News - I Played The New Warzone Early. Is It Actually Different



That's a question. I've been getting a lot since my recent trip over to Call of Duty in Los Angeles to play the new version of War Zone early, and here is some more exclusive Zakhan gameplay for you. It's got the same entrance animation, the same victory screen, a lot of the same weapons from Modern Warfare 2, and the same vehicles.

When we were at the event, lots of influencers, myself included, tweeted that we were back, but is it just another year of creators like myself buying into the hype, or is it an actual genuine shift to what we enjoyed in 2019? Today I'm going to answer those questions because it's very difficult to say these things when you're just watching a article and you haven't actually played the game yourself, so I want to show you guys how this game has changed and what it means for you when you first get to play it later this year.

I'm going to.

Changes coming to warzone 3

icemanisaac 3

Start off very cynically and say that the best change that you'll notice and the thing that's the most different is that nothing is different, and I promise that isn't a clickbait sentence; it actually makes a lot of sense when you think about it. War Zone, when it was released back in 2020, was only intended to exist for a year, which is why War Zone 2 exists in the first place because the original war zone was never designed with long-term goals in mind; it was never designed to be updated regularly.

Supported long-term. To have things like rotating maps or in-game events like Godzilla and King Kong, these were all things that were effectively just stapled to the side of the existing code, and we lost so many things going from war zone 2020 to war zone 2 in 2022. Things like big games Bounty contracts things like zip lines and redeploy Bloons, resulting in quality of life improvements throughout the entirety of 2020–2022.

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Effectively went completely out the window, so before I list any of the big changes that you're going to see in the new version of War Zone, it's worth mentioning that none of those things are disappearing anymore; these are all still part of the game; they're going to be part of the game, and we're not starting from scratch again because starting from scratch again in this new version of War Zone would probably lose more than it would gain, and although War Zone 2 and Modern Warfare 2 haven't been everybody's cup of tea, there are little things in the game that I have grown to appreciate, but now let's talk about War Zone 3.0, gameplay.

It's nice that all of these things are sticking around, but what have you noticed from day one?

New gunplay in warzone 3

New gunplay in warzone 3

Well, the biggest thing that I noticed immediately from playing was the switch from passive gameplay to aggressive gameplay in the current version of War Zone. You're very much rewarded for letting action come to you rather than going to the action. Sitting in a building or camping in corners is very much rewarded in War Zone 2.0, and it's something that honestly most players just do by default because the movement is really clunky, you can't get from A to B very quickly, and there doesn't seem to be much reward to pushing squads when they're going to be doing the same thing.

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If you try to rush another team, chances are they're sitting in all three different corners, and you're as good as toast because of the lack of movement, the lack of mobility options, and the lack of vehicle and zipline options. The game really lacks aggressive gameplay because, ultimately, there's no incentive for a player to do it.


They've been taught and trained by War Zone 2.0 that trying to make a push on a squad is a bad play because the movement doesn't allow you to do those things, but almost immediately in this new version of War Zone, it is so clear that that's no longer the case. Not only can you slide around corners and jump-shot people around corners really fluidly, but you can actually challenge teams and squads aggressively.

Without having to worry about being stifled by the game, reloading is an option. Slide cancellation and sliding around corners are options. Jump-shotting around corners is an option, and all of those little gameplay loops that you need to create gaps and surprises to take on opponents exist in the game again.

More importantly, if you get some of those things wrong or mess up a jump shot, you can quickly evade the bullets and get out of a situation. Not like you can in war zone 2, in war zone 2 I always tell people that it feels like you're stuck in a gunfight, and I think that's a good way of describing it in War Zone 3.

modern warfare 3

It feels like it's something that you can mess around with; it's not a stuck in the mud scenario; it's a scenario that you get to kind of approach how you want to, and all of that's coupled together really nicely with a couple of changes to zip lines with horizontal zip lines and vertical zip lines.

With lots of vehicles and buildings being packed closely together. I would argue that in this version of War Zone there are more flanking routes opportunities to fight squads and make intelligent gameplay than there ever has been before, whether that's doing a really cool jump up to challenge a squad and get the drop on them and a surprise on them or escaping from a gunfight with some cool movement and darting away into a different zip line or a tunnel.

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That is what War Zone 3.0 has already done so successfully, in my opinion, that in just a few of those hours, despite playing against some of the best content creators in the world, me and my squad were absolutely carving around the map, making a mockery of some gameplay. So aggressive gameplay is back, and it's actually being rewarded with things like big game Bounty contracts to give you uavs. This leads me on to my third big change, which is that the fun element of War Zone seems to be back.

Urzikstan is a lot of fun in warzone

Urzikstan is a lot of fun in warzone

For me personally, the fun of War Zone is those big moments—those big dramatic set pieces—where you wipe a squad or you get wiped and something dramatic happens. Someone's able to make a big play, or a big play happens to you, and those are the moments that define waro, whether it's getting dunked on by a squad because they did something really cool or dunking on a squad because you did something really cool.

This feels like something that was really thought about when they designed the new map. Ukan, because you can kind of feel it in all of the points of interest; they've been designed in such a way that they create interesting gunfights, and a lot of you who played Modern Warfare 3 beta If you played Ground War, you probably felt the same way running around those maps, which are part of the new map in Zstan.

The new Version of Warzone, Warzone 3 is releasing later this year with Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3. It Brings the brand new map Urzikstan to Call of Duty Warzone. Today I talk about the significant changes coming to Urzikstan as part of the new update and whether or not they will actually make cod warzone good again.
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