News - Huge Warzone 2 Season 3 Update Patch Notes. Multiplayer, Warzone, Zombies - Warzone 2 Update 1. 41

cod patch notes

For the perks, they revised vest descriptions to clarify that the max ammo benefit does not apply to launchers. Quick Grip gloves increase weapon swap speed by a minimum of 40%. Ordinance gloves added a 20% equipment field upgrade and kill streaks used speed benefit Marksman gloves resolved an issue causing 15% suway reduction to not apply for the equipment stun grenade tactical decrease victim aim slowness duration to 300, remove aim slowness effect on victims equipped with tack mass victim movement and aim slowness now linearly scaled down throughout the stun duration decoy grenade while the decoy grenade is active the player who threw it now gains the effects of assassin vest while standing within 20.3 M of it flash grenade decrease close range stun duration from 4 to 3.5.

mw3 cod update patch notes

Increase medium range stun duration increase the far range stun duration and for frag rting decrease inner explosive damage from 250 to 225 and decrease intermediate explosive damage from 150 to 130, for the thermite increase incendiary tick rate from 2 to 4 increase inner incendiary damage from 38 to 25, and decrease outer incendiary from 15 to 10 thermal barbaric grenades increase explosive damage radius increase inner explosive damage increase intermediate and then increase the fire rate tick rate and then for the drill charge decrease surface borrowing time the C4 detonation can no longer occur until stuck to a surface and increase Throne velocity by 15%, the breacher Drone increas drone Health from 1 to 55 and increased drone velocity by 25%. For the field upgrades heartbe sensor addressed an issue causing battery life to be reset to 100%, upon being put away and the Recon drone resolved an issue preventing a warning message when flying out of bounds for the kill streaks the SAE addressed an issue preventing explosive from damaging players in specific locations while the Wilson players will no longer become stuck firing their weapon if killed while controlling the Wilson and the Swarm decreased minimum Delay from Target acquisition, to attack from 500 to 200 decrease maximum Delay from Target acquisition to attack from 800 to 500 and increase drone attack velocity and drone attack radius for the zombie side of things not much they mentioned that new content will come in the reloaded update and for gameplay perac cola's ether shroud address an issue that allowed ether shroud visual effect to remain on an operator in third person for longer than intended.

Zombies season 3 patch notes

Zombies season 3 patch notes

mw3 patch notes season 3

Acquisitions remove the ability to apply ether tools to vehicle turrets; while players could elect to use the tool on the vehicle turret, the damage would not scale properly, which would waste the ether tool for weapons, the Wonder Weapons, and the vr11. Addressed an issue that prevented the vr11, from transferring warlord body guards into zombies attachments Jack purifier decreased the amount of damage that the Jack purifier does to Elite and boss zombie types the Jack purifier was overperforming with the previous tunings, against more difficult enemies with this new tuning players can now utilize the attachments to manage large groups of lesser enemies in all threat zones and use different tactics to engage more difficult foes for the challenges Prestige challenges unlock Newall Prestige challenges at each level with Prestige Rank and select up to five challenges to track including any from across the game UI address the issue where the containment level would overlap the amount of customization.

Warzone season 3 patch notes

Warzone season 3 patch notes

Options in the recruit operator selection menu, stability added various crash and stability fixes now for war zone here's what they did they said adjusted all maps and all modes ground Loop molotovs thermites and EMD grenades have been removed from the ground Loop Supply UAV improvements, they said added a new functionality that highlights Supply boxes through walls not only display legendary and favorite Supply boxes to reduce mini map noise for yican almost heavy Chopper balance C4 damage to Pala increase to 45%, of Vehicle Health up from 25 Joker damage increased to 48%, of Vehicle Health up from 32 sex damage increased to 20% of Vehicle Health from 15 frag damage increased to 20%, full refuel and repair time increased to 70 seconds from 60 and Max fuel time decreased to 190, down from 210.

mw3 season 3 content

The lag loadout has also been refreshed, and they have updated all the different types of loadouts that you can get. Now that we jump into the weapon balance changes, it looks like they updated the site a little bit to actually show the weapon, so the ram 7 max damage decreased to 32 down from 36, the near mid damage decreased to 28 down from 30, and the maximum damage range decreased to 24.13.

M is down from 26.67. The heat or head modifier decreased to 1.2, down from 1.3, and the neck modifier decreased from 1 down to 1.3, so that was a massive Nerf for the DG 56. They increased the sprint fire time from 199 Ms up from 178, and now some MW2 weapons are loving this update, the Lockman 5562.

Also read:

Max damage increase to 28 from 24 near mid damage increase to 24 from 21 neck modifier increase upper torso modifier and arm and hand modifier increase the M13 C from MW2. Max damage range increased to 21.59. M the F advanced arm and hand modifi increased to 1.12 from 1.06. The Tempest razor back max damage increased to 28 from 27, and the arm and hand modifiers increased to one.

mw3 season 3 content update

9 for battle rifles the bass B decrease rate of fire to 600 from 667, decrease recoil center speed by 6% and the Jack Outlaw 277 Max damage decrease to 90 near Mid damage decrease the head damage modifier decrease upper torso and arm modifiers decrease Sprint to fire time aim down sight time and aim down sight rate of fire the MTZ 762 Max damage decrease to 38 down from 40 near Mid damage decreased to 35 from 38 the S SOA subv Max damage range decreased to 22.8, down from 25 near Mid damage range decreased to 41.

91 M down from 46 increased sprint to fire time and increased aim down sight time, so that got a big Nerf. The side was decreased sprint to fire time to 210 and increased bullet velocity for the SMGs. The Ram 9 got a Nerf as well. Max damage decreased to 27 down from 30; sprint to fire time decreased to 147 down from 178; the amr9.

HUGE MW3 SEASON 3 UPDATE PATCH NOTES! Multiplayer, Warzone, Zombies - MW3 Update 1.
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