News - This Warzone 2 Weapon Is Insane. Season 3 Meta. Instant Kills Warzone. Warzone 2 Zombies / Warzone Meta

This is my personal favorite, but if you are more of a WSP,. You know, type player or anything like that. You know, with small submachine guns, you can do that as well, but with this nice player again, I ran into two nice people in the same game who gave me a mags of holding. This thing has 500 bullets, guys.

You can sit there and just rail through zombies, so I thought to myself, Okay, natural. You know, the next step is to take it to Tier 3, and I have to say I'm a little bit disappointed now. Full disclosure is here. I don't think that many weapons do well in Tier 3, and when I say good. I have a pretty high standard, so what I'm talking about is, you know.

duplication glitch

I kind of do the cost-benefit analysis right of do I use this weapon or do I use, you know, a scorcher, for example, and guys. I got to be honest, nothing beats a Pack-a-Punch level three ray gun. I mean, for me, at least it is quick. You know, you have to balance things right. You need a weapon that you could run fast with, especially if you have stamina and something that is accurate, and then it also does a lot of crowd control.

That's what I love most about the ray gun, but I have to say this weapon did really well in multiplayer in War Zone, so as you can see here, I'm in a war zone. Lobby, and I'm going to show you a couple of clips of me downing people, and it is absolutely. Killer, it is a really good gun. In War Zone now, the first two clips—I know it's not really apparent.


Because this was only the first game that I actually played with it, it was very accurate. As far as the setup goes, keep in mind that I didn't have all the attachments for it, so these include some other attachments that you know I just so happen to have on my player. So overall, I think this gun is great, guys.

I definitely think that you should be using it now. It's definitely one of the metag guns and definitely something that I would highly suggest that you take advantage of before other players get it unlocked.

Today we go over one of the FASTEST KILLING guns in MW3 right now. Use it before it gets nerfed.
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