News - Season 3 Has An Surprising Number Of Gameplay Changes & Features. Warzone 2 & Warzone

modern warfare 3

Based on the highest key card you have in your possession whether it's yours a fo's whatever the case you can end up buying certain things from it where they gave some general examples, based off of Rarity where bronze can reward you with random ammunition, cash armor plates lethals and tacticals all the way up to polyatomic and Orion giving you redacted stuff with free equipment selects at buy stations special weapons, which we'll touch on in a second this actually might be a new type of ultra Rarity for the weapons and additional items as well but also said with the biometric scanner stuff that there's going to be additional and permanent in-game rewards they stated there is a growing evidence that returning to the biometric scanners on subsequent but non-consecutive, visits.

modern warfare 3 season 3

You may unlock a variety of additional assets, including camouflage for your armor. I am definitely interested to see what that is all about, because, as you know, I love to collect those camos. So it's this kind of odd new system that reminds me of a combination of a bunch of things: DMZ, dog tags with rarity based on how many times you visit that biometric scanner, a bit of the daily login bonuses where it seems like it's important to keep coming back regularly, and a bit of the weapon trade stations mixed with, like, black market buy stations from War Zone 1's fortunes keep where it grants you specific gear but also discounts on special items.

So on paper, it seems like an oddly complex system, but we'll see what that does in time. I suppose.

The new warzone season 3 smart displays system on rebirth island

The new warzone season 3 smart displays system on rebirth island

We'll also have around the map as a lesser important but still something that's important to the gameplay Loop new smart displays, kind of similar to what we had in vondal it seems like where these are going to be found around the map that show the air quote General weather forecast for rebirth Island but also heat zones where there's congregations, of players if you received a key card from the biometric scanner you also could be a Target on that big screen and the first as they put it their words not mine demon who ends up hitting 10 15 or even 20 kills in the game will be on that so you know who to hunt or who to avoid so seems like there might be some kind of narrative stuff here too it stated unsubstantiated.

modern warfare 3 season 3 leaks

Rumors also indicate redacted CS from an unknown entity that occasionally bridges the security systems running these displays, so I kind of think that with how it's tied back into the Cold War Story line and everything like that, that kind of made rebirth island can be into the production of Nova 6 in the Black Ops Universe.

I kind of feel like we might see these communications.

The new warzone season 3 squad landing bonus system on rebirth island

At some point be used to see some golf War promo later on in the year but we'll see we also have at launch the squad assemble and Squad play bonuses which is a new way for rebirth Island to, offer a bit more for players that stick together at least at the start of the game during the infill of resurgence in Battle Royale you can drop in together and based on proximity, you can end up getting certain rewards for dropping together number one if you mark The Landing destination each Squad member receives a little bit of XP if a teammate just simply pings a location where you land before the first Squad member touches the ground so that's free XP which is really interesting can't be a lot because again that is just free.

modern warfare 3 season 3 maps

But you also do get that supply UAV. If half a squad or a duo lands together in quads or duos, you land as a full squad, and you'll end up getting a sizable amount of XP and cash bonuses as well as a supply drop UAV. If a majority of the squad lands there in quads or trios, you can land with two other members or one member in trios for a reasonable XP bonus and cash bonus, but you also get that supply UAV as well.

If half a squad or a duo lands together in quads or duos, you land with one teammate in quads or landing with your teammate, both of you will receive a modest XP and cash bonus, so just for simplicity.

The new warzone season 3 squad rage field upgrade explained

The new warzone season 3 squad rage field upgrade explained

Landing together, you get a little bit of a head start, which is pretty cool, but beyond that, the only other thing coming at launch is the new utility item of the squad rage field upgrade only available in Rebirth Island. This might be something that comes later on down the line, but at the moment it's only going to be in rebirth.

You can end up getting an enhanced version of battle rage by looting or purchasing it at the buy station, but once active, squad rage will vaporize any gas within a radius of that player and grant battle rage to both you and any teammate standing in that radius, giving you some resistance to tacticals.

Utilizing infinite attack Sprint increases health and regeneration for the duration of the rage, so it's going to be interesting to see how this plays out in regards to squad play, but might be kind of cool might be kind of busted we'll see, but at mid-season we actually have a ton of other things coming still, which are definitely of note.

modern warfare 3 season 3 update

The new warzone season 3 "heavy armor" explained

First, we're going to have an actual in-game event of the heavy armor event, this again only for Rebirth Island, but it'll be announced during the infi sequence and it will last the entirety of the game, which will be interesting, but this will increase your operator's armor hit points from 150 to 200, so you can actually take an additional.

Plate, and you're actually going to see that reflected as well. You're not going to have just three plates; you'll have the ability to add a fourth plate, and if you have the tempered plate carrier, it's going to be something that offers a third plate there, so that'll be interesting to see how that all works out, but it's going to increase the ttk on everything; it's going to be something that kind of makes it almost like iron trials, it seems, which will be interesting but also not necessarily like a selectable.

The new warzone season 3 utility box explained

The new warzone season 3 utility box explained

Iron trials it's just going to be a random thing that happens on certain games you're also going to see the utility box at midseason which is a new field upgrade where it's this combination of an ammo box and an armor box if you need both well that's the perfect tool because it refills both your OS your tacticals and lethals, and your armor plates as well to maximum capacity so definitely going be useful here for any late game resupplies or anything like that but pretty cool to see, specialist bonus the perk package will be coming in season as well firstly for rebirth Island again it seems like later on down the line we'll see this come to other Maps as well but once found this will grant you every applicable perk in the game and continues to function even if you subsequently.

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