News - Never Die Again" All Safe Areas The Tier 3 Red Zone Warzone 2 Zombies Season 2. All Safe Areas Warzone 2

Safe spot 17 - mw3 zombies

Safe spot 17 - mw3 zombies

A building with a hole in the wall is not completely safe if you go there and climb up the ladder onto the roof. The rooftop is not completely safe if you jump up onto that little rooftop. Platform on it it's partially, safe I say that because even though the zombies at the level of your feet they still cannot reach you or hurt you directly, but they can throw meat at you and it's a very risky area cuz you've get lots of zombies, lining up they're all going to throw meat and you can get down quite easily, it's a risky area but it's safe for a short time if you just need to like reload or put some armor on or something like that likewise the bosses can come up and attack you so I think I had a mimic come up onto the roof and basically was beaming me even though I was on that platform so some of the special zombies can hurt you but the normal zombies can't hurt you as easily, if you use this safe area like I said I recommend doing it for a short time or otherwise .

Safe spot 18 - mw3 zombies

mw3 zombies solo tier 3

Right behind this rooftop platform is another safe area, so if you just turn around in the Sea Town area near the Southmost Bridge, there is another circular Hut rooftop, which you can access from above or below, and the zombies can throw me at you, but it's good for a short time.

Safe spot 19 - mw3 zombies

If you still don't like that, there is another area nearby, which is an upper rooftop.

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In the Sea Town area, basically in Sea Town, near the main South Road and near the kind of circular hut, there's a multi-story building. If you run in the front door and up to the roof, you won't be safe; however, if you hop onto the roof on top of that top floor, you'll be completely safe. The zombies can throw meat, but again, it's got a large surface area you can go to, so you're relatively well protected.

It's been here for a long time, so that's really good. I'd recommend that, but we're not done there; there are still a lot more safe areas nearby.

Safe spot 20 - mw3 zombies

Safe spot 20 - mw3 zombies

Next up in SE town, there is a building with large arches. From the ground, you want to climb up onto some crates and then onto the rooftop. The lower rooftop is not safe from zombies, but if you then hop up onto the middle or upper rooftops, they are safe from zombies, and the zombies won't even recognize you or throw meat at you for some reason.

You're completely guarded and safe, and you can stay here as long as you like. The only thing I'd know is that if zombies chase you from the other way up on this arched building so if you happen to go up that way and they follow you, then they can get onto the taller buildings, they may be able to kind of hop down and attack you from behind, but this is not going to happen unless you bring the zombies that way so if you happen to go up that way and they follow you then they can get you on this area but if you're coming from the way I've suggested.

Safe spot 21 - mw3 zombies

mw3 zombies tier 3

There won't be any zombies up there and therefore they're not going to get you so that's really good but next to here there are lots and lots of safe areas, which are great so let's go through them now next up is a front building in SE town just off the main South Road there's a large building with a ladder if you climb up the ladder onto roof that initial rooftop, again is not safe but once again if you hop onto that rooftop platform it's partially safe even though the zombies are at the level of your feet they can't reach you or hurt you directly but they can throw meat at you and if they kind of line up it can be quite risky also bosses can attack you like before so if you use this area again use it for a short time only but it's just good to know about also if you get up here you can then jump across to some of the other buildings, now lastly.

Safe spot 22 - mw3 zombies

Safe spot 22 - mw3 zombies

There is a cluster of about six rooftop buildings, which are all fantastic. On the far right of this area is a really good spot the zombies can access the lower rooftop with the solar panels, via kind of the, long building with the archers that we mentioned earlier they can run onto that jump down onto this lower Rooftop, at the back of the building cluster but if you're on the rooftop slightly higher up from that the zombies will try and climb up to you but there's an invisible, barrier preventing them from climbing up so they'll just keep trying to climb up over and over again but they cannot reach you so you're 100% safe from being hit directly, and you should be largely safe from meat being thrown at you because there's lots of walls to hide behind you can go prone it's a large surface area this is another, really good Zone if you're in this area I'd highly recommend it and like I said the zombies cannot climb up here next to this we've got two rooftops.

Safe spots 23-24 - mw3 zombies

Safe spots 23-24 - mw3 zombies

One of them is like an L shape, and the other is like a sideways L shape, and these are both safe from zombies getting you, but the zombies can get close to the adjacent, unsafe rooftops. Next to them there's two square-shaped rooftops that they can get onto, and so if they get up here and look across at you, they can obviously throw meat at you.

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It can be quite risky, so I wouldn't recommend staying for long. There aren't loads of walls or anything to hide behind, so it's not the best, but it's a safe area to recover in for a short time. But if you don't want to go onto these, that's absolutely fine because there's a few other rooftops that are safe, so next to , these rooftops four and five are also safe from zombies getting to you, which I didn't experience.

Safe spots 25-26 - mw3 zombies

Safe spot 27 - mw3 zombies

Safe spot 27 - mw3 zombies

Or from climbing up the ladder in the top left building in the SE Town cluster of buildings, so this top left building is not safe from the zombies. They can climb up, but if you then jump across onto that rooftop, it's safe. The zombies can throw meat, but you can go prone. You've got walls and stuff to hide behind in a large surface area, so it's safe.

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So those are all the safe areas on the monitor: 3 zombies. Tier 3: Red Zone in Aakhan.

NEVER DIE AGAIN ALL SAFE AREAS In The Tier 3 Red Zone MW3 Zombies Season 2! All Safe Areas MW3. Here are all the safe areas in Modern Warfare 3 Zombies Tier 3 Zone. This mw3 zombies tier 3 solo guide will show you how to stay alive in the tier 3 zone in mw3 zombies, by knowing the safe spots in mw3 zombies.
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