News - The Warzone 2 Feature That Disappeared

cod modern warfare 2

Modern Warfare 2 in the launch of Cod 2.0 has done a lot of things for better or worse depending on how you look at them, but in the midst of all of this change and adjustments to the game's fundamentals, the outlook on future updates and content distribution, and the intended cohesive experience going forward, there's one big marketed item that we saw with Modern Warfare 2 that we only saw once, and only once despite it supposedly looking like the next big thing in weaponry and especially the Cosmetic Department weapon.

I want to discuss why we could have only seen one so far when we may see more and how we may see them as we go deeper into our thoughts. Below, you'll learn whether you're hoping to see more weapon types in vaults and why or why not, and if you're new to the channel, you'll like this article with all things Modern Warfare 2.

War Zone 2, and DMZ considering.

The initial thoughts / theories for weapon vaults in modern warfare 2

The initial thoughts / theories for weapon vaults in modern warfare 2

So what was interesting about the web and vaults was firstly how little we knew about them for so long. I mean, when vaults were first announced, we didn't have anything actually describing what they were, so it created a lot of theories. One of the biggest ones was initially on the optimistic side of things, that it was this theory that vaults would be the replacement for blueprints, and that finally, after three years of seeing our blueprints completely altered by changing even just one singular attachment in some cases, they would have a system in place that would allow us to keep those designs on blueprints across all the weapons, no matter what attachments we put on them.

It turns out that wasn't exactly the case, as we ended up getting clarification. from studio art director at Infinity Ward Joe Lemsley, who followed up back in June by saying that this is an extremely rare style of weapon blueprint category and that more details were to come, stating that the theory that we had was indeed incorrect.

Where are the other weapon vaults in modern warfare 2?

Where are the other weapon vaults in modern warfare 2?

And the entire M4 platform, which then included the 556, the Icarus FSS Hurricane, the M16, and the F-TAC Recon, along with the M4A1, so if that's the case and that's the only one we ever got, well, where do we go from here because it was something that, yes, was stated as extremely rare, but extremely rare to the degree that we're going on three months now of Modern Warfare 2 and we've still not seen another one introduced.

Well, the rumor that I had heard around the time of COD next seems to be holding up if these are going to be incredibly rare and we'd only see three, four, or five in the entire year of Modern Warfare 2, but even right now we're still on even at that point where we'd see one per season, so maybe it's like one every other season.

Is it better that we haven't seen more weapon vaults in modern warfare 2?

cod mw2

Is it perhaps for the best that we haven't seen them just yet? Is this perhaps better than this giant feature that was said to be cosmetic and sort of a weapon in Revolution? Is it better that we don't see them? The biggest issue that we had heard, especially around launch in the beta, and it was definitely valid, was that vaults would be pay-to-win unlocking, every single attachment for the gun immediately, and for all the weapons of that platform, so essentially you could have one to four or five weapons fully unlocked and ready to go with zero game time.

We saw this in the beta when the Vault Edition pre-orders had access to the M4 Vault, but they had an immediate leg up on their opponents that didn't necessarily have the same thing at launch, so if we were to see another one shortly after and it would still be the same, that might be different now, because I'd wager that a lot of you are watching this article now statistically.

Speaking generally, you're in the more hardcore player base because you're here seeking out additional media on COD. The casual bassists are the ones that pick up their controllers a couple hours a week; they don't go out of their way; they just pick up the controller, play the game, and they're done with it; they go back to their lives.

How additional weapon vaults will likely happen in modern warfare 2

How additional weapon vaults will likely happen in modern warfare 2

The way that I see vaults going into the future is one of two different ways. Number one, either a vault for all new weapons in a season or up to a retroactive vault for a platform like the Castovia, of which you'd probably see a lot of people already having that ranked up because you have some decent weapons in there.

the 762, the 545, the 74u, there's a lot of weapons in that platform that were meta in Modern Warfare 2 or even in War Zones, so by this time again likely a non-issue in that case. Now, the less likely of the two possibilities I see is that we see a new vault for a new season of weapons. With season one, we saw four weapons in the primary category: the m13b, the Bass P Chimera, as well as the Victus XMR.

Three of those four were part of the Brew and Ops platform, but those weapons don't act the same way as other base weapons. You can't unlock the receivers interconnected through all weapons on that platform; instead, they have to be unlocked individually, one through the battle pass won through DMZ and one through either DMZ or a weapon challenge.

If that's the way that we see weapons continue on a vault of all weapon platforms, receivers, and attachments, it's relatively unlikely not only because of the unlock parameters between skipping the battle past years and unlocking them and then immediately skipping other weapon challenges, but also because we don't see all those weapons rolled out at the same time.

Instead. I do think that we'll see retroactive platforms again, like we talked about for the more valuable platforms per se, the cast and tactic platforms, where you have a weapon vault that can encompass four to five weapons. Honestly, I bet these vaults for the year at the end will probably be for that M4, which has already done the castovia, platform, and tactic, and the Lochman mirror platforms.

How & when would we see more weapon vaults in modern warfare 2?

How & when would we see more weapon vaults in modern warfare 2?

So I guess the next question that comes down to all of this is how and when. The Vault Edition was skewed, and we couldn't really accurately determine how much the weapon Vault would be valued at.

Conservatively, we said that it would probably be about thirty dollars. Again, that's the low end because you offer more than the traditional bundle. Of course, the base unlocks four to five weapons and then all of the attachments plus a camo design on it, but at the same time, if you go much higher—forty or fifty dollars—you start to cut into those prospective buyers because at that point you're paying for almost another game for four to five weapons being completely unlocked in a camo design, so thirty dollars.

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