News - The Entire History Of Forgotten Guns Warzone

For starters, it was semi-automatic, and when one shot to the head at any range, which is something we haven't seen since War Zone 1, it would also two-shot body shots at a considerable range, which is another really good stat about this gun aside from being an okay sniper. What made this gun so special was the crazy ammo types you could use, but the thermite ammo, which is similar to the crossbow, would essentially shoot incendiary.


Like rounds at your opponent but they lingered, way longer you could down someone with a head shot and the thermite would then kick in after the fact which would leave them with only 2third, their health while being down which was a really cool feature kind of similar to how the crossbow would finish someone off if you down them with the bolt itself but not quite as good but where the rch, really shines is its explosive ammo which was something we haven't seen in war zone since not to be confused with the explosive ammo we have today which is pretty much only good for making any bolt action sniper one shot at any range, explosive ammo for the rch would actually leave an explosion behind after impact this was crazy because you could shoot near or around someone and still deal damage to them from a super far range the only drawback with these ammo types is that its velocity and bullet drop fell dramatically.

And with the RCH already not having the greatest velocity, it wasn't exactly a cakewalk to use what I think they really had in mind for this ammo type: destroying vehicles, which was absolutely crazy. It was pretty much one-shot any vehicle aside from the Beras being able to snipe a helicopter from a distance, but instead of having to shoot the pilot out, you're destroying the entire thing, which was pretty crazy and something you just can't do anymore.


It was almost like having a hit-and-scan RPG. Eventually they nerfed the rch to not be able to one-shot headshot at all, which was kind of sad since it really wasn't easy to use in the first place. I, for one, didn't find the RCH, even with the ammo types broken, simply because it wasn't all that viable but still just a fun gun to use in general.

If anything needed to be nerfed, it was vehicle damage. That's the only change I would make going forward. Back this was probably one of the silliest guns we've ever seen added to War Zone, if you even really want to consider it a firearm. The fun thing about the nail gun was that it was actually really good and had the fastest time to kill in the game.


Aside from any one-shot sniper, it only took four shots with this thing to kill someone, which was just crazy. The major drawback was that it didn't support any attachments whatsoever, so what you had was what you got with only 20 rounds in its magazine. It was extremely difficult to get more than one to two kills per magazine on some of the craziest iron SES of all time, and you had the definition of a high-risk.

High-reward gun: this gun was dominating Rebirth Island for the longest time. It was eventually hit with some damage from Nerfs, but that was pretty much it. I think that's the perfect nerf because I think it's still used to down someone with four shots at just about any range, but nerfing made it still fairly balanced since you had no customization.

In just the 20-round magazine, it was still way better to run a traditional kid-it-out SMG. Especially if you were playing trios or quads; however, if you were feeling slimy and tricky, you could definitely still make the nail gun work in certain circumstances. It's always fun to see a gimmicky gun added to the game be broken for a while, then get nerfed to a balanced state and still be usable.

nail gun

Somehow, all right, if you thought the nail gun was gimmicky, buckle up for this next edition. The Ex1 was a laser gun that was originally in Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. Well, for whatever reason, they decided to add this gun to Call of Duty: Vanguard of all games for the sake of continuity. I think they could have at least added it to Modern Warfare 2019.

So you could easily ride it off as like a prototype gum from the future or something, but for some reason Raven thought the high-tech laser gun used against spaceships and zombies was a better fit for a World War II setting, and the gun itself really wasn't anything special or really all that good whatsoever.

I will say the customization was pretty crazy, and since it was technically a Vanguard gun, it allowed for 10 attachments, so I guess that was pretty fun. You could kid it out to be a sniper, which I totally forgot about before making this article, and had I known that. I definitely would have included it in my history of Excitement Video because it actually was a true one-hot sniper.

rebirth island

Yes, that's right—the only assault rifle in war zone history to be a one-shot headshot. He used this weird thing, like a charge-up shot magazine. Which would result in the one-shot headshot from any range were there better snipers at the time, absolutely, but having this as another somewhat decent sniper option in War Zone is just hilarious.

As far as usefulness, outside of the sniper. I really didn't see a point in using it at range; its recoil was awful, but another really weird thing about this gun that I couldn't get over was that it left the laser trails when you were shooting someone, and that made it really difficult to track somebody.

In my opinion, I don't know if I could ever get over that; it kind of took up the whole screen. It's also worth mentioning that there was a three-round burst variant with one of the magazines as well, which was also pretty useless. Overall, the gun was not worth using. In my opinion, this was also added to the game during season 5 of Vanguard, which was just before the release of Modern Warfare 2, and I personally saw it as a desperate attempt to get people to play Vanguard before its inevitable demise.


I bet a lot of you completely forgot that there was even an M16, alongside the launch of Modern Warfare 2 it's one of the only guns in war zone today that goes by actual name in real life which is a shame because the reason I say you probably forgot about this gun is that it's probably the worst assault rifle in war zone right now and honestly has been since the launch of war zone 2 also I don't think this gun has ever been in the ground loot rotation so that certainly isn't helping anyone remembering it either the M16 is such a quintessential, gun for not only article games but specifically for COD in general it has usually been in the foref Throne of the meta in previous games and even the Cold War M16 at a severe broken State during the burst meta the whole burst thing they just can never get right it's either super broken are just useless.

warzone history

I mean, even when I would grind multiplayer, the Modern Warfare 2 M16 never saw any viability. I swear, I still don't have this gun leveled up because of how useless it is. There are just a lot of things they could do to fix this. You know, they could make the recoil crazy and the damage insane, or they could lower the recoil and give it some moderate damage.

Today we look at the entire history of forgotten guns in warzone. These are guns that may have been in the game previously, never to make a return. Or are still in the game, but are so useless you forgot about them. There were a ton of guns I personally forgot about while making this video and I bet you forgot about at least one of these guns.
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