News - Warzone: New Top 5 Best Mw2 Meta Loadouts After Update. Warzone Best Setups

I'm going for the spirit fire suppressor if you want to go for a more close-range or mid-range base build. A Z-35 compensator would be a good choice too. I like the bridal heavy barrel on here; it extends that range out a decent amount, and for sure, upset vo gives us even better control as well.

mw2 meta

Brewing heavy support grip yet again If you wanted to use something like ftac angle, maybe minimize your mobility cons there; that'd be a viable option too. The 45-round mag-ceg is the max here, but unlike the stb, the fire rate does not go crazy in this case, so 45 is going to be a little bit more sufficient for even trios and quads-style gameplay, and lastly, whatever optic you're most comfortable with, the ELO sight's good here.

Glassless a Nidar a Slate 2.5. Times even you can pick your poison there, and it's just going to be about comfortability use, which you are the most accurate with for that, but yeah, the Guist is feeling phenomenal too.

Warzone best rapp h loadout

Warzone best rapp h loadout

Hey, everyone briefly wanted to shout out my friends over at gamer advantage. Of course, gamer Advantage is no stranger here on the channel.

I sleep better because of them, my eye strains are not as bad when I'm wearing them, and honestly, even on days where I'm not just gaming. I'm editing, and I'm doing other side work when I'm looking at screens for long periods of time. These are by far the most important parts of my day-to-day setup.

So if you are looking at screens all day long, whether you're doing work, school, or gaming, do yourself a favor. I got the wrap. We've talked about this thing again a couple of times in the past, and its ttk is absurd. In the mid- to long-range, it's actually outgunning in terms of just pure ttk.


A lot of the main meta is MW3, lmgs, which is very impressive now, but it's a lot slower than all the other MW3, lmgs, and whatnot, so while ttk is superior, other elements of it are not, so it is kind of a trade-off there, but if you get your sights up and you're accurate with this thing, it is absolutely going to melt through everyone and everything.

I do go for the 2.5-time Eagle here yet again. I also use an extended mag in this case; usually I don't with the general mags, just because you don't need them, but in this case the fire rate's so fast and the reload is so slow. I want to make sure I'm reloading as little as possible, so that's going to help out there.

Somehow we got the high grain rounds on here, just better velocity and better range on there too, which hurts the control a little bit, but that's not a huge deal because we do have brw heavy support on here. Then I also go for Cass's break; our base VO is now going to be 966. Which is plenty sufficient for mid to long range there, and this makes it obviously a lot easier to use, so the wrap is a pretty pinpoint accurate lmg that all Al just completely fries the opposition, and that being said, those are the top five best MW2 meta weapons here in War Zone right now.

That's going to wrap things up.

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