News - Warzone 2 Zombies Free To Play Tomorrow: Don't Miss This. Updated Review


Off-Waffles is here. Call of Duty has just announced that Modern Warfare Zombies, and actually, a whole chunk of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 is going free to play; it's for a limited time, but this is the perfect opportunity for you to jump into the game and give Modern Warfare Zombies a try. If you've been kind of on the fence, you've been waiting, you've been thinking, Well, it's not round bas, so it's not for me.

This is the moment where you can actually make a final decision based on having actually played it and tried it as to whether or not it is worth picking up, and I want to take the opportunity here while I go through the details of how you get the free access to talk about what my current thoughts are on the mode and whether it's worth even bothering to download while it's free and just generally unpacking.

How far Treyarch have come over the last month or so since the game came out in improving it and bringing it up from my original rating that I gave it of around a 6.5, out of 10, so the free access period runs from December 14th to December 18th, and it's 10:00 a. M pacific time that it launches on the 14th, which is 6:00 p.

mr roffle woffles

M here in the UK The full list of content that's included in it, because, like I said, it's not just zombies, is as follows: There are six 6v6 Core Maps that's terminal rust high-rise shipment. Afghan, and then a new map for season 1 of Modern Warfare 3 called Meat, then there are ground war maps as well, pop of power, all of military bases, and Lev Resort; those are each chunk of The Wider Ukhan, a map that you might have already played as part of War Zone because War Zone's obviously free, so you can already access that, and that's the same map that Modern Warfare Zombies takes place on.

mr rofl waffles

The core modes that are going to be accessible are TDM hardpoint dominance kill confirmed ground war and war, and the playlists available are Rustman 24/7, which is shipment and rust. War mode 6v6 Mosh Pit featuring high-rise me Afghan and terminal ground war and Modern Warfare zombies, now when the game came out I put out a review about a week after launch saying listen guys I've held off on giving my opinion for a while here because I wanted to really digest, what the game had to offer what this new mode had to offer and collect my thoughts in a bit more of a considered way before telling you guys yes you should absolutely buy this game or no this sucks it's not round based just skip it and when I was ready to post that review the conclusion I came to took me quite a long time to explain, like I think my review was about an hour and a half long which might seem crazy excessive but don't worry I'll give you the couple minute version in this article but the reason it was so long is simply that there's a lot of different camps to consider as to who this game could be fun for and who I think should give this game a chance.

mr rolf waffles

I think that's a really key thing this year, before the game came out, especially with regards to some of the marketing that they were doing. I felt like they did a really poor job of explaining. Who Modern Warfare Zombies was meant to appeal to like it just didn't seem appealing to hardcore players but also didn't seem like it was really going to appeal to casuals, but now we have a much clearer picture of that so I think that Modern Warfare Zombies is something that you should absolutely try, if you are not 100%, married to round based zombies being the only thing you ever play day in day out and you're open to the idea, of a mode which doesn't rely on the zombies story for example to keep you interested it doesn't rely on some of the old zombies mechanics that you're very used to like a main quest Easter egg but instead offers up a different kind of challenge within the zombies sandbox, because the grinding of schematics and stuff like that is kind of in line in a weird way with the camo grind that we've seen get more popular in Zombies over the years the whole kind of mechanism of jumping into the game and checking those boxes doing those little individual mini zombie challenges to get those camos is sort of multiplied, by 50.


In the schematic grind to try and unlock all your ether tools and all your crystals and all your Wonder Weapons and all those sorts of things, and now with the season 1 update, there's actually quite a lot more to that, and there's some Pinnacle. Much more difficult objectives where you can get those schematics and it means that the most basic of the basic player has something to do when they first start the game they've got missions in Acts 1 to three which will keep them busy, but the more hardcore players who didn't really have stuff to do once they finish those first three acts now have the dark ether activity, which is extremely hard to do solo and that's a good thing I think it's a real challenge but it is feasible there are feasible ways that solo players can engage with that sort of thing it's not absolutely impossible, and that means that you have all that base content and you have something to kind of strive for now there's also things that I think still do need to be improved I think that my rating for the game has moved up a little bit, as I expected it to, from about a 6.5.


To about a seven, but there are definitely things that I want to see change in future seasons. One of them is just making the story feel more meaningful and also pulling the play base in to the story a bit more because, as it stands right now, the Act 4 cut scene that we get is really freaking cool; it's an awesome cut scene, but I don't feel like people are really being pulled in and engaged with the story; they're just kind of letting it play out over there while they grind out their schematics, and I think combined with the fact that a lot of the radios in the game are pretty boring right now, they're just not doing themselves any favors.

roffle waffle

Another thing that I'd really like to see is some kind of pinnacle activity, some kind of grind that doesn't end like the first time you do it, like I did that, whatever it would be called tier five dark ether, objective like the Elder sigil objective I did that, and in my first run of it. I got all three of the classified schematics that are the rewards for doing that activity, so I basically have no reason to do that activity ever again, like the other schematics that I still need I get from doing other objectives, and I just feel like that activity, that experience, was so tricky and really kind of kept me on my toes and stuff like that, and so it felt like it ended a bit soon, like I'm almost wishing that there was even more that I could be grinding for even more to strive towards.

MW3 Zombies is going FREE TO PLAY tomorrow but it's only for a LIMITED time so don't miss out! Get your Zombies Merch.
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