News - Watch This If You Want To Dominate Tier 3 Solo Warzone 2 Zombies

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All right guys, so lately I've been getting a lot of questions from you on how to dominate and how to survive Tier 3 Red Zone easier, what I need to prep up, what weapons to use, and so on, and today I kind of want to give you guys a quick guide on how I prep up on things and what I use. So I got with me the M16, a highly recommended weapon from you guys.

I'm going to put the load out on the screen right now so all of you can see it, and before I go to Tier 3, I want to show you the items that I use. This is the bare minimum that you need to go in there, but keep in mind that you will have a bit of a hard time even with this, so we're going to need a Pap to Crystal Epic tool like the Epic tool is I feel like the minimum to go to Tier you could use a rare tool like the blue one, but you're really going to have a really hard time in there, so purple and Pap 2 should be the bare minimum if you want to go to Tier 3 before you actually go to Tier 3.

Anyway, after you use this, of course you need some perks, and I don't want them. That is very kind of that guy, but I don't want it. You can actually duplicate that somehow. I don't know how people find this stuff anyway for the perks. Speed Cola is an absolute must because you want to get back in the fight as fast as possible, so super fast reload and fast play-up animations.


Jugger Knock, because you don't want to be slapped out of existence by those zombies. This will increase your maximum health, so you will survive. A few more shots or a few more hits, I'll say, and then you have Quick Revive, which again is a very underrated perk because of Quick Revive. It doesn't only revive teammates faster, but it also regenerates faster after you take damage; it's actually 50% faster than normal, which is great for stamina if you want to run a bit faster.

how to

And I would definitely highly advise to use that as well because there's a lot of sprinters in theer I do have Deadshot dcker with me because I want some extra headshot damage but the four that I just mentioned earlier those are going to be absolutely enough of course you can stay in tier two grind some hvts grind some contracts and get the money to go P three, but for me as I said I feel like this is just the absolute minimum that I can go in there with and I can safely survive, all right so we made it to tier three and now it's where all the fun begins as you can see against the dogos this weapon is actually not that bad so you can definitely manage with this against the normal zombies you would have to hit a lot of head shots.

Because well, it's not Pack-a-Punch level three, but he could definitely take them out with a bit of accuracy, but you do have to be extremely careful for the elites like this mangler so you can still do the damage. As I said, it is going to take a lot longer than with Pop-three anyway. Your main objective right now is not to fight with those guys; it's not to fight with hordes of zombies; it's actually to find money to Pack-a-Punch level three and get all the perks, or at least most of them.

Look at the speed of that guy. Finding turret circuits is really, really good because you could take out Mega Bombs or HVT super fast. I want to try to go for that Spore contract because it's not very hard to do, and we can get $5,000 super easily. Also, I don't have a PhD, so I'm going to take damage from these guys.

mw3 zombies

There's a lot of zombies around here. This is what I mean you're not t three you're not going to take these guys out very easily, so always rely on mobility or try to stay away from zombies as much as possible. What I was trying to say is that you can always search for these boxes or the cash registers.

This will give you money all the time, and you can get a couple of bucks super fast. I'm actually going to use that cryo on why not anyway? Let's go for that contract. We can definitely do a spoof contract without any problems. I do have a juggernaut with me, but I'm not going to use it until later.

On, we got here full of armor. The biggest problem is not going to be the hvts; it's not going to be the elit or anything; it's going to be those freaking annoying zombies that run super fast, but as you can see, if you keep the distance and just use your mobility as much as possible, you should be fine even with the pap two weapon, but you have to be super careful.

mw3 zombies schematics

You know what an HVT just spawned, and I actually might just do that one. Even though I'm P2, I do have a get. Ideally, you could do the delivery contract, which is again super easy to do. You don't even have to shoot bullets to take out the zombies; you can just use a decoy, and then you're fine, but I like a bit of a challenge, so I'm definitely going to do HVTs all right.

Of course. I'm not going to fight this guy because I'm pop to it, and it's an HP mega bomb, which is the hardest boss in here, so because I have this juggernaut. I'm going to go ahead and actually use it. It's going to be a super easy kill, and there's actually two mega bombs there, so I'm totally going to pick on both of them.

Hopefully, I do have the time, and look at that, I'm barely doing any damage there. Go like when you're in the Juggernaut; things are going to get so much easier, but you have to keep an eye on the timer because you will run out of it pretty darn fast, and the zombies—I don't know if they can actually kill you, but they do a lot of damage to you.

mw3 zombies sigil

They actually do a lot of damage to you. There you go, contract completed. Is this guy still here? He is, but he's going somewhere else. I don't know where he's going, and he's gone anyway. We got 5K and 1.5K Essence from the HVT itself, and what we got was self-revived stamina and another Casmir.

I'll take the Casmir with me, and that extra cell revive is absolutely fantastic because you're definitely going to need that, especially when you're not popped enough. I could try and bully this thing a bit because there's a way where you can kind of cheese Mega Bombs you, know, and I'm actually going to show you how to cheese that just give me a second.

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It's actually not very hard. You see me do this a lot on the live streams. You want to grab his attention. You want him to follow you. Bit, it's all about hitting the crit spawns with this guy because if you hit the normal parts of the body, well, you're not going to do any damage, and of course laser attacks are the best time to shoot basically, and what you want to do is find the building next to the mega bomb, go on top of it, and the guy is going to be absolutely bamboozled, and he's either going to start lasering all the time or he's just going to growl and keep his mouth open for you to hit those crit spots, but you do have to be careful with the zombies because the zombies can get up to you and they can take you out and look at them, and you can just do this until you actually kill them.

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