News - New" Warzone 2 Settings Make Controller Players Overpowered. Warzone 2 Best Settings

best controller settings mw3

Just to show you guys that I am a really good player here in Modern Warfare 3 and also if you want to see the accuracy out of my guns here, as you guys see here, my ACR has a 41%. I have a 41% on my hoger, and most of my weapons are about 30 high 30s 40%, so you guys can trust me with my builds and settings.

Now, actually jumping into my settings, guys, we are going to start with our controller settings, which is the most important thing, but like I say in my articles, we're only going to go over things that we need to change; there's no need to make this article super long, and the first thing that we're going to be changing here, guys, is going to be the controller vibration.

And I say in my articles, believe it or not, the smallest things here in Call of Duty can make you have bad aim, lose your gunfights, and not be the best player, and I guarantee that these things that we're going to be changing here are going to change that for you guys, so the first thing like I said is the controller vibration, and we're going to turn this off.

best modern warfare 3 settings

You know, getting into those gunfights, a grenade exploding, you shooting your gun, a door getting bashed open, or even streaks hitting the ground are going to make your controller spazz out like crazy. That might be one of the main reasons why you don't have the best aim and you're losing those gunfights.

With controller vibration on, we are going to be turning this off for the first time here in our settings. Now A8 there's not too much of a difference it's a tiny bit faster but again you know it's not too fast it's not too slow just still kind of in the middle it is really good I mean I don't recommend going anything below a five, also I don't I don't recommend doing a 2020 I mean there's really no point you know you don't need to be flashy and everything if you're trying to prove a point that's cool I guess but you know AA you still you're still going to be very accurate just again not too slow not too fast so I do like A8 a lot.

Ad sensitivity multiplier: this is pretty important now since I went up on my sensitivity. Now going down to our aim assist, Target aim assist has it on if you're a controller player. If you have this on-off playing on the controller, I don't know if you're trying to prove a point or if you don't need an assist or whatnot.

best mw3 settings

But if you're just trying to be better, you don't want to assist. I mean, again, you know there's no point trying to be proven here. Just get better with your aim. Target assist aim. You want to have it on, of course, and then for my aim assist type, I do have it on default. You know, Black Ops used to be really good, but they did nerf it last year, so I did go back to D default.

best settings modern warfare 3

You know, I don't really see a difference between Black Ops and default. If you're still on Black Ops from last year, just keep it on Black Ops, but I feel like default is the better option out of that one. I don't recommend Precision. Don't recommend focusing, they're not good at all default or Black Ops are really the good choices here now we have our gameplay settings and I will say some of these things that I've changed here has definitely helped me be more aggressive you know compared to that 3 years four years ago to the last two years you know if you watch game plays from then to now you definitely can see how more aggressive I've been have having this thing on which is automatic tag Sprint so you're not going to be have that light jog anymore, you're not going to be running unless your you know stum is out since you can't TX Sprint with no stain, but if you have stain fully barred up and everything you do have a better run so it's much faster than everything, especially having the Infantry vest on you're moving more faster in those tack Sprints and also you have the lightweight boots on that makes you move a lot faster you're getting into more engagements getting those High kill games having more control of the map getting around much faster which is awesome so we are going to be having this on.

best settings mw3

Now we have our tactical sprint behavior, which I have on single-tap sprint. This is actually G8 in the competitive scene, and you know, making your controller more sensitive and everything, so you barely have to tap your controller up to start running, is going to help out a lot, so make sure you have on single tap Sprint and your automatic tactical sprint, which can help you move a lot faster and again help you be more aggressive.

With the slide dive behavior we have on our slide only now here in multiplayer, the only thing that you should have on is slide. You don't need to dive. You know, last year the movement meta was diving, and we didn't have crazy movement speeds or anything, but here in Modern Warfare 3, you know slide canceling is back.

You know you want to slide, don't really want to dive, and everything, so it changes on slide only. You're only going to be sliding, which is going to come in clutch slide canceling, move fast around the map, especially having tax Sprint on again getting into those high kill games, moving faster, and everything.

cod mw3

That's what we want. Now that I see people talking about it all the time on Twitter Pro players and everything on their streams having it at 120, it actually hurts. I just re recently, just figured this out recently. You know, it does cause a little bit of input. DeLay, so I did move it down to 120.

To 117 there's really not much of a difference in three clicks so there's not really much of a difference so make sure to have that on, now for the ads field of view I have mine on affected now I wouldn't recommend independent just because when you're in your gunfights you aim down sides getting ready to go into your gunfights you actually Zoom more in so that transition could mess you up a little bit affected it's not going to mess that up it's not going to zoom in and also having affected on might actually help you have less visual recoil, which I've talked about in a bunch of my settings articles in game plays in builds and everything thing and on stream so having effected on is going to help out a lot.

cod mw3 best settings

Now for your weapon field of view, we have it on wide. This is going to make the weapon feel much smaller, so again, we're not going to have as much visual recoil, and also, you know, when people say it looks like you have zero recoil at all, you know, of course the builds are going to help, but also making the weapon smaller, and the effect and everything also make it look like you have zero recoil at all, so having these on is going to definitely help out a lot.

Now for the camera, make sure to have these on for the world. Motion blur has been turned off. We don't want to blur this again—you know, weapon motion blur. We want to have it off the film grain; we have it at 0. You don't want any film grain, and then for the first-person field of view camera movement, we want to have it on 50%.

Modern warfare 3 best settings Mw3 best controller settings Modern warfare 3 best controller settings.
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