News - This Warzone 2 Bundle Is Awful

I can see myself playing that, or maybe I just have to walk away from gaming altogether? Maybe I will come as a single-player commentator now and just tell you guys about how article games are awful or something like that. I don't know. I really don't know what single-player gamers are complaining about these days; is Spider-Man 2 still a big controversial thing?

I'm not sure, but anyway, I digress. I want to get back to the main point, which is talking about these cosmetics and the microtransactions here in Modern Warfare 3. It was very apparent a long time ago that this was going to be their sole focus; this is what they want to ensure, maintain the health of Call of Duty long-term, and unfortunately, what we've seen over the course of this year, and I'd even argue for bits and pieces last year.

It showcases their laziness. They're just kind of skating along, seeing what they can get away with, and making sure that minimal effort can be implemented, and no one really notices. But the community is starting to notice, and they're starting to realize, wake up, and say. These cosmetics sort of stink; they're not great, and they're not worth the value that you're associating with them.

And it's great to see on one hand, but on the other. Is it actually going to implement change? Is it going to create a ripple effect so the people who need to realize that Call of Duty is not in the position that we all think it is can actually start to change the trajectory of this franchise? It's a lot to ask, but boy, would it be nice to just have some positives to talk about for once?

Something new and something different, please. That's all I'm asking for. I don't think it's too much. I think we're going down Avenue, and that can be pretty awesome. Opportunities exist, but they need to recognize the failures that they've implemented within this franchise; they need to recognize that they need to know that they can do better and they should do better, but that's it for the article today.

I hope you enjoyed it. Let's say the skin was $2. Would you buy it for that price? Because I know I wouldn't. This thing is garbage. Even if I were buying cosmetics in Call of Duty, this thing is absolute trash. But that's it.

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