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Best controller settings

Best controller settings

rank play is here and it's very competitive, and so I got you all the new best Modern War 3 settings so you can maximize your skills and climb the ranks, which to add credibility to my name. I am a full-time Call of Duty Creator, my life is Call of Duty. I need to perform well on stream to pay the bills, and so rest ass sure.

I'm going to be giving you guys the best settings in the game. I've also beaten Pro players in the past, unlike mod Warfare 2 ranked play, so controllers do have the advantage in rank play if you're on a keyboard mouse; it is going to be way harder to climb the ranks. My good friend Thunder has a very hard time climbing the ranks when he's on a keyboard because the controller assist is so strong in the game, and so again, if you're on a controller, you're going to do a lot better.

best console settings mw3

That being said, the controller that I have is going to be an Xbox Elite V2. Left stick, Min. That's basically the amount of pressure you're going to need to apply to your stick for your character to move forward. I have a little bit of stick, so I have it on one. I need to move it a little bit for my guy to actually start moving.

Left stick, Max; this one's important. I did mess up in my last article, and I explained it incorrectly, so this one is basically going to make it so you can move it up to 75. Rather than 100, if you move it up 75% of the way rather than 100% of the way to get to full movement speed, you can have faster movement.

best controller settings mw3

When you have this on 75, a lot of pro players keep it on 65 as well I might even lower it down to 65, you know what I'm just going to try about 70 and see how I like it and so I wouldn't have anything past 75 and this is going to allow you to move around the map a little bit quicker right stick Min I wouldn't really go past five I know celium he's a very good player he has his on 10 since he's been using the same controller for like 5 10 years which is crazy and so this one basically, you want to increase this until your character has no more stick drift which is like that white dot in the center of your screen that will move by itself if this is too low so you want to increase it till that stops moving mine still moves around five but I don't really like having it past five if you have a brand new controll you can get away with one It's just sometimes like having too low of a dead zone you'll start like overcompensating, on the recoiling things and so even on a new controller I'll still keep mine around five right stick Max keep that 99.

Left trigger, right trigger—make sure that's on zero, so the second you pull the trigger, your gun fires. If you get a little bit too jittery with your triggers, you can maybe increase it to like five or something. Now over to the aiming: most pro players have their sensitivity around 4 to 8, but for me, I like seven.

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I used to play on 66, and then recently I moved it up to 77. And it's just a personal preference thing the main part of your sensitivity is for your centering, not for your actual aim that white thought the center of the screen when you're running around the map you want to make sure, that is on an enemy like directly where an enemy could be so you're running around kind of predicting where enemies are going to be so then if an enemy does walk on your screen there's a high chance that white dot the center of your screen will be on the enemy's chest so then all you have to do is left trigger to aim in and then you start shooting you don't have to like drag over and so centering is a huge thing sensitivity is for your centering, not for your actual AIM, now for your actual aim you can have this on 0.9.

Or you can have it on 1.0; this is personal preference; play against bots with no aim assist and just see how you do and play some matches with this until you find the sensitivity that you like overall. It doesn't impact you that much, like I can throw on Max sensitivity, and I'll still perform pretty well after I get used to it.

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It's just overall consistency, and just use the one that you like as a sensitivity multiplier. I don't change anything on here; just keep the vertical aim axis with the same tactical stance sensitivity multiplier of 1.0. Dynamic on here: some pro-pro players do run standard, but most players are going to run dynamic.

This is basically going to make it so when you're ading on a player, like you drag over, it's slow, then you want to drag over to another player, it's going to be fast, and once you hit the player, it goes slow. And that's a little bit hard to explain, but basically most pro players run the dynamic, including myself.

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Very few people run these standard ads with the sensitivity multiplier Focus 1.0. Instant on here have this on off if you want you can have on a lot of its personal preference Target aim assist on aim assist type default some Pro players do run the Black Ops one of my good friends Joseph he's beaten a lot of pro players very good player I've learned so much from him he plays on Black Ops in the past Black Ops was very strong then they nerfed it and so now it's pretty equal with default, use the one that you like the most play against bots and just you know use the one that you like it doesn't really matter third person ads correction type assist motion sensor Behavior off that's going to wrap it up for the aiming now let's go over to the game playay settings, automatic tactical Sprint is G8 in the pro league they're not allowed to run that because it's very broken in the regular rank play and just the regular game you can run that so for me I run the automatic tactical Sprint and it saves your left trigger.

best mw3 settings

Slide and maintain Sprint; make sure this is on. on this is huge this is a huge setting in the season one update. By default, it's on. Make sure that is on. Auto move forward off tactical Sprint Behavior, single tap Sprint. Again, a little bit of personal preference. And then grounded mantle automatic Airborne mantle and automatic ground mantle hang is all going to be on off if you have those on you're going to accidentally mantle on things and it really messes you up slide dive Behavior you want this on slide only if you have it on slide tap to slide hold to dive you're going to have the option to dolphin dive but in this game you don't really ever need to dolphin dive, and the game is going to have to like wait for you to tap it before you actually slide so then you have a slower slide cancel it makes it feel like there's a little bit of a delay, so literally go into the fire and range slide around like that then put it on slide only and then you're going to see that you actually can slide way faster it's going to feel like modern warfare 2019.

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