News - The Cor-45 Is The Best Secondary Warzone 2. Stats & Best Attachment Setups

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Instead of just over 30 m, now it's just under 40 m. I should also mention here that we do get a very noticeable improvement in bullet velocity up to 525 m/s, which will also give you some benefits when trying to handle those gunfights in those longer ranges. So in general, not a bad kit at all. I know a lot of people really enjoy this, but in my opinion, if you have a good trigger finger, while this still may be a fun attachment to use, you're probably going to be better off just using the base core 45, with one of the faster fire rate triggers, because with that, not only are you able to get a noticeably better time to kill potential than we're getting here, but you're also able to do so with significantly less recoil.

Cor-45 - quickdraw build

Cor-45 - quickdraw build

And there we go. That's going to wrap it up for the full breakdown of the core 45. Now let's get into some excellent attachment combinations, and the first one I wanted to share with you guys is my standard secondary build. I call it my Quick Draw build, and with this one we're using the Hermes mod suppressor to stay off the radar as well as a bullet velocity boost.

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Out of this, we've got the 45 Auto High grain ammunition, and for again more of a bullet velocity boost and a boost as well, we have the XRK lightning fire trigger on this because I am capable of sometimes getting over 600 rounds per minute, and therefore when I use that trigger. I find that it holds me back at least a little bit, so it is nice to have that basically uncapped fire rate because I'll never hit 750.

modern warfare 3

And then on top of that we've got the 18 round magazine since we will burn through those pretty quickly and I like being able to deal with multiple enemies if needed, and then finally the Tactical grip cover which allows us to take advantage of the Fast Draw mechanic, and with that pistol Fast Draw it allows us to swap from an assault rifle for instance in half the amount of time it now takes only about 250 milliseconds rather than 500 milliseconds to get a shot off after swapping which is nice to see now when it comes to our recoil we are seeing more recoil just cuz there's less time between shots for this to reenter and also we did hurt our recoil values a little bit with this our time to kill potential is 160 milliseconds but realistically, even with a good trigger finger we're looking at more around the range of like 1990 to 200 milliseconds which is still incredible.

Our aim-down sight speed and sprint-out time were very slightly slowed down, but not by a large margin. These are still very fast, and our range values have improved by 15%. Our bullet velocity is nicely improved, so that helps us stretch our range out, and then, of course, we've got that suppressor on there, so we're off the radar.

modern warfare iii

And just a quick note on that suppressor: I know if you use the Sonic suppressor, it actually gives us a better bullet velocity boost, and it seems like the obvious choice, but if you're not using an optic with that, it actually obstructs your iron sight, so that's why I stuck with the suppressor that I'm using here, so there we go.

That's the first one, and this is actually my go-to secondary weapon in this game; it's the one I have on the vast majority of my class setups. However, with my second setup, this one's designed to be used as a primary weapon, not as something you just swap to but something that you are going to be using all the time, and with this one, we're using the Sonic suppressor, the XRK py 9 heavy long barrel, and the Slimline Pro optic, so we can use that Sonic suppressor and see over it properly, and it doesn't obstruct our iron sight.


we got a 30 round magazine on this since we're using it as a primary weapon and then I put on the xrk v21 heavy match trigger which gives us that rate of fire at 600 rounds per minute which is more than enough for most people and it doesn't have as much of a downside as the lightning trigger, now with this particular setup we've still got a very accurate gun on our hands again it is less accurate than the base recoil but that's mainly just due to the faster fire rate, just like with the previous build while we did slow down our aim down sight speed and Sprint out speed they're still very fast not a problem at all you're still going to be way faster than most of the guns in this game our range is now increased by 18%.

Which is excellent; our bullet velocity is also not bad at all at 487. M/s and just like with the previous build, we are off the radar when firing. This build works great as a primary weapon in core game modes, but especially in hardcore game modes. This is one of the best setups you can make for hardcore game modes out of any gun in the game, not just secondary weapons.

Cor-45 - binary fire build

Cor-45 - binary fire build

And with that, this just leaves us with one last setup I wanted to share with you guys, and I didn't want to leave you guys hanging with that conversion kit with binary fire, so this is the build that I'll use if I am using that conversion kit.

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So obviously, we've got the kit on there, and we've got the Comp 905 F muzzle, which is going to help a lot with recoil. We have the SL skeletal vertical underbarrel grip, which helps with vertical recoil and our handling stats. A little bit, we have the 30-round magazine because we're going to burn through those fairly quickly, and then finally, the granular grip, which will help with recoil as well.


With all of this combined, we've still got a fair amount of recoil here, but it's far less than the base while using this kit, so that's really nice to see. One big thing to keep in mind with this one is that our aim-down sight time is very noticeably slower than when we're not using this kit; it's 253 milliseconds, which is very slow for a pistol, but it's more along the lines of what you'd see with a slower SMG or assault rifle.

Unfortunately, it's kind of necessary if you want to get really good recoil control with this. Our sprint-out time is still pretty great, and our range values have increased by 30%, which is amazing. And finally, we've got a great bullet velocity for a pistol at 525 m/s. Now, like I said earlier, for me with a good trigger finger.

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I definitely prefer this without the binary fire kit, but in saying that, it's still a very fun kit to use, and if you are somebody who struggles with getting a decent fire rate in semi-auto, definitely give this one a shot. I think you're going to.

Final thoughts & wrap up

Final thoughts & wrap up

like it quite a bit, and with that, that's going to wrap up today's gun guide on the Core 45. As for my thoughts on this gun, I love it; it is by far my favorite secondary in this game. You'll find it in the vast majority of my class setups, and honestly, even when using it as a primary weapon, I have no issues using it and performing very well.

Welcome to Modern Warfare III Gun Guides! This is the series where I dive deep into the stats of a gun and share the best attachment setups based on tons of testing and data collection! In today's episode, we're breaking down the new COR-45.
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