News - Warzone: New Broken Ttk Meta Loadout After Renetti Nerf. Update Your Setups Asap. Warzone Meta

Now luckily, you got two guns, so that's a decent amount of ammo, but it's no 45; it's no 50. It's no 60 you will be somewhat limited. I also go for the sidearm L 400 laser, which is going to do a lot for your hip-fire accuracy. Obviously, you want that to be as accurate as possible. And then, quite frankly, the stocks aren't really all that great; they're just focusing on control, and that's not a huge deal, and they slow you down a ton.

The 12 short-compensated bars, I guess, would be your best bet. It'll maybe do some stuff for control, but it does actually speed up your sprint to fire a tad bit. It hurts your ads, but that obviously doesn't matter. These other ones don't really do anything beneficial here. Maybe extending the range would be somewhat viable, but it's going to hurt your sprint to fire a tad bit.

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I don't love that, but the short light We got another playlist update with the short barrel, though it is going to actually take away your ability to use that muzzle, so you know, take that for what it's worth if you wanted to use the short barrel for the better Sprint of Fire. I just throw on a hollow point, I guess, as an ammo upgrade here, but you could also build it out so that you end up dropping the barrel.

Go for the short light barrel instead; it does extend that range, as mentioned. And then you can mess around with various different compensators if you want to, or muzzles here if you want to stay suppressed. That'd be great if you wanted to use something that would help out with general control, or something like the breacher device, which actually gives you better hip fire, would be ideal there too, so you can sort of mess around and see what works well for you.

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We jump into the firing range, though, as mentioned. The accuracy, Is there something that's going to be taken into account here? You can see in the top left it says I'm 133%. On this first dummy, as you spray and prey, it's going to be noticeable, you know, with your hipfire control. There is a decent amount of kick to this thing; you're going to be in close range, luckily, and things like running, gun, and aim assist might factor into some of it, but it's noticeable.

It's really going to be an RNG, Factored ttk.

Warzone best cor-45 loadout

Warzone best cor-45 loadout

It could be absolutely crazy, or it could be a little bit more mediocre, and that's something to be very aware of, and then for the core, which I think is maybe a little bit more realistic, in terms of having a viable option that could outgun SMGs that also isn't super difficult to use, you do have a couple of viable setups here too, so obviously, you have to have the conversion kit on here.

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That's step one. I might as well go for the 40-round mag here. The more ammo, the merrier. Here, you don't have to reload as often. Of course, I like using the Precision stock on here, which you get with the aftermarket, because it just makes the gun a little bit easier to control. And its mobility cons are pretty minimal (2%).

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Ads and Sprint to Fire are not really a huge deal, especially for running something like the Dr6 hand stop, which obviously speeds it up. Then I go for the Sonic suppressor. Helps out with the range a little bit and gets that faster ttk, out to a better range which is nice so this is a more so iron Side based build that's pretty consistent, you can see like as you're spamming it it's got a decent fire rate but there is some noticeable control, and as you extend into that mid-range sum it's obviously going to be a little bit more noticeable, especially with the iron sight that said if you're okay with it being a little bit slower I'd probably recommend dropping the dr6 hand stop then just throw throwing on whatever optic you're the most comfortable with slate it could be an reflector sight a nidar whatever the case may be and if that's going to help you out in terms of Landing more shots because you can see your target better of course always go for that it's just a matter of comfortability and preference there but.

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In theory, there are some new competitors for having busted ttks in that close-range meta, and if you're looking for a replacement to the retti. I think the obvious choice is the HRM from a more practical standpoint, but that being said, that's going to wrap things up for this one. Peace.

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