News - Huge Warzone 2 Season 3 Update Patch Notes. Multiplayer, Warzone, Zombies - Warzone 2 Update 1. 41

mw3 season 3 patch

Max damage decreased to 27 from 31 minimum damage decreased to 22 down from 25 near Mid damage decreased to 25 down from 27, maximum damage range decreased to 17 near Mid damage range decrease and decrease to Sprint to fire time pretty big Nerf for the amr9 as well the Rival 9 increased Sprint to fire time to 110 up from 93 they did the same thing with the HRM 9 so it didn't get that big of a Nerf and that's one of the best SMGs the striker increased Sprint to fire time to 110 from 100 the striker 9 Max damage range increased to 12.19 M from 10.67, increase Sprint to fire time to 103 from 100 the wsp 9 in increased Sprint to fire time to 110 from one from 88 and then the wsp Swarm increase Sprint to fire time to 99, from 88 the mx9 near Mid damage decrease or increased to 28 from 26 and maximum damage range increased to 11 the lockman sub got Max damage increase to 28 from 27 and Max damage range increased to 9.65.

mw3 season 3 patch notes

And the bass B increased to Max damage increased to 28 from 26 for the lmgs, the Brewin MK9 minimum damage decreased to 24 from 26 and decreased the aim down sight time to 350, the attack Eradicator Max damage increased to 30 from 28 small buff, the attack evolver increased Sprint to fire time and increased aim down side time, and the 5.56 belt decreased rate of fire, the wp H upper torso neck modifier increased along with the hand and arm modifier for the HCR, 56.

Max damage range increase the arm and hand modifier and the leg modifier increase to one and 1.1 the raw mg increase Sprint to fire time and increase aim down sight time and then for the Marksman rifle Only The Tempest torrent was Chang and Max damage increase or decreased to 70 from 74, for the sniper rifles xrk stalker increase aim down sight time they did the same exact thing for the KV inhibitor and the SPX 80, and they also increased the sprint of fire for the SPX 80 and then for the handguns retti maximum damage increased to 12.95.

Also read:

While the WSP, Stinger, and Kimbo Stinger increased the rate of fire to 750, they also made up these two attachments. The heavy bolt added an initial aim accuracy benefit to all heavy bolt snipers for the Cronin inless, the SL raiser Hawk, and the CS15. And the verdant hook laser is no longer visible to enemies at the hip of the VT7.

mw3 season 3 update

Spitfire suppressor increase Sprint to fire speed penalty to 5%, l4r flash hider decrease horizontal and recoil control benefit dr6 hand stop decrease aim down sight movement and speed benefit and Brewing heavy support decrease horizontal recoil control benefit for loadouts it says lethally equipment the sex has been nerve damage radius decreased to five outer damage increased to 110 EOD will not prevent the victim from going down when stuck with a sex and this says breacher drone damage radius increased to 10 outer damage decreased to 75 inner damage decrease to 155, and drone velocity increase to 75.

Claymore's outer damage increased to 125 and his inner damage increased to 250. Molotov Phase 1 burn damage increased to 20; Phase 2 burn damage increased to 35; and Phase 3 burn damage increased to 40. Drill charge burrowed: outer damage increased to 77, and inner damage increased to 155. Not burrowed, outer damage increased to 77, and inner damage increased to 155.

mw3 update

And round under Barrel outer damage increased to 77, inner damage increased to 155, and thermal barbaric nade outer damage increased to 110, mid damage increased to 125, and inner damage increased to 155. Proximity mine: when triggered by a player, the outer increased to 155 and the inner increased to 225.

mw3 update 1.41

When triggered by damage, the outer diameter increased to 110 for the C4 radius, which increased to 7.8. The detonation delay increased to 05. Damage inner increase to 275, damage outer increase to 155, and velocity increased to 600 for tactical equipment snapshot. Outline duration increase to 5 Seconds outline radius increased to 15, will not require line of sight snapshots will not persist their outlines of victims is in the Smoke battle Harden will counter this scatter mine outer damage decreased to 10, inner damage decrease to 15 the M will now debuff player movement for 3 seconds when the are hit by a mine and then mosquito drones the attack delay of active drone increased to 3 seconds this provides more time between when a drone sees you activates and then flies to attack destination, the radius and height that the Drone patrols has been slightly increased to perform better the Drone targeting has been widened slightly to provide better coverage, the visual for the kill streak on the map will now be static circling showcasing the danger damage radius increased to 10 outer damage increased to or decrease to 175, inner damage decrease to 250, destroy damage rers increase to 2.5.

And destroy outer and inner damage increased to 110, and last but not least, the field upgrades armor box reduced the number of armor plates supplied to four down from six. Additionally, we have reduced the price of armor plates at the buy station from $500 to $300. Finally, they did a whole lot of bug fixes, and these are just screenshots of some of the bug fixes and things that they have updated.

mw3 update 1.41 patch notes

But this is it for this article. I hope you guys found it informative. Expect another article later today, but it's been your boy chido, and hopefully I'll be seeing guys back again

HUGE MW3 SEASON 3 UPDATE PATCH NOTES! Multiplayer, Warzone, Zombies - MW3 Update 1.
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