News - How To Unlock The Rarest Camos Warzone 2


We all know of the Mastery camo grinds, but one thing I even forget about myself sometimes is that there's camo that you can unlock in ranked every season. If you didn't know, odds are you probably forgot about it the same as I do every season in multiplayer and War Zone ranked. There are two camos that you can unlock.

The challenge for multiplayer is getting 100 ranked wins, and the challenge in War Zone is getting 5,000 kills or assists. Depending on what the seasonal rewards are for your specific rank, there can sometimes be an extra camo to earn last season in War Zone if you achieved a rank of gold platinum diamond Crimson Iridescent or top 250.

You got a unique camo that you can universally apply to any weapon, and that goes for any ranked camo in the season before season 2 multiplayer ranked had another cam reward for the same ranks gold through the top 250. The seasonal camos ask you to do a lot, especially if you're going to unlock both of them every season: 100 wins and 1, 000 kills and assists.

iridescent camo

That's a lot to do. Most people don't play ranked in the first place, and unless you take it super seriously and try to hit the top ranks every season, you probably just play it with your friends as a pastime. I quite enjoy playing ranked myself, so while I am a completionist and was going to unlock these camos anyway because I want to unlock every camo in the game.

I actually enjoy the ranked play experience, even though I solo CU 95%. Most of the time, I still find a lot of enjoyment in this mode. The camos that I always find worth it are the rank-specific season rewards. I love to show off that I hit some of the higher ranks in the game in Modern Warfare 2 in season 5.

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I solo-cued Iridescent in both multiplayer and War Zone in that season. Both game modes had a camo as that rank-specific reward. I don't use them very often, but I love having them in my library of camos. In season 2 of Modern Warfare 3. I only got to Diamond 3 in multiplayer, so I have the diamond-ranked camo, which is not the greatest Flex I ever had, but last season I got the iridescent camo in War Zone, and hopefully we'll get some more camo rewards in future seasons.

iridescent rewards

In this season, the rank-specific rewards aren't that great, but we have a charm in multiplayer and a weapon blueprint in War Zone, and that's on top of all of the calling cards and emblems that you'll get every season as well. The rarest camo to unlock in Call of Duty is also rewarded in rank play, and that's the top 250 camo.

I think it's pretty self-explanatory. The top 250 players at the end of every season are given these rewards now, unfortunately. To actually even attempt to enter the top 250, you have to be an extremely good player and be able to hit iridescent in the first place, which the majority of players don't, and that's completely fine, and that's a huge aspect of why a lot of people don't like ranked grinding for camos.

To actually get some of the better ones, you have to be extremely good at the game and have a little bit of a time commitment. If you're in the top 250, you're either playing like it's your 9-to-5 job every day just to stay in the top 250 to get those rewards at the end of the season, or, on the worst side of the scale, you're either an actual cheater and cheating in the game, or you're purposely playing with other cheaters.

iridescent warzone

From my experience ranked both in multiplayer and war zone, I have run into so many cheaters at the high ranks. Anytime you hit Crimson or High Diamond, you'll start experiencing more and more cheaters every time, and you can't really do anything. You can't back out of the map because you lost Sr.

The only thing you can realistically do is report them and hope that the anti-che actually works at some point and they get banned. The solo queue experience also isn't the most friendly if you're in multiplayer. While solo queuing, you'll be playing with randoms every single game, and sometimes the enemy team is a full four-stack squad, which is just going to beat you.

mw2 iridescent

The majority of the time now, it does sound like I'm complaining a little bit about the rank system, but honestly, those are the only issues I've ever had. I still love solo queuing into ranked and having some fun getting some wins, gaining Sr, and unlocking these camo rewards. A few of my IRL friends have even started playing ranked, and I only hit Diamond 2 last season in multiplayer, so with me being down in ranked.

I can play with them now because they're all from gold; they're all over the place in the low ranks. honestly, which is completely fine, and the games that we play together are some of the best rank experience I have now that I don't have the greatest squad. When I hit the high ranks, I usually just solo-queue the entire time.

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Very rarely. I'll hop on Cass's stream a few times a season and I'll group up with him and his boys, and we'll get a couple wins, and I mean more than a couple, like we'll get 20 wins in a single stream, which gets a lot of that camo progression done, and I get a decent amount of Sr to rank up, and honestly, when it comes to my rank in Modern Warfare 2.

mw2 ranked play

I really cared about it; I wanted to hit Crimson. minimum every season, which I did, but when season 5 came around and we had those rank-specific iridescent Crimson whatever camos, I actually hit iridescent. I got a little bit burned out after that grind, but now I don't regret doing that grind because I love those camos, and if I want to.

I can show off that I hit Iridescent in season 5 on both modes, and the same thing happened last season with War Zone and basically every other ranked reward I've ever gotten, but at least for now, the only seasons that I'm going to start taking seriously, quote unquote. Where I'm going to be trying to hit those higher ranks are going to be the seasons where those ranked-specific rewards are camos.

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In the meantime. I'm having a lot of fun playing with my IRL friends, and I don't mind being in the lower ranks because 100 wins is 100 wins, regardless of how you get them if you're in bronze or iridescent. 100 wins is still going to get you that seasonal-ranked camo every season. I do want to put together at least a decent group of people that I play with more often.

mw2 ranked rewards

There's going to be some looking for group channels for ranked war zones and a few other modes within Call of Duty, so if you're ever just trying to find a group to play with rank up and unlock some camo, those will be there for you guys from a more casual perspective of the game. The camel grinds and ranked aren't for everyone; the majority of players don't play ranked to begin with, and the people that do play ranked most likely aren't playing for those seasonal challenges; they're just there to get their high rank or just play with their squad the only time.

This camo grind is something you forgot about it didn't even know existed. If you are a camo collector you are going to want to get your hands on these, sometimes they are your average camo but in the rare case they are worth the grind. Enjoy.
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