News - Free Warzone 4th Anniversary Event Rewards. Soap Operator. Blueprints, Camos - Warzone 2

So maybe this could be added to the future of season 3. Maybe this could be one of the skins they have scheduled for season 3. If you recall, there was a free kig operator skin that was added earlier on in War Zone Mobile, and it was. I think, maybe a daily login reward or something as a part of an event with the season 2 reloaded update.

Is this an operator skin that you would love to see? I definitely think that many players would be way happier to get that than to get a random weapon blueprint that doesn't have any traps or effects.

Upcoming season 3 weapon leaks

Upcoming season 3 weapon leaks

Anyway, since we talked a little bit about season 3, we got some other leaks in regards to that, and apparently there's a new aftermarket with parts that are scheduled, and this time around, for the first time ever, they're actually bringing them in for Modern Warfare 2 weapons, so we got a total of four, one for the M4, one for the M16, and one for the KV broadside.

And one for the Lockwood MK2. And these are going to be just aftermarket parts that are available for these weapons, meaning that they're going to start taking care of and updating these older weapons that people don't really use often anymore. This could most likely change up the meta entirely and start making MW2 weapons a very good fit for you to use, especially over on War Zone.

I'll keep you up to date on that information, especially for those of you guys who miss those MW2 weapons and want to use some of them, but anyway, in the meantime, there are quite a few events that are going to be taking place.

New upcoming mw3 events & rewards

free soap operator

For example, we have the Day Zero launch event; this one's going to happen when War Zone Mobile releases.

On the 21st, which is 10 days from now, even before then, players are starting to report that a new event is appearing for them, and this one is called the welcome war zone missions. I'm trying to figure out how you can get this to pop up for you, but as of right now, the majority of players who are getting them are new users, so they're probably around level 20 or level 30; they don't really play the game too often.

It's like a way that Call of Duty is trying to get them to get on the game to get some free rewards, and that includes that Safeguard operator skin. I'm going to make a dedicated article to talk about all these war zone events that are coming in because I believe there's like a total of three different ways you're going to be able to get operator skins and rewards.

mw3 season 3

There's this one: we have the Day Zero event, and then there's also the pre-registration. Rewards, so there's definitely a lot to go over and talk about even before season 3 officially begins, and there's going to be free rewards and things like that you'll be able to unlock, and then even after that, there's upcoming events that are scheduled for season 3 that we're getting early looks at right now, for example, the Godzilla Kong.

We have the Kong operator skin coming in towards the end of this month, but it just doesn't stop there because once season 3 goes live, there's actually going to be Godzilla, and there's going to be Shimu. Also, be sure to check out yesterday's article, where we went over all the upcoming seasons of reloaded operator bundles and cosmetics.

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Surprisingly, the bundles are a lot cheaper than we've usually seen, with some of them being 1,400. Cod points for like this heretic bundle, some of them only being like 1,800.

It's BR, boy. Hopefully, I'll be seeing you guys back again.

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