News - Dmz: 30. Expert Tips & Secrets To Instantly Get Better (mw2 Warzone 2 Dmz)


used to a gas station, or maybe you don't want to do an "eliminate enemy squad contract," but you still want to find enemy players on the map easily. We've all been there, and I like to hunt people down as well, so in this article. I'll be giving you 30 plus no-nonsense tips. For tips and tricks to make you an absolute expert in the DMZ, here's a quick reminder for you to subscribe.

Let's jump into tip number one: when you steal enemy dog tags, it makes you appear on the map of the enemy team that you stole them from, but you can actually bluff. By dropping the dog tags on the floor and picking them up, the enemy team will still be notified that you're in the area where the dog tags were dropped, but you could be anywhere else.

An Overwatch position maybe, a flank angle, something to take them down from behind number two—if you've been struggling to keep enough armor plates in the game because the enemy AI's just been ripping you to shreds, make sure you're getting head shots on the enemies, and this is especially effective if you're able to one-hit kill them.


Doing so will mean that they're more likely to drop armor because you haven't broken their armor in order to kill them number three. This one's a two-parter really, so it's pretty common knowledge that if you've got a cooldown timer on your insurance weapon. You can reduce the timer by X-filling with loads of cash, and a pro tip for you here is that if you've got valuable items, not cash, but things like gold bars or fuel rods, those are automatically converted to cash the second you leave on that Excel Chopper, so you don't need to spend some time running to a buy station to sell your stuff and then X-filling because the game will do the conversion for you and that will still reduce your Timer number four.

This is why I said it was a two-parter; you can also reduce your cooldown timer mid-game if you don't think you're going to survive your x-fail or you just want to make sure you lock in your gains by going to one of these white dumpsters; around the map, they're called dead drop locations. And if you put cash in the dumpster, you don't need to expel it, but it will still reduce your insurance coverage.

mr rofl waffles

Cooldown Timer No. 5 If you're hunting enemy players and you pop an advanced UAV near your location, you're going to see loads of red dots, and those could be AI or they could be enemy players. However, if you pull up your map and look a little further away, you'll notice that there are a lot fewer red dots, and that's because those are all enemy players.

None of those ones that are really far away from you on the map are AI, because it would just be too much for the game to process in that moment trying to show all the AI on the map at one time, so instead it only shows players, and especially if you see one of those red dots on its own or something, you should go hunt them down.

mr rolf waffles

The spotter scope goes in your tactical grenade slot, and it is fantastic for marking enemies and keeping track of them as they move around, and I'm not just talking about AI; this works phenomenally. On players as well, if you're trying to coordinate with your team, we all know that the ping system in this game is a bit weak right now and needs improvement, but by using your spotter scope, you can quickly pull it up, tag them with a ping, and then your whole team will be able to follow exactly where they are because they'll have been marked seven.

A really smart idea if you're partying up with friends and jumping into the DMZ is to have your friends build your ideal weapon for you in their insured slot, and then you do the same for them. When you jump into the game, you swap weapons this way. This way, you'll extract with the gun that you wanted, but it will be contraband instead of insured, and vice versa, and so you can just continuously swap weapons.

Stack up extra copies of your insurance weapon in your stash, and then if your insurance weapons are on cooldown, it doesn't matter; you've got five clones of that weapon ready to be used at number eight. It's a good idea to get into the habit of making a mental note of where on the map you've spawned and the players in that area, because obviously there are other players spawning in too, and in certain areas, if all the players in that kind of zone just all run forward to start looting, they're going to end up in very close proximity.


So an example of this is the Quarry area. When you spawn near the quarry, you want to keep in mind the fact that there are a lot of other spawns nearby that all kind of congregate in that area, so start keeping a mental note of where you spawn so that you can predict where other squads will be spawning in your game.

I'm sure you're aware that there are different factions, which each have their own sets of missions that you can do in order to work towards unlocking X extra insured and weapon slots. However, you might not have noticed that you can actually skip one mission from each tier while you're trying to unlock the next one.


So let's say you're on Tier 3 of White Lotus and you just can't clear your strongholds fast enough to get that mission completed. You could choose to just not do that mission and do all the other missions in the tier instead, and you'll still unlock Tier 4. Now, what a lot of people don't know is that you can still show the previous tier of missions, including the ones that you didn't do, so if you do skip one, you can still go back and finish it off, even though by default, without doing that little toggle, you won't even be able to see those missions, but they are still available to you, so go get that XP number 10 in the flooded city.

There is a secret room that contains loads of really good loot and a golden deagle. Now normally you would need a key for hotel room 302 in order to get in there, and there's even a mission for you to get into that room and loot the stuff that's inside. However, both for the mission and just for general gameplay, you don't actually need the key.

There is an opening in the roof that will allow you to drop in, and once you're inside, you can open the deadbolt from the inside out without ever having picked up the key. There's always a bunch of high-value items in there: your gold bars, your bags of money, and obviously your Gold Eagle, but don't just stop there.


You can also loot the room next door, and that usually has pretty good loot in it as well. On the topic of the half-submerged city, if you get downed in the water in that area, be very careful not to crawl all the way into the water because you can still suffocate while you're downed, and that'll mean that your teammates might think that they've got more time to revive you, but then you suddenly perish halfway through your down timer, and they're probably not going to be very happy with that, so keep that in mind number 12 looting.

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