News - Warzone 2 Zombies. Item Duplication Glitch. No Tombstone Glitch Needed. Warzone 2 Zombies Glitch

barrier glitch

A new method was discovered to duplicate multiple different types of items, and I'm going to be showing you guys how to do it today. No tombstone is needed. Now, one quick note before we get started: I just want you guys to know that you are either going to need a teammate or a random person in the game to help you out with this glitch.

Yes, you will need two people for this, but what it will allow you to do is many things. Number one, and first and foremost, you can actually share your ether blade or any lethal that you have, as well as your tacticals and your kill string, so you are able to drop pretty much everything that's on the bottom bar of your screen except for your weapons.

I've done a lot of testing with this glitch, so I will be showing you guys exactly what you need to do in order to achieve this glitch, so let's get right into it. Obviously, you're going to need whatever desirable items you want in your bottom bar, for example, your lethals, your tacticals, and your kill streak.


In this example, I do have Juggernog, as well as an ether blade and flashbangs. Now the first step to this glitch is that you need to go ahead and find Juggernog. Now it's going to be obviously randomly placed along the map. Then you should have the money to do this glitch over and over again. The second thing is to make sure that you also drop yourself and survive.

All right, so here I am back at the Juggernog machine. I grabbed some new items just so I can show you guys exactly what you would do in a situation where you are loaded up so this is a good example I have a centry gun; I have symbol monkeys, as well as an ether blade. If you have multiple symbol monkeys, because obviously you can hold two total, you will duplicate whatever amount you have, so just know that.

The second step to this glitch is obviously that you need to buy Juggernog, so once you have bought Juggernog, here's where things get interesting. Now, one quick note I just want to make is that the items in your inventory won't be duplicated, as well as the essence. I'll have the unlimited Essence glitch as well as the tombstone duplication glitch there.


What this will duplicate again are the things on the bottom bar except for your weapons, so let's get into it. So I'm going to go ahead and actually pull out a scorcher, and I'm going to shoot myself up in the air. Now this part in the glitch, this third step to this glitch if you will is to down yourself and also make sure you do not have a self-revive.

call of duty

And that then you can duplicate it right after so let's get into the last step to this glitch, all right so last but not least you want to get your second player that again that can be a random or a teammate to go ahead and pick you back up now as they're Reviving you will get up and you will notice that you actually still have your lethals and tacticals but remember you drop those on the ground so at this point you can duplicate things like the Juggernaut kill streak which is 10, 000 Essence each like I mean guys this is a huge glitch you're actually able to duplicate all of these items at once and it only cost you 2, 000 so let's just recap Symol monkeys are like 5, 000 essences, or whatever it is in Tier 2, a juggernaut killstreak is 10, 000 essences, and Juggernaut is 2, 000 essences, so you literally have only spent 2, 000 essences total in order to duplicate these items, so regardless of whether you have unlimited essences or not, this is a cost-saving bug at the very least, but at the very most, you can use this for in-game Content says you have six players, you can all have ether blades, and you can all have juggernauts.

I'd appreciate your support, and I will catch you guys in the

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