case or something like that.

I have no idea but to get out. Just follow the path that I do to come to this corner right here and fire your scorcher while you hold forward, right? So walk forward and fire your scorcher just like you got into the Easter egg bypass with, and what you're going to do is just simply fire yourself out of the ground.

Now, I saw another article where someone you know went down, and they said you know you need to self-revive.

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