News - How To Improve Fast Warzone 2 Ranked Play : Why Controlling Gunfghts Is Key Warzone 2

So now I kill the first guy it looks like I'm in a 1 V one my teammate has my right my teammate has this door so in my head I'm just worried about the opponent on my right, now if I look where I am I'm basically a red dot on the map my opponent is probably going to push me from either this side here or behind me I don't have the luxury of turning around and check in that area so what I'm going to do is going to go forward as I go forward this is really important I'm thinking what's the best play here well I want to get behind cover, but if I just run across right now if I just run and get into cover that opponent might see me he might shoot me so I'm going to jump across as I'm jumping I'm going to get some shots off but this is so important I'm at the disadvantage right now because I'm weak I'm at the disadvantage, so I'm not taking this gunfight for the kill I'm taking this gunfight.

For information, I can jump across, so I want you to notice that now again. I think this was a misplay for my opponent. A lot of these plays are misplays for my opponent; he probably should have killed me right here, but I want to focus on what I'm doing as I'm jumping across. I'm not jumping to kill this player; I'm not jumping short.

I'm jumping into cover, so look at this. I'm jumping into cover, so I'm actually bunny hopping into cover so that even if that opponent shot me. I would have backed away into cover now and bought time for my team, but right now my objective has changed. What went from playing my life and getting some time has now gone to kill this opponent because I've hit him with about four shots now he's now one shot and I've regen, so look at this, he's now one shot, and my objective is completely changed.

I'm now going full-on aggressive mode, so we're going to go through. I'm going to try to comer him; try to chase him there he is. We once again give him one shot, so now he's on about, you know, probably about 20% health. We're going to reload and go through. I'm actually going to camera through the right-hand side now because I can see he's not on the hill.

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His not being on the hill means he's behind this barrier, so we're going to go through and slide across. He's so weak here. We're going to be able to finish him off. Straight away, I know people are coming through the door. I don't have the luxury to reload, so we're going to go through. Control the gunfight once again and get that really, really effective stuff there.

Don't worry, we're almost at the end of the article. We go through into Invasion Search and Destroy now, unless we play this once again, going to be shouldering for information, trying to just get that first shot off, so there you go. I spot the first opponent, so as I slide around the corner, I'm trying to control the gunfight.

Now this gunfight is not easy for me, so this is where. Understanding what you're doing is really important. Okay, I'm taking this gunfight. I'm not going for the kill; I'm taking it to get information. As I'm shooting this player, you're going to see I'm shooting; I'm strafing towards the door.

That's not by coincidence; that's literally the way I want to play. I want to strafe towards the door right so that if I get shot here, I get shot. I I'm in cover, okay so let's say I shot him right and I'm in cover now I can now analyze okay that player's one shot I can now rep peek if I want or I can say okay that player made me one shot I don't need to peek now I can back away fortunate enough my shot was pretty good there I was able to go through I was able to shoot the player while repositioning, and get the kill so look I was able to get away and get the kill the last three are going to be in front of me so we're going to go across here and let's see what happens here this was just really good centering yeah so we get kind of fortunate he pushes in we get a good kill I'm expecting the trade to come in so we're going to go through I spot the opponent on the right again controlling the gunfight our first reaction, that player is probably weak he's probably on the floor use our equipment get aggressive take that player out there you go perfect stuff two versus one and that's just going to be a really nice little Ace you see we go through again we, shoulder.

Players right there get some information. The play is weak. I saw my teammate shoot them, so instead of playing passive, we get aggressive. We get the information we go through. We take him out, and there you go. We got I believe one more C. Okay, we got two more clips here. We'll go through them very quickly, so let's see what happens there.

I think this is the same map here we kind of Fred so 1 V3 scenario going to go through here let's just see what happens, so I think the first two kills yeah they were pretty lucky see we go through that guy's weak we're going to go around the corner you know good stuff but this is where controll of the Gat really takes into place so I'm very weak right now so if I'm the opponent I'm probably putting pressure on myself and getting the kill cuz I'm so weak but I think my opponent played it wrong he let me Reen for a second, he let me get into cover.

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And now he decides to push me, but when he pushes me, he doesn't push me to have the gunfight. He pushes me to go around here, and this is where my opponent really messes up. Right here, you can see that my opponent is not trying to kill me; he's trying to push me and just jump across my screen. The problem is, you can't do that in this scenario.

I'm so weak that he has to go for the kill, so what I'm trying to do is just get as many shots as I can into this opponent. Let me reload and then go for the challenge. You see this opponent's one shot here. I notice he's pushing me. I don't have time to reload, so I'm going to slide at him because he's so weak we're going to go through and we're going to hit the melee.

For the one versus three clutch again, just use our awareness there to get the kill. I think that's really impressive stuff here. Going into the finale, the final clip here it's going to be on is it red star. I forgot what this map is called, but six stars, not red stars. Yeah, I don't know what a red star is anyway.

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Yeah, it's going to be six stars we go through, and yeah, once again, just controlling the gunfight, you see, I'm in cover, and I spot the opponent. Catch you guys again for tomorrow's article peace.

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