News - The Best Schematics Warzone 2 Zombies Are Easy To Get Now Solo

So what I'm going to do is I usually like either a decoy grenade or this very first one, so I'll throw out my decoy grenade and get this first ether extractor done. Once I head off to the second one. I'm going to end up switching out my decoy grenades for one of the things that I have in my backpack, like either a monkey bomb or, in my case right here, a cashmir grenade, and I'm going to use those Kashmir grenades to distract the zombies to get the rest of these ether extractors.

Done, so that way I still have my Decco grenade and I can still go refill those after I'm done with this contract, so we're going to get this second one done right here, and there's going to be an insta kill up here, but honestly, we're not going to care about that, especially with the weapons that we're carrying.


Right now, just get on over to this third one and get this one done now, honestly. I personally think these are the easiest contracts to do here in the dark ether, especially if you have that scorer. You can just boost up each one of these things to distract the zombies, and boom, you're done. You're good to go to hell most of the time during this contract.

You don't even have to use your weapon; you can just use your decoys and everything, and you'll be just fine. So we ended up getting this very last ether extractor done, and what do you know? We ended up getting a dog bone out of here, and we got that golden armor schematic, so it's going to be on to the very last mission here, which is going to be the holdout mission, usually when I come in here after season 2, especially.


I like to bring in a couple of century guns to set up in here just to kind of help me out, because it does get pretty hectic in here, especially when they like to spawn in those Mega Abominations. But this time we don't really got any of that so I'm just kind of Brin and open of course we do have the vr11, which is going to be nice for turning those zombies into a My Little Helper to kind of help me out in there that's going to be one of my main plans and then plus we do have a couple more of these cashmere grenades that I'm going to use when I absolutely need to now when I was boosting over here I did notice that there was a lot of zombies that were chasing me in here so I decided to pop my ether shroud when I got down in here but for some reason it wasn't activating, the p& it kept trying to glitch out on me I was finally able to get this thing activated, and yeah it's pretty much just going to be the same old thing that you would usually do when you come in here in the dark ether you're going to be playing a lot on the sides and jumping over the railings when you think it's safe using that ether blade whenever you get just in a corner and also since you got the vr11.


Be changing a lot of these zombies because they're going to be acting as decoys. We even went ahead and popped the extra dog bone that we had on us just as an in-case and a little bit of a cushion since we're in here, and I kind of just kind of felt a little bit overrun. I'm not going to lie. I think that the vr11 and the scorcher are both honestly amazing, but the Wonder WF does absolutely.

Wonders for this contract: I really wish I would have had a Wonder W when I was in here, and those Golden Plates are absolutely lifesavers. I think the Golden Plates—it's between the Golden Plates and the Ether Blade—are probably the best two schematics in the game. I don't know what you guys think—what are the best schematics in the game or what's the best acquisitions—for people to get personally for me.


I honestly have to go with probably the Ether Blade, but I don't know, man, that golden armor is honestly right up there as well, because there's a lot of things in this game that I don't think would be really possible or would be way harder without them, like trying to fight that red worm solo. Oh, the golden armor did wonders for me, and there, that's for damn sure.

I don't know when we get the VR1. Schematic, that might be another discussion because this thing is just absolutely crazy, especially since all of the bosses—if you guys didn't catch my previous article, we actually just did a run where we killed in a single game. I did all of this completely solo and with the VR11.


So if you guys haven't seen that article yet I'd highly advise you guys to go check it out and I just greatly appreciate it and what do you know we got this contract done we did end up going down in here once but that's all right like I said that's what we brought in all these self- revives for and it's been buffed up in here quite a bit especially since season 1 the dark ether now is a little bit crazy, in this contract we got our ether blade schematic so that makes all three we got all three of our classified, schematics, speaking of golden armor Acquisitions we got one of those as well now I did go around and check all those wonder weapon rooms but unfortunately, there wasn't, one wonder weapon in any of the lock rooms in this game I was very surprised, about that but we got the important things that I wanted to do for this run anyways so we're going to boost up to the extraction.

And get the hell out of here if you guys still need to know where anything is in the dark ether. I'm going to throw up this map on the screen right here, and it's going to show you where all of the keys are and where all of the bunnies are to start those contracts. Almost anything you guys want to know about the dark ether or where anything is going to be on these maps, so big shout out to mwz, Hub.


Go check those out. Not a bad run here, guys. Not a bad run here. Just looking in the backpack, we got some pretty good stuff, mainly those classified acquisitions, and if you guys didn't have these before, hopefully you can come in here and try this out and get them for yourself. With that, I'm going to go ahead and wrap up the article, guys.

I appreciate everybody that came through and showed me some love and support. Thank you, guys, again. Have a wonderful rest of your day, and I will catch you guys in the next.

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Today we look at a great way to get the classified schematics in mw3 zombies. Using a loadout with the the VR11 and Scorcher Case. I appreciate all the support everyone! - Ghost.
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