News - Huge Warzone 2 Perk & Equipment Changes. More. Season 3 Patch Details

Stun grenade nerfs

Stun grenade nerfs

call of duty mwiii

And we can actually see that pretty clearly here post patch my turn speed gets back to normal significantly faster post patch compared to pre- patch, on top of this they removed the aim slowness effect entirely on victims equipped with Tac masks so when you're using Tac mask now you actually not get any aim slow down at all it's only going to slow down your movement speed so that's a pretty huge buff to attack mask against the stun grenade and then finally they mentioned victim movement and aim slowness now linearly scales throughout the stun duration, so at first you're going to slow down a lot but that slow down is just going to fade away in a linear fashion over time and you can see that I'm getting faster and faster post patch compared to prepatch patch as that stun continues to wear off so there we go some pretty big changes to the stun grenade next let's talk about the decoy grenade and this one saw an extremely interesting adjustment that makes the decoy grenades a lot more attractive, with this after the update when you throw a decoy grenade as long as it's active if you're within 20.3.

Decoy grenade buff

MERS of that active decoy grenade that you threw, you will gain the effect of the Assassin's vest, so you'll actually be hidden from the enemy radar, which is definitely a very creative way to buff the decoy grenades. I don't know if I'm really going to take advantage of that a whole lot, but it is worth mentioning that this does work.

Flash adjustments

Flash adjustments

cod mwiii

And now let's get into the flash grenade, and this one just saw some adjustments—technically some Nerfs and some buffs to it, but I would say a net Nerf overall. The nerfed part of this is if a Flash B goes off really close to you like right at your feet, they nerfed the maximum duration of this from 4 seconds down to 3 and 1/2 seconds so it's never going to hit you quite as hard as it could pre patch and we can clearly see that in the before and after, however if that flashbang goes off at medium to longer ranges within its radius where it can hit you that effect is going to last a little bit longer now than it did before the update so in general it's not going to be able to hit you nearly as hard post patch but it is going to hit a little more consistently so you don't have to get it right next to their feet in order to get a pretty solid effect out of that flashbang, again overall though I do consider this to be a net Nerf to the flashbang after that one the frag grenad saw some noticeable Nerfs the first thing they did is they decreased the inner explosive damage from 250 down to 225.

Frag grenade nerfs

So still a one-hit kill if the enem is not using EOD, but it is dealing slightly less damage there, and then on top of this, they decrease the intermediate explosive damage, so if you're at mid-range to that frag grenade when it goes off, they decrease this from 150. Down to 130. And that's very important since we have 150 health in that intermediate range pre-patch; without EOD, you were going to die, whereas post-patch, you'll survive.

Thermite buffs

Thermite buffs

As long as you were in full health when it went off, then after that, we saw some buffs to the thermite.

Thermobaric grenade buffs

The fire damage itself wasn't adjusted, so it still kills in seven ticks, and this means that now, post-patch, we're killing in just 1.4 seconds with that fire damage, whereas pre-patch this was 1.75.

Drill charge buff

Drill charge buff

Seconds so definitely some nice Buffs here I may actually consider using this from time to time at least, next up the drill charge saw a bit of a buff and what they did here is they decrease the surface burrowing time from 1.25, seconds down to 75 seconds therefore it can get through that wall a little bit faster there's less time for the enemy to see that indicator and react and get out of the way which was the primary issue I found with the drill charge in Modern Warfare 3 is I always just found I had way too much time to get outside of the radius and that made it kind of useless, now it's going to be just a little bit better than pre patch after that we've got the C4 and the first thing they mention in the patch notes is detonation can no longer occur until stuck to a surface for 500 milliseconds.

C4 adjustments

modern warfare 3

However, in my testing here, when I throw it and I'm spamming the button to detonate it, it still detonates essentially the moment it hits this wall. It detonates essentially on the same frame as pre-patch with the same throw, and it definitely wasn't attached to that wall for 500 milliseconds before it went off, so I'm not too sure if this part actually went through or not, but as far as I can tell, at least there's no noticeable change here.

modern warfare iii

However, there was a slightly noticeable buff to the C4, and this is your throw velocity. As you can see here, I stood at the exact same point and aimed at the exact same point, and post-patch, you can see that the C4 travels slightly farther than prepatch. Now obviously here I wasn't throwing this at the optimal angle I just chose this angle because it was easy to replicate perfectly but just know you should be able to throw C4s a little bit farther now post patch, and this just leaves us with one last equipment change that they made here and this was to the breacher Drone the first thing they mentioned here is a increased drone Health from 1 to 55 , so now with many of the guns it's going to take you two or three bullets to take out a breacher drone instead of just one and also if it happens to fly by the radius of like a stun grenade for instance that stun grenade will not destroy the breacher Drone post patch but on top of this in the patch notes they mentioned they increase the Drone velocity by 25%.

Breacher drone buffs

Breacher drone buffs

So it should be flying faster. However, with this part, based on my testing, this didn't appear to change. You should definitely see a noticeable difference with that 25% adjustment to velocity. So I don't believe this part actually went through with the breacher drone; in either case, that will wrap it up for all the equipment changes with season 3.

Killstreak fixes & swarm buff

Finally, I just wanted to briefly touch on some killstreak adjustments and bug fixes. The first is with the SAE, where they address an issue preventing explosives from damaging players in specific locations. However, they didn't mention what these specific locations were. With the wheelson, players will no longer become stuck firing their weapon if killed while controlling the wheelson.

Wrap up

Wrap up

I'll talk to you guys

Also read:
Season 3 of Modern Warfare III is here and it came with a bunch of changes to many of the Perks and Equipment as well as fixes and adjustments to many more things. In today's video, I wanted to share exactly what changes with this update aside from weapon balancing which will be covered tomorrow.
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