News - Warzone 2: The First Weapon Tuning Update 2 Months. What Changed. Season 2 Update 1. 15

Modern warfare 2 launcher tuning updates

So that's an overall buff to the weapon outside of the ikimbo ; for the launchers, we saw the strella P remove the activation distance for the projectile and it will now explode at any range, close or far, and the RPG 7 saw a small increase in the splash damage amount with a small reduction of the splash damage range, so if you're a launcher player, it's kind of a win on those but really more inconsequential.

The RPGs, the larger of those two changes, are doing more damage, but we're still reeling back on how wide that damage will be spread out in that blast radius.

Modern warfare 2 lmg tuning updates

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Moving on to LMGs, we saw the RPGs get a small reduction to the ads' movement speed, a reduction in the mid- and long-range damage, a reduction to the damage ranges overall, and a small increase to the ads' time.

Because it's not really adjusted in some of the areas that mattered when it came to the meta, reeling back the ranges is definitely nice, but when you consider the damage, the fire rate, and the ad The recoil controls that. Stuff that was still something that made it rain Supreme on top of the fact that we had long range damage to the degree that we did in War Zone, so I'm curious to see how that one will be handled in the overall Warzone meta right now, preliminary.

I've heard that it's still pretty good along with the FedEx, so we'll see just how much The Meta is shaking up the route.

Modern warfare 2 marksman rifle tuning updates

Modern warfare 2 marksman rifle tuning updates

We ended up seeing an increase to the recoil, so a Nerf there with that, and then the marksman rifles, we saw the ebr-14 have a reduction to long range damage increased, the upper torso damage, and added a minimum damage against armor, so that being kind of a Nerf plus a buff to the LMS, we saw the baseline minimum damage against armor added, so kind of a fundamental buff there but more inconsequential.

Especially whenever you play MP, the attack M saw a slight increase to the rate of fire, increased the upper torso damage, and added that minimum damage against armor, so for that it's a slight buff as.

Modern warfare 2 melee weapon tuning updates

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Well now, melee's, this is an interesting one because we saw a Nerf here, which is great in that regard; it increased the non-lunging, melee damage range, which allows players to hit equipment on the ground with melee while crouching, but the big thing here is that melee attacks with non-male weapons will now require three hits to kill a fully armored enemy instead of two. That's great because then you don't have that Panic Gun Bunting that we had beforehand, which was really big in Warzone, so to see that now reduced down to three hits, if I'm not mistaken, that's actually where we were with War Zone One, so again, one of those things that I'm not entirely sure why we changed that fundamentally going into War Zone Two, but that's a big change for sure; beyond that, we have some SMGs.

Modern warfare 2 smg tuning updates

Modern warfare 2 smg tuning updates

Here the Vasnev 9K saw reduction into the mid-to-long range damage, so a Nerf to that, the mini box saw a reduction to the damage ranges of reduction of the lower torso damage at close range and a reduction of the lower body damage at mid-to-close range and added that minimum damage against armor, so minus the minimum damage against armor that was a Nerf, so the mini block really wasn't one that was too highly competitive or too relevant to the SMG meta, so to Nerf that more is kind of strange to me.

In FedEx 45, we saw it decrease the overall damage with a decrease to the headshot damage and then add the minimum damage against armor. On paper again, this one is a nerf, but I've heard that it's still pretty solid in things like Warzone.

Modern warfare 2 sniper rifle tuning updates

Then, we saw the final weapon adjusted at its base was the Signal 50, which was a reduction of the sprint speed, a reduction of the movement speed, a reduction of the long-range damage, and small decreases to the bullet velocity.


Final thoughts on weapon tuning for modern warfare 2 season 2

Overall, this was a nerf to the weapon that, if you're somebody that's sniping in Warzone, you'll definitely notice those things, but overall, those were the adjustments that we ended up getting for the weapon tuning in Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer. I still think the RPK will be something that is very viable.

I'm curious to see where the new assault rifle fits into the meta, but we'll see how that all breaks down, and of course we'll keep you up to date with all that.

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Running all things Modern Warfare 2, Warzone 2, and anything Cod related, we're going to have a lot of stuff here to cover for season two and beyond. Take care and peace

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