News - Ranking Every Warzone Resurgence Map

best maps

War Zone has, surprisingly, had a lot of maps ever since Verance dropped in March of 2020. We've gone through a ton of resurgence maps and even a few battle royale maps, and today we rank every resurgence map with a little bit extra. I've honestly been wanting to make this article for a long time because I feel like a lot of people are going to disagree with me.

That's for Boomers anyway, so let's get into this here. Basically, just so you know what maps we have, starting from the left to the right, we have the Fort Resurgence map of Ashika Island, Cy, AKA Caldera. Fortune's keeps coming back soon. If you didn't see my article on that after this one, make sure you queue it up.

Rebirth Island, of course, has Ersan. Verdos. Vond, and Aza, so in this one, you know we're going to really take into account how the game was when it dropped, how much fun it was, what people thought about it, and, of course, how fun I thought it was and how it played for the general player base.


Those are just five things I can think of that we need to think about as we rank all of these maps. Let's start with the Fort Resurgence Map. I'm going to be brutally honest. Here, This has to be a d, and if you didn't know, editor. Please put a picture of the Fort Resurgence map and some gameplay here so people can actually see what it was, because the reason I'm putting this in the certified D tier is that this map barely even existed.

I mean, this map had to be made by Oscar the Grouge because it is literally trash. Not only did we have a delay for it to even be added to the game to begin with, it was in the game for a whopping 2 weeks. It was literally a lazy copy and paste version of Al Masra and only a corner of it, and it wasn't even a map; it was like Min Royale, where the circle rotated, so every game was a different circle, and half of it was water, as you can see here by the thumbnail on this D tier, so honestly, the map didn't even play that badly, but I can't, in good conscience, even put it in the C tier.


I'm sorry, certified D-tier Okay, let's move on to Ashika Island. Asika Island is tough because I feel like when it launched in the beginning of War Zone 2, you couldn't play and run; it was a miserable experience; the color scheme was honestly terrible; it was worse than a Bob Ross painting; and the game itself was in the lowest amount of hype and energy that it ever had been in.

We lost Rebirth Island and Fortune's Keep to gain what but Chica Island and Tazuki Sauce Castle, but ever since movement came back and Asika's been around a while, it's actually kind of grown on me a little bit, so I think I'm going to put Asika. Island, in B tier, and I know this might be a hot take, but I want to know what you guys would put Asika Island in, and at the end, what your tier is, and whether you agree with me.

Of course, after you've seen the whole list, and before we do that, make sure you like the article, and while you're at it, it helps it out in the YouTube algorithm, so I would greatly appreciate it. Okay, moving on to a map that recently left us in September 2023, affectionately known as Cy, now C Dey also had a rough start similar to Ishika.

cpreds rebirth island

If you didn't know, when you first booted into the map, there was like a visual glitch where you couldn't really see anything, and that made it a little bit hard to actually play the map, and console players couldn't even play it, not to mention Peak If you haven't ever seen Caldera, there is a huge POI in the center where everything kind of stems from all the end games being pretty much involved around it.

In fact, almost every circle ended near Peak when the game first came out, and if you had to rotate around the mountain, you could easily get held at the top. Not the best map design, and there's something weird about shooting a laser gun in the jungle that just doesn't feel like World Zone, especially compared to Verdan.

For that reason, I'm going to have to put Caldera This is a tough one, honestly. In the end, I just can't fathom putting it higher, because honestly, let's be real, the only reason people were even playing Caldera was because they wanted to experience War Zone 1 again. If Rebirth Island was there when the game closed, people would have been playing Rebirth Island and not Caldera.

fortunes keep

Until War Zone One closed, I don't know, hate me, but I just can't put this one above D tier. Okay, moving on to the next one, we have Fortune's Key, which, if you didn't know yesterday, of course if you're in the Noty Gang, you would already know about that. I posted the article last night about this coming back.

Fortune's Keep, I think, was an underrated map. I'm going to be honest with you. I think Fortune's Keep didn't get a lot of love from the community, but it had a true battle-out and resurgence experience, and I honestly loved every second of it. If you went to stay, there were a lot of different ways to maneuver around the castle.

You could go below or mantle on top of the different castles. Not only that, but there was a lot of diversity if you wanted to go to a winery versus the downtown area. There was honestly a lot to love about Fortune's Keep. There were a lot more players than reer, so you could get higher kills and feel a lot less sweaty, but Fortune's Keep did not get enough love, and I will stand by that for that reason.

fortunes keep coming back

I'm going to put it. St here and I am not joking or trolling in this I know the thumbnail was trolling a little bit and some people probably came in there like how could he put rebirth island in trash I'm not trolling with this one man I'm not but on to the next one rebirth island we can obviously put that one in the D.

Tier, you thought nice try now do we even really need to explain this one I feel like rebirth island is the number one map I'm sorry I have said that I think Fortune's keep might be better and honestly it's a tossup for me I'm putting Rebirth Island as and Fortune keep right behind it. Do I really need to explain this one?

You know, maybe I'll try to reassure you. Okay, editor, please cut that. Okay, moving on to the next map, Rikan. I mean, ERS. I mean is I mean ersan definitely said that right the first time ersan just dropped in War Zone 3, it's got a lot of downtown, and it kind of feels like a verdance 2.0 for that reason.

new map

I think I got to put it. Nah, it's not really stier. I feel like Ukhan plays decently, but it's not verdance, and this is a little too much open space; it's a little large for only 100 players. I mean, France had 150. I'm going to give Ukhan a solid, especially the suburb revival map. If it had more players.

Today I'm ranking EVERY Warzone Resurgence map from S tier all the way to D tier.
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