News - Warzone: Top 5 Best Ttk Meta Loadouts After Update. Warzone 3 Fastest Ttk Weapons

New best ttk meta loadouts in warzone explained

New best ttk meta loadouts in warzone explained

ladies and gentlemen. With some of the meta updates that we've seen within War Zone recently, the top five fastest killing options The best TTK guns in the game have shifted around a little bit, and there's honestly some surprising options here for if you're purely going after time to kill as the main factor in your setup, so jumping Right in, we are starting first with a surprising one for some players.

Warzone best ttk rapp h meta loadout

If you've been around the channel for a little bit, you might have seen this one pop up here and there, but the WAP H lmg from MW2. Well, it's an MW2 gun, so its attachments kind of stink, it's ridiculously slow, and its mobility and reload are pretty rough, but if you can just focus on spraying and praying all your ammo into enemies, you'll have plenty of time to reload because they'll be spectating right.

So initially here we got the cast's break compensator, making it super easy to predict the recoil pattern here attacking all that horizontally and adding in some firing aim stability. I've also got the Brewing Heavy Support doing more for your idol sway and firing aim stability, plus more horizontal recoil being attacked there, making this gun super predictable across the board.

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The high-grain ammo here will help out with that extended range and better velocity, making this even more lethal and even more efficient in the mid- to long range. We got the 100-round mag, the only option for an extended mag here, but if I have to reload less because I use this, that's a win in my book, and lastly, I got the 2.5-time Eagle Opticon here too.

Like I said, it's an MW2. Gun, so a lot of the stocks end up hurting you more than helping the same deal with a lot of the barrels, so you're somewhat limited with these attachments, but this is a good setup regardless and has a ridiculous ttk, as mentioned now, thanks to a couple of Buffs with season 3 Reloaded.

Warzone 3 fastest ttk striker meta loadout

Warzone 3 fastest ttk striker meta loadout

The Base Striker SMG is now one of the best sniper support options in the game.

When it comes to comparing this against the other subs, this thing's like second and third damage ranges are crazy. At 27 M, which is out there for an SMG but still doable for sure, it's got a 744, millisecond ttk, which is wildly impressive and not really something you're going to see, you know, since we had I'd say the amr9 is like a rifle back you know a few seasons ago, so this thing is definitely up in terms of ttk it's also very easy to use and I love how aggressive this setup is at the same time we got the Zen 35 compensator this is a great option while it is hurting your V The striker has crazy good velocity; 621 for a sub is great for the mid-range.

We got the long barrel on here; this will actually bring our velocity back up and also extend that lethal damage range out some of the Dr6 hand stop better. Mobility across the board: with movement strafe ads and Sprint of Fire, it's only hurting your hips, which is not a huge deal whatsoever. We got the 60-round drum on here.

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All the ammo in the world with this fire rate—it's not that crazy, so that's great, and lastly, I do go for the light stock. It speeds it up a tad bit here. That said, if you are fighting in the mid-range and you feel like you need an optic, you could definitely drop the stock for something like, you know, an AW Gen 1. If you like this optic, or a glassless, or a nidar, or anything like that, whatever optic you're comfortable with, that'd be a viable replacement here too, but yeah, the striker is feeling phenomenal after the past couple of updates.

Warzone fastest ttk ftac recon meta loadout

Warzone fastest ttk ftac recon meta loadout

By the way, we are going through all the loadouts here today.

Much love, as always, to everyone who takes the time to do so. Next up, maybe another bit of a surprise option, but it's one that we've actually talked about a handful of times, and it just seems like it keeps getting better in terms of ttk. The ftac recon, I will say, is by far the least practical and highest skill Gap weapon on the list here today.

Keep in mind that just because a weapon has a crazy fast ttk, it doesn't necessarily mean it's like some broken crazy absolute number one metag gun fast ttk doesn't always correlate with crazy good. See things like the SVA, which is a meta rifle but doesn't have a broken ttk. This is kind of the inverse; it's not as practical everywhere, but its ttk is absolutely nuts at 40 m, which is decent, like mid-range area of a 598, millisecond ttk that's like unheard of for pretty much everything else in the game; it just has some pretty severe drawbacks.


It's semi-auto, and it's got decent visual recoil and kick, so it's hard to stay accurate, and you only get 15 rounds to work with, which is not a lot, so you're going to be reloading a ton. You might need some specialist bonus or some slot of hand here to help you out, but yeah, that's definitely limiting this gun and balancing it out a ton beyond that, though I do have Brewing heavy support, this is a super clutch for any semi-auto gun.

With the ID Sway and the horizontal control attacking, the firing aim stability makes it a lot more predictable and consistent. I actually go for the scratch. 20-l suppressor helps out with even more firing aim stability and hurts our ad speed by 1%, which is not an issue whatsoever. 2.5 times Eagle ey optic, and then frankly, because this is an MW2 gun, the barrels suck, the ammo sucks, and the rear grip sucks.

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These stocks aren't great, but the demo Precision is the least harmful of them all. This helps out a little bit with control for some crop movement and some ads. If you want a fifth attachment, that's what I'd use. It's not going to have a huge impact, but at least it's.

Warzone 3 best ttk sidewinder meta loadout

Warzone 3 best ttk sidewinder meta loadout

Something and another battle rifle This one is a little bit more practical is the side Winder especially if you're using it in semi-auto, because the semi-auto ttk is actually crazy, especially in the mid-range, so like this is prime for Resurgence-style gameplay at 34 M; it's got a 643 millisecond ttk, and this gun is a lot easier to use than you might think if you haven't used it in some time.

Even the full auto version is great, but semi-auto is where that ttk really shines and really stands out the most, especially in that mid-range. First things first, 2.5 times Eagle Eyes is very straightforward. You do only have a third 30-round mag here as well. Luckily, the fire rate even when you're spamming as fast as you can is not ridiculous or anything, so 30 rounds is not going to get burned through.

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