News - I Played The New Warzone Early And It Needs This


I recently got to play the new Call of Duty: War Zone before the majority of the world at a very exclusive event over in Los Angeles myself, and a few of the content creators got to try the game for the first time. The gameplay you're seeing is from that exclusive event. I've had a lot of time now to think about the event and the game that I got to play, and there have been a couple of things that are starting to really bug me.

These are things that I think really need to be addressed and fixed before this game releases. Now I'm not going to lie and clickbait you on the whole. I had a really good time with this new war zone experience, and I've spoken about that fairly in depth here on the channel. The biggest thing that stood out to me at this event was the quality of life improvements, things like having a pistol automatically underwater, things like the water actually being transparent and you being able to see through it, the movement, the reload canceling, things that just ultimately elevate the quality of gameplay in Call of Duty: War Zone, because if you think about the things that stop you from playing games, it normally isn't one huge glitch or bug; it's a number of little things that end up frustrating you until you don't want to play anymore.

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It's little things like that build enough frustration that eventually I will stop playing, so today I wanted to talk about the things that I feel need addressing immediately if we're going to take the quality of life in War Zone into a really good spot, and some of these are really simple and little fixes that I feel will massively elevate the game.

The first major one for me is parachute mobility. The parachuting speed and general movement of the parachutist in War Zone right now are exactly the same as they're going to be when the new version of War Zone releases and integrates with Modern Warfare 3, and I honestly feel it's too slow; it's too sluggish.

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UA can't really move a lot when you're actually parachuting, and B, it's the transition from being low in the air to being on the ground that I feel can be so painfully slow that it just makes it not worth landing on opponents. While you don't want to reward people for just landing on people's heads at the same time right now, it feels almost too sluggish to the point where it just doesn't feel like it fits with the otherwise fairly fluid movement that we see in the game.

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The second thing for me in that same line of thinking is the vehicle mod ability. Helicopters are still painfully slow to descend to the ground, and I feel like you can't make cool plays with a helicopter anymore, which I think is a big mistake. I don't think you should be absolutely mowing down everybody left, right, and center with your rotors.

But at the same time, right now you can't even use a helicopter to bail out on some opponents and make some Swift moves; those things just aren't available because the general turning speed and the general deceleration and acceleration of the helicopter are just way too low. Vehicles should be something that allow you to make cool plays, and I don't necessarily mean running everybody over, but being able to do a sort of drift around a corner or make a cool bailout and being able to have the acceleration in those vehicles to make those plays happen.

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There are far too many vehicles in the game, be they helicopters, certain trucks, or larger vehicles, where it feels like you may as well not bother getting in them at all because you're guaranteed to be killed. I really want the vehicle. Mobility matches the general feeling of fluidity that we get from infantry, and the same goes for the parachutes, like I mentioned with the parachutes.

The third big change for me has to be how looting works in this game. I was very happy to see that we now have dedicated ammunition slots inside our backpacks in the game, allowing you to automatically pick up ammunition as much as you possibly want, but in my opinion, this needs to go a step further.

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I want to be able to automatically loot pretty much 99% of things that are essential if I don't have those items. For example, if I always need plates, please automatically pick up plates all the time if I don't have a gas mask. Pick up that gas mask if I don't have a rare gas mask. Pick up the rare gas mask and drop the normal one, in my opinion.


Call of Duty would massively benefit from having a contextual looting system where you can use menu settings to specify the things you do and don't want picked up. For example, if I have my loadout weapons in my hand and it's my loadout, I don't want to pick up other people's guns off the floor. I'm usually trying to get the loot around them, and systems like that would just make more sense and be more intuitive.

For example, make it so that I won't pick up enemy weapons when I'm trying to loot on the ground, but if, for whatever reason. I want to switch to an enemy gun, make it so that I have to drop my gun first before that option becomes available to me. These are just personal preferences for me, but if you gave people a full array of different options, allowing them to pick up the things that they do and don't want picked up.

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I think it would be hugely beneficial for the game. The number of times where I've run around and I didn't have a gas mask or a perk package and I very clearly ran over two or three of them is, in my opinion, a bit of a pain because if I've got absolutely nothing in the game, you may as well give me something, but at the bare minimum.

I'd like it so that things like plates are also picked up as frequently as ammunition. And I don't want any of this nonsense where I have to run over an ammo pile four or five times before the game goes on. By the way, he actually needs AR ammo; I just want it to be an automatic pickup. One thing that I also think would hugely help with Call of Duty's looting system right now would be having better visual colors associated with certain items.

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For example, they've brought back weapon rarity on different loots on the floor, so you can see that some things are purple. Some things are green. Some things are blue, and that's wonderful, but you could take this a step further. The outlines of everything on the floor have a vague white outline; change those outlines to correspond to the rarity of the loot instead, so if I see something orange on the floor.

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I know it might actually be a killstreak that I won, or it might be a perk package or a redeploy pack that I won. That way, I can have a better visual association. Rather than having to scan around the floor and look for things when I'm in those intense gunfight scenarios. I see something on the ground that's glowing orange that might be able to help me in the middle of a fight.

The New Warzone Map Urzikstan and the Modern Warfare 3 integration is NEARLY Perfect. Warzone 3.
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