News - Winning Solo Warzone Is Easier Than You Think


I'm watching from both angles here. A bit of footsteps put my proxy mine down. I did destroy. If I hadn't seen that, I would have probably been dead, because if this person downs you on the roof, then you're kind of stuffed. I think there's another person. Find this guy. Yep, yes, there is. Bit of a hand grenade down, I don't think that really did much, no, and yeah, I'm like, okay, I'm probably just going to back up.

I don't really want to get third-partyed; I'm not too sure if that guy killed the other person, but hey. I also just heard a guy take that, like, zipline there, so he threw a smoke down and just kept backing up. That's what you have to do in solo; sometimes someone shoots you just like that. You just have to back up and reposition, and we did a bounce there as well.

Well, here is a bit spicy. There's a guy on that roof by the B station, and to our left, we found a portable radar, which is a huge toss that down there, and you can see there's three people on the map, so I'm like. Yep, no. I'm just going to keep on backing up, and here. I think if I went up the hill.


I would have been dead, so I do know there's a way through this tunnel. Here, there's like a doorway on the left-hand side to end up taking that you can see on the radar or the mini map at the top, like there's five people in this general area. I marked that guy right there. I shut the doors behind me so that someone could come here.

They'll know it's Clos. It's probably going to be safe. Find some fragments. I'm looking for plates because, of course. I've got none, escaping those players that I lost literally every single plate to, so I was in panic mode at the moment, but of course here I do find one, which is Huge. There was a person up there, so just keep in mind that if I go up the ladder, the person could possibly hear me.

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bit of a box back here. Find a single plate in here; it's already been hit, so there really isn't any point sitting in this area. We're just going to continue moving here and head to that by session. I'm pretty sure, because of course 9, 000 There could easily be people up here, so just watching every single angle.

warzone 3

I heard a box in here as well, but gas is in. I believe that was upstairs, and I end up giving up and just running over to the B station, trying to pick my fights carefully, and honestly, just try to win this game, drop the smoke down self-R armor box UAV, and we're set, so only 17 people left. I look at the map here as well, and I feel like that hill there to the south is going to be the best.

I bet if there was a person at one of these buildings in front of us, we could easily get destroyed, but just keep on moving, go slowly up, and it is the fifth circle. So, pop the UAV. There's two guys up there, and otherwise there's basically no one up there, so grabbing the hill is the smartest idea.

Here, there's a guy down there by the loadout drop as well, and you really want to be careful with positioning in solos. If you take the wrong position, especially in the end game, then you could easily lose the match. UAV, so that guy is in the LTB there, and I'm also trying to spot where these guys are.

warzone 3 gameplay

Down here, there was a guy on green ping, and I don't see him. That's the vehicle right there; he's just driving; there's no door there, so he could easily get sniped out. See, he does, but I missed my shot. Two people did jump out, though, so he's going to be down there. That's an active threat that is definitely quite close, so okay, the zone just shrank a bit, and I am once again in zone.

I'm on the hill. I've got high ground. You can see it on the mini map in the top left. Try to get some shots. But I hit him once, but not a head shot, sadly, so I won't down that, guy. What a beautiful spot here, and I noticed that the guy was right there, so I did them dirty, so if you're running one of the black cell skins or any skin with particles, effects can see the particles through a wall, which is not ideal.

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Ideal break that guy's plates back there doing a bit of a wall bang, but that does not work. There's a bit of a sniper back there. You saw the sniper glint, which was probably quite hard to see. You couldn't line up that shot there. Sadly, there are still a few people. There are only six that include me, so there's only five enemies left that I have to take out.

warzone best class setup

There's someone shooting down there. The Z ended up spotting him and taking him out. Three people left the high ground. Just seeing where everyone's at, guy, the LTV dropped out there as well. I got to keep that in mind, and right there, plate break missed my shot, and the guy disappeared. Of course, hand grenades are really good right now; they do a lot of damage and end up breaking his plates again, and he gets ran over.

That's so funny, and you can see him right there below. I tried to tag him, but he doesn't really do that much, and this guy there is all breaking plates. Now it's one V, one V, this one guy right below us, and one guy by the helip pad, and here I just have to play high ground. I've got the best spot in zone; this cannot get beamed, and I cannot let this guy with the ratchi push me because, at close range.

warzone best loadout

I'm definitely weak with this SVA 545 and Cat AMR load out, breaking that guy's plates in the window as well. You can see that guy running into the building, though, and now we are waiting for a bit of a drill charge there. I believe those guys do F here; they're both in the building, and you can hear there's explosions and people shooting.

That guy's trying to kill the rat Shield, but hey, rat Shield is really annoying, I must admit, but as you can see here, I just wait and wait and wait. I've got the best SP in the zone; there's no point in pushing. Down, get the r that's beautiful snipe, and you can see the last guys right there in one situation. I missed every single shot, saw him right there, tagged him a bit, and I won.

Class setup

Class setup

Okay, so here are the loadouts for the SVA 545. It's like a sniper support D build really nice, so you've got the Jack bfp muzzle, which helps out with the recoil control a lot, and the warpig's short barrel. It mainly just makes the weapon a little bit faster with the stats right here, as you can see, and then the Dr.

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6 hand this once again makes the weapon a little bit faster because normally the SV 545 is used in a long-range burst build, but this is completely different, of course. Yeah, 45-round magazine; you could run the 60 if you want, but. Once again, very slow. You want something a bit faster. The Nider optic is probably the best scope in the game.

Now let me show you the cat Amma build: the Sonic Express XL, the Zang 34 barrel, and the 50 cal high velocity. This is from Modern Warfare 2, not Modern Warfare 3. It makes the velocity 9983 M/s, which isn't great for the forge tack Delta for optics. Probably the best sniper scope, in my opinion.

If you are struggling to get wins in Warzone Solos, you need to watch this video! I'm going to be breaking down my own gameplay and offering you guys useful Warzone tips tricks, coaching and strategies to improve your own gameplay to get more kills and wins! The class setup for both weapons is at the end of the video.
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