News - The "new" Best Pro Classes And Controller Settings For Ranked Play. Warzone 2 Best Classes & Settings

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In today's article, I'm going to have the best classes for rank play in Modern Warfare 3 and also the best graphic settings and controller settings for rank play. This article is going to be dedicated to showing you the best things that you want to be doing for rank play in Modern Warfare 3, such as classes and settings, so let's jump straight into it.

The first thing we're going to be going over is the classes, so for the first class, we are going to be doing the MCW, as this is the best AR when it comes to Modern Warfare 3 ranked, so heading over to the first attachment, this is going to be the optic. This is completely our preference. I know a lot of people do like to use the reflector, or a lot of people do like to use the MK3 reflector.

I'm going to be running the MK3 reflector. When it comes to the barrel, we are going to be running the 16.5. MCW Cyclone long barrel, as this helps with that bullet velocity and range and also gives us a bonus aiming idle and fire aim stability. We end up gaining 15% on that minimum and effective damage range and also 18% on that bullet velocity.

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We do lose a little bit of alas movement speed and sprint to fire, but with the other attachment, we will be bringing that right back up. So for the muzzle for this particular build, I am going to be using the T5, 1R bitted break, as this helps with that vertical recoil that gun kick control and firing aim stability.

We end up gaining 31.7%. On that very vertical recoil, we do end up losing 10% on that horizontal. But with this muzzle, you are able to control that very easily, and for the fourth attachment, we're going to be heading over to the under barrel, and this is where it's completely up to you depending on your play style.

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I like to use the DR6, hand stop, or sometimes I like to use the X10 Phantom, but I know a lot of people do like to use the brew and heavy support grip, and some people also like to use the XRK edge, but for me personally. I am going to be sticking between the dr6 and the Phantom 5, depending on how I'm feeling and whether I feel like my shot is not too on or if I feel like I'm running around corners and getting slammed too quickly, so for this particular build, we're going to stick to the dr6.

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And for the fifth and final attachment, we are going to be heading over to the rear grip, and we are going to be adding the RV claw PSL grip, as this helps without firing aim stability, and that gun kit control as well. We end up gaining 7% on that horizontal and vertical recoil control and also get a plus 10% on that recoil gun kit control.

And if we take this over to the fire range, you will notice that it shoots literally as straight as a laser. So that's the class when it comes to the MCW. Let's jump over to the rival. Moving over to the first attachment on that rival, we're going to be heading over to the barrel, and this is going to be the Rival C clear shot barrel.

As this helps with that aim idle sway bullet velocity, damage range, and reco control, we end up gaining 7.5%. On that horizontal and vertical Reco control, plus 5% on that Reco gun kit control, and not only that, we get 12.5%. On that effective damage range and minimum damage range, we also get a plus of 15% on that bullet velocity.

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Moving over to the second attachment, we are going to be heading over to the muzzle, and this is going to be the purifier muzzle break S, as this helps massively with that horizontal recoil control and also that fire aim stability. We end up gaining 18% on that horizontal recoil control. We do lose a little bit of damage range, but with the barrel we just added, it doesn't really matter, and it balances all out.

Moving over to the third attachment, this is going to be the underbarrel for me. Personally, I am going to be running the DR6 hand stop. I know a lot of people at the moment are using the Phantom 5 or the X Arc Edge, but for me, I do find that the DR6 helps massively when it comes to that Sprint to Fire and aim downside speed.

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Heading over to the rear grip, we're going to be adding the Rival assault grip. This helps massively with gun kit control, fire aim stability, and recoil control. We end up gaining 10% on that recoil gun kit control and 7% on the horizontal and vertical recoil controls. And with just these four attachments, if we go into the fire range, you will notice that this gun shoots relatively straight as it is, even at long distances.

So let's add the fifth attachment. We are going to be heading over to the stock, and this is going to be, again, a preference. You can either have the xxf, Close sces, or you can have the MTZ Marauder. I prefer the MTZ Marauder as it helps with gun kit control, aiming ardos, and fire aim stability.

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The close quarter stock only helps with that gun kick control and recoil control, and I like to have that fire aim stability and aiming ID way, so this is the number one rank class for the Rival, and if we go into the fire range, you will see that this gun again shoots relatively straight just for an SMG, and you have that insane movement speed so you're able to play Hardo or control and absolutely laser people and get all the beams you need to get.

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Moving over to the next class, this will be the sniper, and this is going to be the XRK stalker. Before the first attachment, we are going to be going over to the optic, and we're going to be looking for the Coro Eide 2.5. As the default scope on the XRK is just too zoomed in and you lose too much field of view, when it comes to the stock, we will be adding no stock to help boost that aim-down sight speed.

Sprint to fire speed and movement speed we do end up gaining 5.4% on the ads speed and 5.3 3% on that strength of fire speed also a plus 2.8%, on that movement speed for the barrel we are going to be adding the fision 60 Barrel as this helps with that bullet velocity and range so we're able to one shot further and get more damage at Close Quarters as well we do end up increasing our effective and minimum damage range by 23.5%, and we also increase our bullet velocity by 20.1%.

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And this sniper class does only have four attachments, so for the fourth and final attachment, we will be heading over to the rear grip, and this is where we're going to be adding the Brew Links grip. This grip helps with that Flinch resistance and aiming ID, so as in Modern Warfare 3, when you're sniping, the Flinch is insane, so adding this on helps massively.

We end up gaining 50% on that Flinch resistance, and we do lose a little bit of ad movement speed, but when we're sniping in rank, we're not really running around trying to hit phase montages; we're just like you know, taking picks in snd and Etc. So this is the number one sniper class when it comes to Modern Warfare 3 rank.

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