News - How To Hold Power Positions As An Ar Warzone 2 Ranked Play

Now again, where are they? So they're probably going to spawn on the old hill, so they're going to be pushing through the right-hand side. So right now, I don't want them to push through. My whole team is spawning out, so I'm by myself here, so I have to be very careful. Are they still spawning in there?

Back, so they're just spawning on the back; they're constantly flooding the back now because we don't have spawns, and this is why, right now, my teammate Doy right, he needs to get off his ass and start moving, so he's a Crim one, so he should have more awareness of what to do. He's kind of just staying mid-map; he needs to be faster; he needs to be quicker to get into those spots, so really good shots.

I'm okay with keeping them there as a team with a big, big cruise missile, considering we didn't really have spawns there. I'm okay with that. Now, what I could have potentially done was back off and get spawns, but it wasn't worth it for me to run back there. I'd rather play at the top and kind of cut them away.

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But yeah, just one of those—it was a pretty bad spot for me in that regard because I didn't have any team support. Now I could see on the hill here, so that's what I'm going to do, and I hope my teammates get the kills. That's what we're going to hope for. There's one updated move: I still have my equipment as well, if needed, and that was a bit of a waste of recruits from them.

This guy's going to push me mid-lane; I'm going to hold it, and that was just really good shots from him to be again. Four short kills I don't know how the four-short kill is insane. To be honest, the four-short kill is just stupid; it should be five, or, just like that's, it should just be five.

I don't know why the four-shot kill is just kind of ridiculous. Me another one down. I'm going to watch the same alley; they probably spawn on the other side right away. We turn around, flip the sp's going to jump up top or I can't relocate, stand, okay, so they end up spawning back then. I feel like what happened was that people went to the right instead, so they actually took the route there, but yeah, we end up holding the spawns there.

Now the people on the hill are probably going to rotate towards me. There's one, so I knew that the guy on the hill was going to rotate towards me. I got a 3EB, but now they should have the spawn there. We end up still spawning it, so this is where it gets a little bit weird. This is where things get a bit mixy until we kind of clear them out, so let's go.

Tunnel: there's one, there's two, there's three. That's just a massive play where we just have to get the hell out here. We are three down. My teammates have to kill that guy. The guys are still coming through the tunnel, going to go through, going to need; one more time there, you go one more time on top there, I'm.

Hill, with 10 seconds left, they're just going to make them push me. I get taken out, but this is by the rotation again. I do have the cruise if needed, but I think we're good. I think we're good. I'm actually going to use a cruise just to give us a bit of security here. I probably should have used the P1, which is like an absolutely huge cruise missile.

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The last guy's going to be on the hill as well, and that is a four-piece game, basically a trap. Look. I get the most kills. I'm doing everything you can see. But YouTube, you guys know the draw man.

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