News - Stop Making These 10 Mistakes Warzone 2 Ranked Play

However, you want to be trying your hardest not to complain because there's two reasons for this. The first reason is that by the time you complain about a certain gunfight, it gives the enemy only one or two seconds to potentially reposition into a different corner of the map, so for example, if we take Skidrow again, if you get a kill on P1, and someone says.

best mw3 ranked tips

How did he kill me from there, and he's killed you in the fire room by the time he said. How have you not gotten that kill? That person's potentially repositioned into the TV room or gone into the other room in that yellow paint area, so what you want to be doing is you want to instantly go—one in fire, one in P2—right away rather than going.

I can't believe you killed me there. You can maybe say afterwards that you mainly want to prioritize the call out over moaning in game, and it does take a bit of getting used to because I feel like from playing Cod for years and years and years people get so used to just complaining about certain kills.

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Also, when you get annoyed at the game and start complaining, you're creating a negative environment for everyone to try and work in because if people are sitting there going. I'm getting BS connections for all this and that.

Mistake 5

Mistake 5

Obviously this is so people can catch the hackers and therefore report them however you can actually use kill cams to your advantage because if you watch these kill cams closely, you will see that you get these tiny little dots on the kill cam which actually tell you from the enemy's POV during the kill cam where their teammates are and this is super handy on any game mode but in particular Search and Destroy where if you get killed by someone on Search and Destroy at the back of the map you can potentially see where the rest of their team are in the kill Cam and therefore you can just spend a few seconds watching that kill Cam, and you can go call out to your teammates one's pushing the bomb type one's an a bomb you've got two pushing around the back so just by watching that kill cam rather than skipping it straight away you can get some really Vital Information for your team and potentially win you a few extra rounds or get you a few better Hill rotations .

Mistake 6

best ranked tips

And now the sixth mistake people make here is not calling out people's names in the kill feed, and this is arguably the best way you can improve when you're playing as a team together because if you're for man communicating, for example, if you're playing against a certain team now. I'm going to use Optics team names.

Just for this scenario, obviously, we're not playing against optics, but it's just going to help people understand it, so for example, if you get freed dead and you've killed Dashy. Shoty, and Kenny, you know that PR is The Last One Alive; therefore, you need to be called out. We're still looking for PR; you know PR lasts alive, and therefore, if you then see someone kill PR in the kill feed, you can shout out to your team all four days; they're all coming off respawn.


And you know this provides your team with so much information, for one person on Skid Row, if you're all on the double door side of the map and you've just got four down or you've just killed three, you know that you're only looking for one person on that side of the map and once you get that fall down you can call out the right guys; they've all gone to the barber shop, and then everyone can turn around to that side and you know exactly where they're going to be coming from. On top of this as well during certain games you might be able to understand certain players play styles for example if you spot a player who is using an SMG, for examp example a player like PR you can understand that if they are the last player alive whether it's Search and Destroy or whether it's just that little 10 20 seconds of a Hardo, you can kind of think of the enemy's thought process and think where they might be so if you know it's an SMG player that is last alive you can try to predict where they would be based on their play style so you know they're going to be playing a lot more aggressive with a sub whereas if you know it's someone like dashy, he uses an AR potentially they're going to be sat posted up behind the head glitch somewhere, and you can use that information to try and find that last player alive .

Mistake 7

Mistake 7

And now tip number seven here is to make sure that you're aware of where the bomb is down on Search and Destroy. So when you get kills on Search and Destroy, it's super important that you're checking the people's bodies that you've killed to see if you've killed the bomb carrier. Because when you're on defense, you can then set up around this bomb-down site, especially as the timer runs down.

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You know, when there's only 20 to 30 seconds left and they still need to plant the bomb because it takes 5 seconds to plant the bomb? And there's only 20 to 30 seconds left before the enemy team starts rushing and making mistakes, so you can quite easily catch people just sprinting down corridors or running into a certain doorway, especially if you've got the bomb down behind maybe a door where you can close the door you can close that door and people have to push that door open, and therefore you can almost guarantee yourself.

Mistake 8

cod esports

A free-kill-now mistake number eight people make is not using or destroying trophy systems correctly. When you're using trophy systems, you want to always be making sure that they're behind cover in locations where they can't get shot out; therefore, it's going to make hard points or control points so difficult to break.

Further, when you're trying to destroy trophy systems, if you can't shoot them with your gun and you're trying to break them using grenades because they take grenades to get destroyed until they're broken, you always want to throw your tactical grenades first and then your lethal grenades second. Therefore, you can coordinate this with a teammate because, between the two of you, you have four grenades in total.

Mistake 9

Mistake 9

Therefore, if you're both throwing your tacticals first and lethals second, this means that your teammate's Tactical grenade if you throw your lethal, and tactical, your teammate throws their tactical first, your teammate's lethal grenade will therefore land on the location where the trophy is being destroyed and therefore it's probably going to kill the person in the hard point or on the control point, and now mistake number nine here to avoid on Modern Warfare 3 rank play is to stop playing after a couple of losses now this could be anywhere from you know just calling it a day playing again the next day or even just taking a quick 20 to 30 minute break once you lose a couple of games in a row, now the best thing to do here is just set a rule and kind of Mark A Line in the Sand where you say right after I lose three games in a row I'm going to take at least a 20 minute break.

In this video, I'm covering 10 mistakes people make which can help you to improve your gameplay and win more games in MW3 Ranked Play.
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