News - How To Unlock The Dark Aether Rift Warzone 2 Zombies #warzone 2zombies #callofduty #warzone 2season1

mw3 dark aether guide

That's how you do the next step, so for the next one, you're going to need dead wire, and you're going to be looking for one of these Harvester orbs. When you shoot it with dead wire equipped it will turn yellow again my footage I've already completed this by the time I recorded it for you guys so it does not turn yellow for me so your first shot with dead wire on the Harvester orb is going to turn it yellow all you want to do after that is simply run around and shoot the Harvester orb and destroy it that is what we're looking for is to try and destroy the Harvester orb you got to have dead wire on it to turn it yellow, so on your run if you're going in to get these make sure you bring in brain rot make sure you bring in dead wire so you can do these two nice and quick you're going to want to fire around and shoot the orb until it's done, and once it's destroyed in its loot.

You will see your CTV, camera again it's not here in my footage because I've already finished it if you have completed this you cannot go get the parts again so your CCTV camera would be in here inside of the loop all right so the last one is going to be the dog collar in order to do that you need to find yourself s a dog house you need to have a maltt and one piece of meat you put the maltt and the meat inside the dogghouse, back away and a dog is going to spawn kill the dog and in the dog's Loot on the ground you will find your dog color again it's not here in my footage because once you've completed it you are unable to do it a second time all right so now that we have our three items the pill bottle the dog collar and the CTV camera we need to upgrade them to legendary, in order to do that you have to find one of these dark ether portals in the map jump through it and immediately activate your parachute.

mw3 dark aether rift

Once you've done that, you're going to look around and try to find one of the other colored portals for you to go through, so you want to find one. I found it here. Now, when you go through these portals, they are going to spawn in a contract, so you can see here on screen that there's a contract out of the portal.

You can see what kind it is; it's a bounty contract. So all you simply want to do is, now that you've gone through the portal, and it spawned in your contract. Your items you want to go and grab your contract that's all you need to do so I'm going to run around here we're going to grab our contract and you'll also notice it looks a little different than the other contracts it's got some color around it so there's the yellow one so we're going to go ahead and grab that this will also spawn in your Bounty, along with two other ones that are not part of your Bounty so you'll get three Elites, sometimes four.

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When doing this, all you're going to do is head over to your elite, and you're going to want to kill it. As you can see here, the elite that I need to kill is a mimic, but you can also see that there are two other mimics that spawn when you do these contracts. So as I can show you on screen. I have killed the Bounty, which was the mimic that spawned in from the red portal, and when we open it up, we're going to see our epic, pill bottle, or legendary pill bottle in there, so this is it.

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You know process you want to repeat on all three of the items find yourself a dark ether Rift, jump through the portal look around with your parachute in the sky for a colored Rift and then fly through that be aware you're going to get three contracts doing this three different items one will be in tier one will be in tier two and one's going to be in tier three from what I can tell the red Rift is what takes you to tier three they're color coordinated to the Threat Level areas on the map so this one here you can see spawns in and it is a tier three contract, so you got to go ahead and complete that in order to get the legendary upgrade for the part so we picked up the contract I started it spawned in.

A mangler for me, which brought in a bunch of other manglers in Tier 3. I got really lucky on this run solo that it spawned in with a bunch of other teammate teams that were doing another contract, and they basically killed my mangler for me, so there's my epic dog callar, and I'm just going to take that and scadoodle out of the way.

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Now you want to rinse and repeat that for all three parts, so for the CCV camera, which I don't have on screen, just go through another portal, kill the boss, and you'll get the CTV camera now that you have all four items. And at legendary, you want to come to the island here in Tier 3 that has a symbol on it.

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It's easy to spot on the map, so you guys will know, and you'll see these pedestals here on the island. Now these correspond to certain items in your backpack, so each of the items that we have picked up and upgraded goes into a certain area, so the pill bottles go on the brain rot symbol, the dog collar is the fire symbol, the diary is going to be the cryofreeze symbol, and your camera is going to be the electric symbol.

So what you do is you're going to go ahead and place all of these down on each of their corresponding pedestals, and then you want to get ready to fight a mega-abomination. Now the mega Abomination is going to spawn as soon as you place down your fourth item on the pedestal, so if you want to get prepared for your mega Abomination before you place your last item.

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I would suggest dropping down your Sentry turrets, score streaks, or maybe calling in your juggernaut. If that's what you're going to use to try and fight the mega-abomination, that would be the greatest tip. As you can see on screen here, I had two sentry guns. And my teammate had the cluster mes so we dropped the cluster mines basically where we should tried to guess where the portal would show up and then I went ahead and set up Sentry turrets on either side of the portal to hopefully, put in some fire towards the mean Abomination when he spawn him in, so all you want to do is just get set up get ready it's tier three it's on a little tiny island with an Abomination so keep moving use your you know tacticals to help out but here we go we put the last one on, and you can see what happens it spawns in the huge portal bunch of cool effects bunch of cool awesome sound spawn in looks really cool I think this is just visually awesome one of the coolest things to see I mean that portal is absolutely.

Massive, and that looks so cool, so now you can see your dark Ether Portal is there and available to use. The side facing us is going to be for your sigils, and then the back side is going to be for your elder sigils that'll take you into the hardcore dark ether. So this portal is what is going to be permanently unlocked by doing this, and you just need to get sigils and elder sigils from tier three contracts.

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In order to be able to go into the dark ether and look for the schematics and such that are in there, hopefully this guide helps you guys out. I know it took a while to get it out for myself, and my apologies for that, but this is how you go ahead and open up the dark ether portal permanently.

Grab a jug and don't go down. In this video I show you how to unlock the dark aether rift once and for all inside your modern warfare III Zombies game. Let me know what level you currently are in the comments.
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